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Posts posted by OrtwinS

  1. the word you people are looking for is papercraft

    An icosahedral is nice... but I'd like something more spherical like this:


    Or this (less folding/glueing):


    Something like it already exists for our Moon and Earth:


    Can be downloaded here: papercraftsquare.com/tag/globe

    Progonos has a LOT of information about map projections and associated math (and papercraft).

    Google 'papercraft sphere'


    How I think one can make such a thing:

    1: Texture a 3D sphere with a 2D image with a program like Blender

    2: Use Pepakura (paid program, unfortunately) to fold out the model (and auto-add glue strips)


    More templates: www.templatemaker.nl (Dutch language, but easy to create your own sphere templates, unfortunately no texture option)

    Interesting example using illustrator: http://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/29212/how-do-i-map-illustrator-artwork-on-a-sphere



  2. In my current  career game the Wheesley is quite usefull as it is.

    In earlier games I too blasted past the first half of the tech tree (farm Minmus), and never touched the Wheesley. But now I'm doing a hard-mode carreer.

    I cut down on the science pay-out, disabled the DSN ground stations, added life support, play from IVA (with IVA props, of course), and limited reverts (biggest trouble, a failed launch nearly bankrupted me)

    My options for unmanned probes are limited (expensive infrastructure not yet available or present). And my manned missions haven't ventured past orbit yet (life support requires a lot of power)


    Since farming Mun/Minmus isn't on the program yet, planes are a must. I never enjoyed Kerbin this much!


    With four Juno's my Recon 1 plane was capable of cruising at mach 1, at 6 km height, and it comes with a reliant rocket engine (909 not yet available) to push it above 19.4 km for 'in flight above x' contracts.

    Its range is very limited though. I had to glide back to KSC on several occasions, and the rocket only has enough juice for 2 jumps.


    Unlocking the Wheesley was a major milestone. 


    Three Weesley's can hold the Recon 2 at a steady mach 2.05 cruise at 8-9 km (rock solid, even at 2x or 3x time accel). Its power and speed unlocked Kerbin for my program! (save for imprecize ICBM's, which are a waste of money to recover). If flown right it can even jump up above 19.5 km! (takes a 100 km run. Hold mach 2 at 10 km, at 1 minute distance gently nose up 50 degrees)



    Without the Wheesley (or equivalent) in its current form, hard-mode games like mine are doomed. 

    It's an ideal engine for late-lvl 1 technologies, and to milk Kerbin dry of science.

    The Panther is for midgame hypersonic planes (quickly try the new experiments), and the Whiplash is great for early horizontal take-of space planes. Every engine has its niche.


    Also, please keep the reduced reverse-thrust, it would be very weird if such an engine could generate the same thrust in reverse. The above mentioned ~70% sounds about right.

  3. I think the -ol suffix is linguistically and culturally a better fit, though I also share the association with Terran medicine .

    -ad sounds good, though if Dorenad is to be interpreted as 'we doren' it doesn't fit when discussing a third party. You'd need another suffix for 'they doren'.


    12 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

    Tho for my two pennies, you may want to be careful with anything that sounds like Andoran, a certain curly-haired Aes Sedai queen might start meddling.

    Nah, she's busy keeping her mischievous twins in check.

    I'd worry about getting invaded by short-tempered blue-skinned aliens with funny antennae. (Andorian, but they don't let that get in the way of a good fight).

  4. 7 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

    Bless you, good sir! Just the soothing distraction I needed. 

    I recall a while back you mused about your story being too "Jordan," as if it were a bad thing. I'd say your writing is very Jordanian (not to be confused with that other Jordanian), you definitely share his talent for weaving dozens of threads together into a coherent Pattern. And speaking of Jordan, I also note a (probably unintentional) parallel to a certain other group suddenly shown their shrouded past through... unusual means. Tho your Kerbals seem to be taking the revelation much better. :D

    Pity about that lense cap tho. Somewhere, there's a certain Russian probe engineer who can sympathize. 

    The 'bad' Jordan sentiment refers to the risk of letting storylines drag on for several books without any noteworthy progress. It's a fear of mine I mentioned to KSK some time (over a year) ago when he got to some elaborate Kerm-world-building. Apparently it stuck, I hope I didn't cause him too much Jordan-anxiety.

    Either way, KSK, I think you succeeded perfectly well avoiding Jordan-esque proza while supporting multiple intertwined plot-lines :) .


    The next goal is aproximating Steven Erikson's (Malazan Book of the Fallen) brilliant way to make all those loose ends tie up in an intricate yet not too far-fetched ending. (yes KSK, I'm setting high goals here, you only have yourself to blame for setting high standards :P ) 


    About that lens cap... can happen to everyone, just don't let it happen another 3 times (poor Soviet engineers).

  5. Great new chapter!

    What mod are you using for the command pod equipment? looks quite interesting.



    1. Unless you are planning a horrifying story arc which includes a fire in a pure oxygen atmosphere I sure hope they'll switch to some safer gas mixture. In pure oxygen EVERY bit of dust will be highly flammable, any spark (like from using a switch) may ignite clothing/plastics/dead skin particles.
    2. During the assembly Gene says "with over four hours there, ..." I think that should be four days.


  6. In Civilization this affection is called the 'One More Turn' syndrome.

    In KSP it manifests itself as a 'one more launch' or 'one more maneuvre node' (especially if one has a dozen simultaneous missions running, who's maneuvres are kept track of by alarm clock).


