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Status Replies posted by Pascovian

  1. is making history ded

    1. Pascovian


      yeah sadly

      imo, it was kinda complex to handle since it doesn't hint too much to what should the player do when making a mission

      cool concept tho

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. who wants to hear about the most clutch gym battle ever


    so, I was trying to defeat Bugsy on my 6th try. I had grinded my cyndaquil to lv14 where it became Quilava. I had a plan to have my hm slave tank a u-turn from Scyther so that I could safely switch into Quiiler the Quilava to beat Metapod and Kakuna. Except Scyther used Quick Attack and one shot my hm slave. So I switched into Shawn the Mareep (anyone who gets the reference gets a congratulations from me.)  so Scyther used U-turn and left Shawn on 1 HP and then got paralyzed by Static. He went into Metapod which took Shawn down. I switched into Quiiler to two shot it with Ember, then switched out when Scyther came out into Conni the Pidgey. She chipped at Scyther with Gust before going down to two Quick Attacks, but lived for a long while thanks to Sand-Attack. Then I sent in everyone to chip at Scyther before it U-Turned Johtibat the Zubatat red health and I sent Toadstool the Togepi against Kakuna. Now for the best part. Rock Smash and Extrasensory would not do much, so I went for Metronome, and GUESS BUGSY’S LUCK!


    it’s Roar of Time. Soafter the luckiest one shot ever, Scyther is fully paralyzed on BOTH TURNS I needed to attack (recharge and the next Metronome) and I knock out Scyther with Headbutt


    one of the worst gym battles I’ve ever had.


    1. Pascovian


      Meanwhile me being stuck on the Necrozma battle: 


    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  3. should I get Alpha Sapphire or Let’s Go Eevee? I’ve emulated both of the base games (Sapphire and Yellow) before but never finished the base games.

    1. Pascovian


      Alpha sapphire is better than let's go Eevee for a variety of reasons I won't mention

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. when will ksp2 be out? Can I have some news abt it? I’m worried it’s gonna make ksp1 obsolete, and that’s depressing, but can you guys tell me the news?

    1. Pascovian


      Hi, and yes there has been KSP 2 news

      Infact there's an early alpha gameplay trailer, platform is consoles and pc and the price is still indefinite

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. made a post

    1. Pascovian


      neat, now there's more planets in ksp2


      now, this is EPIC

  6. I'm leaving. Hopefully not forever. The status updates are the only part of the Forum I use anymore. I'm abandoning Seeker. Forever. I'm glad I met you guys.


    I hope I'll be back.

    1. Pascovian


      Good bye ;.;

      i hope that you come back soon.

      (if you come back eventually i'll keep seeker alive even when you're not there.)

      it was a pleasure to meet you.(not in a sadistic sense)

      -sincerely, Pascovian.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. Farewell and goodbye, for maybe quite a long time. I am leaving the internet behind and saying hello to more productive things, like managing my property and doing hard labor. It was quite a fun run here, but I probably won't return for quite a while. 

    Goodbye friends!

  8. Aaand... the final chapter. 

    Or just the begining.

    1. Pascovian


      Nah, i was actually taking a break and thinking about CH8.

      It's going to be about the Taythe descent, but idk what should the stuff that will be happening in there

      It'll be some crazy stuff for sure :sticktongue:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Nice new profile!

    1. Pascovian


      i'm working on it

      it's a base-setup thingy

      a.k.a Kolinization.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  10. Nice new profile!

    1. Pascovian


      yep, but i'm not on pc rn. plus, Inter-Kuniversal will have a double-chapter today

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  11. Nice new profile!

    1. Pascovian


      thanks, it's a really cool photo in my opinion.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  12. Have you seen this? It might attract attention to Inter-Kuniversal

    1. Pascovian



      it hasn't been updated i think

  13. so, i've been actually tempted to make an fan-fic. has anyone gotten an idea for what can i make?

    i'll start monday at 2:30 PM making the first chapter/episode

    1. Pascovian


      oof, i deleted it because the editor wouldn't let me correct some grammar.

      if you're someone else, these were the options:

      A: Novel.

      B: Mission Report.

      C: Trip To the Stars.

      D: Something different (PM me saying what should i make)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  14. so, i've been actually tempted to make an fan-fic. has anyone gotten an idea for what can i make?

    i'll start monday at 2:30 PM making the first chapter/episode

    1. Pascovian


      i said "chapter/episode" because i'm indecise to making a fan-fic like Starchaser, a mix, (namely yours) or full text straight forward (like the journal of jebediah kerman)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. How long do ya think it’ll take ‘till I get to 4 dots (500 posts)?

  16. So if I’m using a mobile device, Trebuchet MS will be my font.

    1. Pascovian


      Tahoma, Verdana and Trebuchet all look like arial tho

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  17. So if I’m using a mobile device, Trebuchet MS will be my font.

    1. Pascovian


      seems good

      comic sans looks like cursive in a phone

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  18. Hi everyone! I have just started a discord server for me and my followers. Linky: https://discord.gg/EBRedQ

  19. Hi everyone! I have just started a discord server for me and my followers. Linky: https://discord.gg/EBRedQ

  20. Guys, we need to give Dres some love!

    1. Pascovian


      i'd build a whole space station on Dres

  21. Hi everyone! I have just started a discord server for me and my followers. Linky: https://discord.gg/EBRedQ

    1. Pascovian


      i'll go in once i have my cellphone

      so i can't rn

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  22. Hi. I'm feeling the tiniest bit better...

    But I'm having trouble finding my way around the keyboard.

  23. Hi. I'm feeling the tiniest bit better...

    But I'm having trouble finding my way around the keyboard.

    1. Pascovian


      i actually think you got that from the camping? idk.

      i just looked up those "symptoms?" on internet and seems you have tonsillitis

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  24. Hi. I'm feeling the tiniest bit better...

    But I'm having trouble finding my way around the keyboard.

    1. Pascovian



      do you have flu or something like that?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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