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Everything posted by Pascovian

  1. well, if it's one of the counterparts of Lucida Sans Unicode other than that, i've found an Enceladus gif, most importantly the plumes. the gif was taken from the cassini spacecraft
  2. That's perfect for an hardcore KSP player.
  3. i've already posted the font, and the color. it's Neon Green, Verdana.
  4. bust? Dres is lonely, he needs _______ on the surface to be friends!
  5. Mario Kart: Tokyo drift You got the last part well, but it's
  6. Floor 4966: You See an rare eclipse of Laevo and Aurus with Ladar.
  7. Nova kirbani and Kerolon? Eve has a lot of a Purple ___. VOLCANOES! NOMNOMNOmNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM
  8. Floor 4964: You see a huge nuclear silo filled with Glass cans, it's content is Einstenium. you'd better run to the next floor!
  9. i destroy repetitiveness with Hanson Himself
  10. ... nope TUBM has done a hyperedit thing (e.g like Danny2462)
  11. fasle TUBM has been in my forum game thread
  13. i infiltrate there and steal it because of Kerbnet showing me the location. my kookie NOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM
  14. well, astatine vaporizes at arount 1-2 Milliseconds, so think in micro-time scales Location: a secret bunker with uber laser cannons and rockets in orbit around minmus oh well! it's a secr- i think i just saw you from my ship.
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