    For most people this is a normal response and does not require any specific medication of therapy. Do keep in mind that prolonged depreviation of sleep wil impact mental and physical performance and health.


    If you start to notice any negative effects, you might want to cut down on work or school related activities. Obviously KSP is more important than such trivialities.

    If in doubt, please consult your doctor or mental health specialist.

  7. His name is @Overland, he's 'special'. ;):D


    I love the way he uses KSP.

    Edit: if Kerbin ever gets named regions, I put forth the motion that Overland gets to suggest them. No one is more intimately familiar with all nooks and cranny's of Kerbin. Most of us just drop down and recover. Very few take the time and efford to appriciate the vista's.

  8. KSK sent me :wink::D 

    I also like what I'm seeing here. The illustrations really add a lot.


    If you want another RL crossover:

    When making money is a problem: go tourism! Simple orbital rocket stuffed with 4 Kerbs who pay 22k each for a trip. It is the foundation of all my career games. Up to the point where I have enough miniaturization to build lightweight probes which pay a 100k+ each, and are launched in batches of three or four.


    Mod suggestions:

    Evironmental Visual Enhancements for clouds (can leave away the city lights since those don't fit that well)
    Distant object enhancements: so you can point out Planets and such from interesting locations. (standing on top of K1, looking up, seeing Duna... "Walking up there...In just 15 years... will it be possible? who will be the first?")

  9. Nice, I like the little Human cross-overs like the entire 'how to name a rocket' thing.

    You  might want to throw in a training mission trick for our trainee. Fly-by Mun, plant a flag on Minmus, pop out of Kerbin's SOI and get back alive -> And he gets a promotion to 3-star Engineer.

    Also, you could implement a change in the universe's basic structural mechanics like installing a mod (something like Kerbal Krash System, which makes engineers actually usefull)

  10. Same as many others, grand plans tend to bog down.


    I play Career with Kerbal Construction Time and Antenna range, and I still want to build that Duna colony and finish a manned Eve return mission.

    I think I once visited the Jool system with a probe... but I don't think I ever put a Kerbal on any of those moons. Too little time and too grandiose plans.


    What I should do is play Sandbox, and actually execute those plans...

    Edit: and I've been playing since before persistance

  11. Kerbin's very own brand of eco-terrorism: Kerm-planting without a permit!


    The 'children of Kerbin' don't seem to be taken by the idea of Project Starseed. Defying all logic, authority and wisdom and just go plant Kerm-seeds all over the place.

    Dem kids' gunna start 'nuther damn war I say!


    I do understand the objections of keeping kerm seeds (potential sentient beings) in a cooled storage for an undefined duration. But if it's that or starting the next Age of Madness...

  12. Dear kerm, the hypetrain tracks will be worn out before it can depart because of all the train-spotting fans jumping around.

    I recommend all of you take a cold shower, we're not even in experimentals yet, and when they announce it it'll still take a few weeks before 1.1 hits. Plenty of time to jump aboard.

  13. 4 minutes ago, SgtSomeone said:

    This isn't dev notes... *squints suspiciously*

    *waves hand*

    This is not the thread you're looking for.


    OT: Very pretty, I like the music as well, I'd like to know where it came from.

    Interisting thought: a contextual music plugin, in which one has folders name 'launch', 'orbit', 'atmospheric entry' etc.. Put in music in those folders and everytime you hit one of these events, a random piece of music from that folder plays...

  14. March 2012, so I survived the forum wipe.

    I've been playing since about a week before we got persistance. I remember learning to orbit using one-launch-at-a-time, and with persistance I immediately started to rendezvous (without manoeuvre nodes or inclination markers, using landing legs as clamps).

    On 31-12-2015 at 2:39 PM, steve58 said:

    My join date is 25 Jul 2011.  As you can see I don't post much, but still play KSP occasionally.  

    • 25 Jul 2011
    • 25 Jul 2011

    You win :)



    8 hours ago, inigma said:

    With the arbitrary shutdown, I just wonder if @SirCmpwn realizes that he may have inadvertently justified one of Squad's initial reasons for using Curse. Curse is not prone to shut down due to personal grievances. Unfortunately this shutdown does not add to the positive track record for community managed fan sites, and quite possibly will make it harder for any such project to ever secure an endorsement in the future.

    Unfortunately true. Not just because of the shut down, but mostly the way he did it.


    8 hours ago, inigma said:

    I really hope he reconsiders shutting it down. Quitting is easy.


    @SirCmpwn could still turn this around, by turning the site back on and work on building a team so he doesnt get burned out and can ensure continuity, but whatever he decides to do with KerbalStuff is of course up to him. 

    Reconsidering is not possible, not after this huge dramatic crash, 'burn-the-bridges' and 'leave a note with accusations'.

    If he had put up a note and/or started a forum thread: 'server funds needed',  'help wanted!' or something similar this might have been prevented. 



    Unfortunately this kind of thing happens more often. 

    An individual who builds and maintains a system that grows very popular.  Little to no compensation or acknowledgement (and a continious financial drain).

    After months of internal battle between feelings of frustration and responsibility, anger and love, etc. it goes BOOM. 

  16. Kerbal construction timer, no more instant vessels 'spawning'.

    Construction will take time depending on the number of parts, the kind of parts etc. making planning for launch windows more important.


    USI life support, especially in combination with the construction timer.

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