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Everything posted by Pascovian

  1. ok no i want an aliance or ban!11!!
  2. ban and no unban cause you unbanned yourself
  3. 3/10: is that a fish or a bird? i expect a 0-1/10 cause i don't have a profile pic
  4. well you unflipped the flipped, so banned for unflipping the unfllipped the flipped some sort of paradox over there
  5. it says, banned everybody who doesn't flip. so banned for flipping abuse
  6. i've found a piece of some greek madness i'm just going to stop derailing this post, i'm starting fo feel worried about that rule I'm gonna make a forum thread in The lounge section for this kind of specific monsters
  7. Ohh don't ya dare me pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
  8. Nope in the name of The Kraken @The Minmus Derp
  9. uhhhhhhhhhhh... kay @The Minmus Derp
  10. ...when you say all elements in the periodic table
  11. with Mary Poppins singing "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocius" on top of it. The building is Baikerbaikonur's Tracking Station...
  12. Shirt Why can't you observe _______ with a Telescope?
  13. False. i wish i could... TUBM has gotten Kerbal Star Systems
  14. Floor 4929: You see an anagram of the Joolian system with rings, and a lot more moons. (obviusly a reference of KSS)
  15. Did you know that i have a cat?
  16. is it me or i'm starting to get worried by the forum rules? anyway @SnacklessKerbal
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