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Sir Mortimer

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Everything posted by Sir Mortimer

  1. Quickly glanced over the mods contents, seems like it is mostly parts and doesn't look to me like there would be anything that would be a compatibility problem for Kerbalism. Maybe a missing support config for the fuel cell, but other than that it seems to be OK. Let me know if there are any issues.
  2. Might be that CKAN detects a mod conflict and only shows you a version that it thinks is OK. No, this is done automatically via ModuleManager configurations that come with Kerbalism. Generally about mod compatibility, the best approach to go about this would be to try it out if it works. If it doesn't work and you think it should, let us know. Some mods evolve over time and get additional features that need a small change to be supported. Most of those changes are simple configuration files, sometimes the plugin itself needs to be adapted. There are only relatively few mods that won't work with Kerbalism, and plain part mods (add or change parts, like restock) are generally not a problem.
  3. Are you sure you're using the latest version of the ScienceOnly configuration? I think that has been fixed for quite a while.
  4. Yes, I think it would - but I haven't tested it to confirm.
  5. I think this might be a restock thing. Try putting this file anywhere in your GameData folder
  6. The goo is supposed to have enough storage space to run all the experiments it can, without having to offload results to other storages first. So if you can do 3 goos with one canister (that's what the upgrade allows you to do), you also should get 3 sample slots in that canister. This allows you to go to a moon and get space high + space low + surface with just one part. It's a "feature" of Kerbalism. Actually it comes from a limitation, we cannot do heat simulations for unloaded vessels (think a drill mining ore in the background), so we don't do it at all. Not yet, and this is one of my personal gripes with the greenhouse. I'd like to add some kind of mechanic that automates harvests when there is an engineer or a scientist on board, but that's just an idea for now.
  7. That's intentional, and was an oversight before. The mystery goo container contains just enough storage space to be able to run one experiment, it never was supposed to be tweakable and isn't supposed to be used by anything else. You can move whatever science results are stored in a goo container to other storages, tho (click on "transfer data here" on a command pod, for instance). The youtube science tutorial covers that and some more.
  8. Yes, but still this would make perfect sense. If there is a game-wide provider of solar activity, it would be good if Kerbalism used that one instead of relying on its own, because then the overall game behaviour would be more coherent.
  9. You would also need someone to pick up this mod, solar cycle simulator. Just from speed reading the code I see several issues that need to be adressed: The API needs to be extended for Kopernicus support and it would have to simulate different cycles for different suns, and there are a couple of performance optimizations to be made, especially when considering API usage via reflection. Also, I might be mistaken, but this looks to be writing current state to GameData/WhitecatIndustries/SolarCycleSimulator/Plugins/PluginData/Data.cfg instead of the saved game state, which is a big no no for obvious reasons. That said, what this mod does is it calculates min/max values for a number of parameters and multiplies those values by a cosine that covers one full cycle. This isn't much different from what Kerbalism does. The only benefit I see in this is that you would see changes in things that are affected by solar activity that are consistent across different mods, i.e. the orbit will decay faster while you see more solar flares in kerbalism.
  10. As an option, yes - but not as a dependency. Ideally it would just replace Kerbalisms bare bone solar activity simulation. However, it would need support for multiple suns (Kopernicus) - well as a current release (not sure how much this is required after the .net and unity update in KSP 1.8) As far as I can tell, FetchCurrentAp could affect the size+strength of the magnetosphere, FetchCurrentIrradiance would affect solar panels (not sure if the effect would be big enough to make a difference in game play) and FetchCurrentSunSpots would affect the probability of solar flares.
  11. Kerbalism 3.3 Science experiments in sandbox mode Fixed loading crashes, better handling of fatal errors (will display a message if something is bad) Some UI tweaks (compacted module infos, more tooltips in automation, habitat volume in part info and others) Kerbalism knows chinese! Tinygrox took on the herculanean task of localizing all of Kerbalism, including parts of the user interface that previously were not localized. English and chinese localizations are complete, all others (german, spanish, russian, portugese) can be extended at any time. Contributions welcome! Bugfixes: Harvester automation (asazernik), drill parts with restock installed (eberkain), and antenna automation Updated support for: Beyond Home (radiation models), BDB (science configuration), RealAntennas, ROSolar, stock antenna configurations, Near Future Exploration (reflectors), US2 (rtg), SSPX (rotating gravity ring counterweights), ReStockPlus (the new nuclear engine now emits radiation) API updates and exensions (in preparation for RPM compatibility, and part modules that need to produce/consume vessel resources) Improved data transmitter module info, now includes effective data rates and EC consumption New formula to calculate the shadow period for elliptical orbits. And there is a new (experimental because potentially CPU hungry) method of estimating sun exposure during very fast time warping. Needs to be turned on in settings. The stock M700 survey scanner is now integrated in the science system: on data retrieval, unlocks the resource map for this body
  12. If they are retractable, just retract them. But you cannot disable antennas that aren't.
  13. The latest dev build is not the latest release, it is newer. You can get it from here. That feature is so new that it hasn't seen its first weekend
  14. It's already in the latest dev build. Yes, it will. Details see here.
  15. When you're done, could we get that file to include it in the Kerbalism release?
  16. The Experiment part module needs to set an anim_deploy for the animation. Use whatever is used in DMModuleScienceAnimateGeneric/animationName. The boom should extend when you add this: anim_deploy = deploy Breaking grounds surface experiments will take a while to finish, and it might be that the science value isn't received gradually but will be received at once when it is finished - not sure. I thought I saw something to this effect in a recent test, but didn't bother to look closer and pay some attention. In the end, I got the points - but don't know after how long. There might exist a few quirks there, not ruse. Next version will have full support BDB experiments
