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Sir Mortimer

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Everything posted by Sir Mortimer

  1. Can't really do that, it would be too messy. Anyway, noone would ever bring lead plating to space to begin with, because lead makes matters worse when bombarded with charged particles
  2. We're exchanging lead with a lighter alloy composite material for the next release. It will have approx. 1/3rd the mass while having the same shielding effect - but will cost 3 times more. Try a polar orbit? Well... I've got bad news for you: It's not Kerbalism that makes it unrealistically hard do do extended crewed missions. That's just how it is.
  3. The experiment will continue, and eventually it will finish. Even if the readout on the part indicates that it starts new at 0% that is not actually the case. The UI always indicates how much of the entire duration is left, but it will finish once all the data has been sent to KSC.
  4. This sounds like a bug that is supposed to be fixed in the current release. Which version of Kerbalism are you using? And does the current dev version have the same issues?
  5. Maybe this helps: https://github.com/Kerbalism/Kerbalism/wiki/PlayGuide-~-Science-Tutorial Read down to the tips section
  6. Can't find any info on that, is this aiming at calculation radiation + shielding effects based on ship design and part arrangements? I don't know the history of what happened with NFE in Kerbalism as I didn't even use mods until about a year ago, and many of the contributors/authors who worked on Kerbalism before that are not around any more. Kerbalism is an odd mod in that regard, being that there isn't one single person working on it from start to finish, and those who do seem to change quite a lot. So whatever ball there is that is gathering dust in our court, I'd like to see it kicked. That said, there are reasons why Kerbalism removes mod specific features if they cannot be replicated by it's own resource processing system. A big part of the mod deals with background simulation and a lot of effort is being made to make that background simulation consistent at high time warp speeds and with loaded vessels. If stuff cannot be done in background simulation, Kerbalism also removes it from loaded vessels - which, for instance, is why there is no thermal stuff being done. That's just not available on unloaded vessels, but maybe we can do something about that. There's some more in depth explanation on the wiki.
  7. We've been entertaining the same idea, and collected some general information about how Earth/Sun observing missions are done (https://github.com/Kerbalism/Kerbalism/wiki/Dev-~-Satellite-Contracts) and even have a mod in it's infancy that, one day, should make it all happen (https://github.com/Kerbalism/KerbalismContracts). Short term goal: missions that build on top of the Kerbalism radiation model, so that you'll have to "research" (= go and take radiation level measurements in different areas around a body) before the radiation belts become visible in map view. The next version of Kerbalism will have the features needed for that. Long term goal: integration with the Kerbalism science system which, in essence, means that you'll have to provide resources (EC, coolant, ...) that are needed to run an experiment, and you need to worry about means of communication so you can send the results back. Making this thing agnostic to Kerbalism and/or Principia would probably be possible - and we really could need some help with parts. Would you be interested in a cooperation?
  8. problem is, the database of messages looks like this: #autoLOC_501327 = The surface is very brown and lumpy. You poke at it with your glove and notice how hard it is. #autoLOC_501328 = Everywhere you look it appears the planet is sharp. You don't think you want to sit down or fall on anything. #autoLOC_501329 = You lay down and give the planet a hug, just so it knows it's not alone out here. #autoLOC_501330 = You Observe the Goo. #autoLOC_501331 = The Goo doesn't seem to be doing much right now. Unless you have a way to map "goo observation done in low space above mun" to "autoLOC_501331" *without hard coding it* this will be a lot of manual work, and thusly won't be done.
  9. No, getting the stock messages with Kerbalisms science isn't possible.
  10. I'm very much looking forward to what they'll find out about the people they found on the moon
  11. The general issue with reactors (and other mods that straddle into resource generation terretory) is that it is basically an under-estimated and often overlooked problem of generating resources in KSP, especially in combination with time warp and background simulation. Near Future specifically is mentioned here https://github.com/Kerbalism/Kerbalism/issues/461 but the problem is bigger and older than that - see this very old issue on the original Kerbalism github project: https://github.com/ShotgunNinja/Kerbalism/issues/85 As a rule of thumb: if a part generates resources, Kerbalism needs to work on supporting it.
  12. Sorry, it's a bit hard to keep up with github, discord and the forum at the same time. Generally speaking, issues and bug reports that are not on github are easily overlooked, forgotten and/or lost. There is some "documentation" about how science is configured in the wiki (it recently moved, here https://github.com/Kerbalism/Kerbalism/wiki/TechGuide-~-Supporting-Science-Mods), that text is based on an earlier post here in the forum. I don't know if you've seen that.
