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  1. Thank you so much for helping! I finally got it running!
  2. I have an i7-6700 with 16 gigs of memory so it's probably my cluttered GameData Folder, thanks for all the help!
  3. So I tried again with that version, creating a new save file, and here is the log. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1F8NTfofx4TfYdt-tWJ7c1WIsMm84y2kY .
  4. I tried it with that one aswell, didn't work. Link to the log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WVbnEpA-n820fduKKsAejAc8km3h_wbz/view?usp=sharing Loading a new file didn't work aswell
  5. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a-jWE66soNog35ZgNx4-0c3P3MnU6ZWd/view?usp=sharing
  6., I tried with aswell, also could you help me locating my log file? Thanks
  7. Ok so I am having Issues with the mod for KSP 1.3.1, I have KK installed, the old KerbinSide uninstalled (GameData folder below) and it still doesn't work. I tried creating new save files, wiping module manager and such. I have the standard KSC exclusively. When I tried launching it another time, I could select all the bases and such but I was spawned at Sea Level without any KerbinSide Remastered Assets. I asked multiple people, all of them clueless. I really want to enjoy this mod, but I can't.
  8. I usually call them funds when talking about them, but I think Kash would be better.
  9. 1. Don't strand your plane on purpose again. 2. Rescue every stranded plane's crew 3. Check staging 4. Don't build excessively large planes Sounds simpler to hold than it is.
  10. I usually land my rockets on a ship or back at the KSC, but sometimes I strap 256 cubesats to a 10m diameter SRB and just let it go,
  11. I accidentally pressed the EVA button...while reentering the atmosphere...from geostationary orbit. I don't think I have to explain more
  12. I built a Boeing 737 and tried making KerbinSideRemastered work. Didn't work
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