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Everything posted by tman70506

  1. SNJO

    Good Morning was playing with biplane last night and when I launch the plane it was sitting about a 1 KM above the runway.  What is going. Thanks 


    1. Lisias


      (ok, nectroposting but the information is relevant)

      It's a known problem with the FireSpitter landing gears. Use the stock landing gears to see if it helps.

      If not, you found a old part without a collision mesh (I have two on Impossible Innovations), but until the moment I found none on Firespitter.

  2. Good Morning Vinhero to use planetary resources you must have a pilot or a quartermaster at each location you want to push resources from.
  3. @RoverDude I'm using USI-MKS everything seems to work accept the Agriculture Support Module where water is concerned the water says it's full but I have plenty of water tankage. I have the ranger inflatable storage unit 01 and a 2.5M Kontainer Tank (water) both are empty. I have tried both Hydrates and Ore with the same result. So I think I found a bug. Is this enough information to look into it or please tell me what you need. Thanks in advance tman70506 on twitch Theron Lutz UpDate: Okay I think have the problem solved for me at least I was running all your Mods at the same time. I dropped it down to just MKS and its parts, Malemute, FireSpitter , Life Support, Exploration and Konstruction so theres a conflict some where my best guess it is in Freight. Thanks for you time.
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