  13. There is, but it's not tested, so no promises: * Delete the GameData/KerbalismConfig/System/ScienceRework folder * Rename OldScience.cfg.disabled to OldScience.cfg Regarding duration of temperature readings etc: you're not looking at the temperature at one moment. To get any value out of a temperature reading, you need to look at it for a while, see how it develops, does it increase, decrease, when does it increase, when does it stay the same, ideally you would be doing that for days and weeks, record the results, draw charts, feed it into a hypothesis that helps you understand why the temperature is what it is at this moment. So, yes, you're right. Using a few minutes for a temperature reading is unrealistic. It should take weeks. It's an issue with the UI. It will say it starts at 0% because it doesn't look at how much of the experiment was done and sent back to KSC last time you were there. Over time, you'll be getting all the science.
  14. Great find, thank you! I'll add it for the next release. Yes, actually that's currently worked on. Right now, hard drives are added to probe cores and pods explicitely by individual parts, which is why only supported mods get them. There's a other system being cooked up, which will add storage globally to all cores and pods.
  15. There's a bug in the duration calculation. It doesn't take into account the amount already transmitted for any given experiment. Nope, sorry.
  16. It's just the UI indication that starts from 0%, the progress isn't deleted. Magnetometer scans take a while. There is a fix related to Strategia to stop it from spamming 0.0 science gained texts all the time. But I don't know if that fixes the to boldly go strategy.
  17. Thanks. I managed to put some time into Kopernicus support, and I think we now have something very viable. The Kopernicus branch was merged with the sstu-and-solar branch, so if you want to try it out please use the binaries from that. It seems to be working for me, even with a multi-star system. zzzKebalims isn't a mod, it's a MM hook that tells ModuleManager to execute the patches for Kerbalism after all the other Kerbalism patches have been applied. You're not supposed to have that in your GameData. I'm afraid I can't help you with FASA and Mercury capsules and EC consumption. Smells like a configuration error, maybe head over to the Realism Overhaul discord server or forum thread.
  18. Yes, it would. It's an itch that's bugging me personally, too, so chances are high that there will be something to help you out with that. Personally I'd like to see 2 things: 1. if a probe did generate any science lately (or if it should be deorbitet before it is too late to do so) 2. how much of the science in the current situation is left to be done Thanks for the radiation thing, btw Your magnetic fields are easily fixed by a little (or entirely unknown) field that can be set in the radiation body: RadiationBody { name = Styx radiation_model = metallic radiation_pause = -0.001 reference = 12 // index of the reference body, default = 0 } You need to set reference, which is the FlightGlobals index for the body to which the radiation field is oriented. It defaults to 0, which makes sense for most solar systems because that's where the sun is. Let me know if it works, also let me know if you've had any success with the Kopernicus branch.
  19. Currently the only way to check that is in R&D.
  20. 1. The heliopause doesn't technically need to encompass it's SOI, but I'd suggest doing so because outside of that heliopause, you have a relatively strong background radiation. Radiation levels in the heliopause are effectively less than outside. While you're orbiting that star, I suppose you would expect to be within it's heliopause (which is huuuuge). 2. Currently, Kerbalism expects the sun at body index 0 and will calculate the light flow from that body. In beyond home, I think, there is no sun at index 0 - and that's why Kerbalism doesn't see any solar flux. This will also affect your solar panels in background simulations. 3. For a Pular, I'd personally do something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQPQKub2yk4 (Note that this doesn't work yet in the released version of Kerbalism. If you grab the binaries from the github repository, you'll be able to set geomagnetic_pole_lat and geomagnetic_pole_lon (to tilt the field away from the rotation axis) and geomagnetic_offset (to offset the belts from the center of the body). 4. Radiation levels for anywhere but earth are notoriously hard to come by. EDIT: I looked at a very preliminary possibility to support Kopernicus and multi-star systems. If you're up to it, use the binaries from this branch and let me know if they work https://github.com/Kerbalism/Kerbalism/tree/kopernicus