  17. Yes. It's a bit silly, but that's how it is implemented. Yes, see this guide.
  18. This is a WOMM certified* guide: Install the default KerbalismConfig In KerbalismConfig/Parts, delete everything but ActiveShield, GeigerCounter and ShortAntenna Change your KerbalismConfig/Settings.cfg to what is posted below Change your KerbalismConfig/Profiles/None.cfg to what is posted below Settings.cfg: Kerbalism { // profile used Profile = none // valid values are: 'default', 'none' or custom profiles (see Profiles folder) // user-defined features Reliability = false // component malfunctions and critical failures Deploy = false // add EC cost to keep module working, add EC cost to Extend\Retract (Deploy.cfg has the modules supported list) Science = true // science data storage, transmission and analysis SpaceWeather = true // coronal mass ejections Automation = true // control vessel components using scripts // science settings ScienceDialog = true // keep showing the stock science dialog // comms DataRateDampingExponent = 6 // stock commnet: exponent by which antenna bandwidth decreases with distance. higher value = lower bandwidth. // systems that have been scaled up or down should change this value accordingly DataRateDampingExponentRT = 6 // same as above, but for RemoteTech TransmitterActiveEcFactor = 1.5 // factor to the nominal ec consumption rate while antenna is active (transmitting) TransmitterPassiveEcFactor = 0.2 // factor to the nominal ec consumption rate while antenna is inactive (idle/receiving) DataRateMinimumBitsPerSecond = 1.0 // as long as there is a control connection, the science data rate will never go below this. // misc EnforceCoherency = true // detect and avoid issues at high timewarp in external modules TrackingPivot = true // simulate tracking solar panel around the pivot HeadLampsCost = 0.002 // EC/s cost if eva headlamps are on LowQualityRendering = false // use less particles to render the magnetic fields UIScale = 1.0 // scale UI elements by this factor, relative to KSP scaling settings, useful for high DPI screens UIPanelWidthScale = 1.0 // scale UI Panel Width by this factor, relative to KSP scaling settings, useful for high DPI screens ExternRadiation = 0.04 // cosmic background radiation in rad/h. note: this will be affected by magnetospheres of kerbin and sun StormRadiation = 5.0 // default storm radiation in rad/h, will be affected by solar cycle. can be changed in game preferences //RadiationInSievert = true // use Sievert (Sv) iso. rad as radiation unit // installation sanity check settings CheckForCRP = false // uncomment the following line to disable the warning about RemoteTech and/or ResearchBodies ModsWarning = none } Profiles/None.cfg: Profile { name = none Supply { resource = ElectricCharge on_eva = 33.0 on_rescue = 100.0 low_threshold = 0.15 low_message = $VESSEL batteries are almost empty@<i>We are squeezing the last bit of juice</i> empty_message = $VESSEL has no electricity@<i>All experiments stopped</i> } // Kerbalism enables radiation when there is a rule that uses the radiation modifier. // Same for shielding. This means that your Kerbals will suffer from radiation poisoning and possibly die. // This is the copy from the default profile, if you want to null the effects that radiation // has on your crew, set degeneration to a very small value. Rule { name = radiation degeneration = 1.0 // just use the modifier variance = 0.1 // add per-kerbal variance individuality = 0.15 lifetime = true // this is a life time value modifier = radiation,shielding warning_threshold = 25.0 danger_threshold = 37.5 fatal_threshold = 50.0 warning_message = #KERBALISM_radiation_warning danger_message = #KERBALISM_radiation_danger fatal_message = #KERBALISM_radiation_fatal relax_message = #KERBALISM_radiation_relax } } * Works On My Machine. EDIT: you might want to install CommunityResourcePack if you want shielding on your vessels. (CRP is not a requirement for the science only config)
  19. This thread reminded me of something that I have been planning to do for a while - a tutorial / explanation of the Kerbalism science. Here it is.
  20. Confirmed, and fixed. See https://github.com/Kerbalism/Kerbalism/issues/578 (fix will be in the next dev version) ScienceOnly disables everything except the science, so no radiation belts. I suggest you start from the default configuration and turn off everything you do not need. Look into Settings.cfg, it should be fairly self explaining!
  21. Thanks - but I didn't make it. Kerbalism is a community project with many contributors who came and left over time. I'm just one of the current contributors and one of the maintainers for the time being. That's a shame, because without that log there isn't much we can do to analyze the problem, and the save game is likely not of any help if we don't have the same mods installed. Maybe try from a new and vanilla KSP installation, install Kerbalism first, see if KSP still works? Me too
  22. I've just uploaded an updated ScienceOnly configuration that includes the Geiger counter fix @Gotmachine added to core Kerbalism. It should work now, please let me know if it doesn't. Sounds like a broken installation. I can tell more when you provide a KSP.log
  23. The science config gets rid of everything but the science aspects, and thus most of these incompatibilities (except for the obvious incompatibility with existing science mods that is introduced by the changes to the science system). Indeed, Kerbalism covers about half of what’s in the proposal. Also it adds a duration to experiments, you don’t get the result immediately but have to keep an experiment running for a set duration while remaining in the current situation/biome, and they need resources during that time (EC, mostly). The gameplay impact of this alone is immense, it changes mission planning and execution. Most people love it. What it doesn’t do is alter how science points or the R&D buildings work.
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