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  1. hey uh so i installed the newest update of the mod and the solar panels wont deploy
  2. i am looking for the n-1 craft file and some probes and just updating the mir core oh and vostok i have a hard time making it
  3. before you quit are you gonna add more craft files for the ships and rockets i would love it and i am sad but i understand and thank you for making us this great mod
  4. love the new colors but I was wondering if you are gonna redo all of the craft files? as in all of the station parts, and will you be updating Proton aswell
  5. i am having a bug with the boosters where they are on when it loads and when they decouple blow up and i made sure they weren't clipping any answers?
  6. ik this I just think it would be cool to have the all of the Soviet/Russian rocket engines in this mod cause it is the mod of the glorious Interkosmos
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