  21. Kerbalism science already has these support configs. The files are in GameData/KerbalismConfig/System/ScienceRework/ModSupport. CommunityTechTre, ProbesBeforeCrew, SSPX, SoundingRockets, UniversalStorage2, DMagicOrbitalScience, NearFutureTech, RestockPlus, SampleReturnCapsule, StationScience If you would like to integrate another mod into kerbalism, I suggest you copy StationScience to a new file and start working on that. Please try to follow the configuration principle outlined in those files. Near the top of the file, define the desired behaviour of the individual experiments like this: @KERBALISM_EXPERIMENT_VALUES:NEEDS[YourMod,FeatureScience] { YourMod { yourExperiment { ECCost = 3 // ec per second size = 0.5 // size in Mb value = 40 // science value duration = 3888000 // duration in seconds, this is 180 days requirements = Body:Kerbin,Microgravity // additional requirements, see docs } yourReturnSample { ECCost = 3 // ec per second size = 0.5 // size in slots value = 40 // science value duration = 3888000 // duration in seconds, this is 180 days requirements = Body:Kerbin,Microgravity // additional requirements, see docs SampleMass = 4 // mass in Kg } } } The KERBALISM_EXPERIMENT_VALUES is only there to do exactly this: hold values that define science value, ec costs etc. for the individual experiments. They are not used by the Kerbalism mod at runtime, it's just helping with configuration to keep everything nicely in one place. If you don't do this you'll end up pulling your hair because it gets too confusing. Been there, done that. Also, this makes it very easy to tweak any number (science points, duration, EC usage etc.) at a later time without having to look through the entire file. In the next step, those values need to be applied in two different places, with two slightly different semantics (which is what can make this so confusing): first, it needs to be applied to the EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION (that's what defines the experiment itself to KSP), and it needs to be applied to the parts the experiments run on. Kerbalism replaces the stock ModuleScienceExperiment part modules with its own. // ============================================================================ // Replace existing experiments with our own // ============================================================================ @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE:HAS[#experimentID[yourExperimentID]]]:NEEDS[YourMod,FeatureScience] { !MODULE:HAS[#experimentID[yourExperimentID]] {} MODULE { name = Experiment experiment_id = yourExperimentID ec_rate = #$@KERBALISM_EXPERIMENT_VALUES/yourMod/yourExperiment/ECCost$ requires = #$@KERBALISM_EXPERIMENT_VALUES/yourMod/yourExperiment/requirements$ data_rate = #$@KERBALISM_EXPERIMENT_VALUES/yourMod/yourExperiment/size$ @data_rate /= #$@KERBALISM_EXPERIMENT_VALUES/yourMod/yourExperiment/duration$ } } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE:HAS[#experimentID[yourReturnSampleID]]]:NEEDS[YourMod,FeatureScience] { !MODULE:HAS[#experimentID[yourReturnSampleID]] {} MODULE { name = Experiment experiment_id = yourReturnSampleID ec_rate = #$@KERBALISM_EXPERIMENT_VALUES/yourMod/yourReturnSample/ECCost$ requires = #$@KERBALISM_EXPERIMENT_VALUES/yourMod/yourReturnSample/requirements$ data_rate = #$@KERBALISM_EXPERIMENT_VALUES/yourMod/yourReturnSample/size$ @data_rate /= #$@KERBALISM_EXPERIMENT_VALUES/yourMod/yourReturnSample/duration$ sample_mass = #$@KERBALISM_EXPERIMENT_VALUES/yourMod/yourReturnSample/SampleMass$ sample_reservoir = #$sample_mass$ } } @EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION:HAS[#id[yourExperimentID]]:NEEDS[YourMod,FeatureScience] { @baseValue = #$@KERBALISM_EXPERIMENT_VALUES/yourMod/yourExperiment/value$ @dataScale = #$@KERBALISM_EXPERIMENT_VALUES/yourMod/yourExperiment/size$ @dataScale /= #$baseValue$ } @EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION:HAS[#id[yourReturnSample]]:NEEDS[YourMod,FeatureScience] { @baseValue = #$@KERBALISM_EXPERIMENT_VALUES/yourMod/yourExperiment/value$ @dataScale = #$@KERBALISM_EXPERIMENT_VALUES/yourMod/yourExperiment/size$ @dataScale /= #$baseValue$ } That should get you going real soon. Once you're done with the mod, please open a pull request on Kerbalisms GitHub page.
  22. OK, that's it, I'm changing the defaults for all notifications (except supplies, those would be deadly) to off now. Until then, see Map view, press B to get that window where you can turn on the radiation field display.
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