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Mars-Bound Hokie

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Everything posted by Mars-Bound Hokie

  1. Nice call-to-arms, but it will take more than that too. Then we should be able to come up with feasible ACTION PLANS against these crackhead losers. And if we can, so can the God of SSTOs himself. Since we work on our kerbal space programs (more or less) individually, imagine what we can do TOGETHER. Any ideas, everyone?
  2. Or being creative, for that matter. YouTube's already taking enough crap for censoring conservative opinions (at least in the U.S.), but it's worse when it censors innocent creativity and fun. Eventually, if they don't get their act together, enough people will say "THAT'S IT!" and either force them to change or go out of business. Basically, if we are to let freedom live, we'll let YouTube die if need be. If anyone here's good with web design, you might want to start a replacement video-watching site - at least for KSP videos (to start). And I personally wouldn't recommend using any Google products (e.g. Google Sites) for the new website, for they're associated with the subhumans that are attacking Matt.
  3. It'll take more than just a boycott by liquided-off Matt Lowne fans to make Sony suffer. Yes, I know that Sony ATV is a branch of the Sony corporation itself - but I don't care. You mess with the kerbal fans, you get the Kraken. You got any other ideas on how to make them pay for what they did (e.g. smear campaign - with facts, this time)?
  4. If lying is cheap AND has no repercussions, then we should give them a taste of their own medicine. Shouldn't we? Eye for an eye. Any ideas on how to force an investigation?
  5. They're OBVIOUSLY lying. [snip] we need to dig up the facts on our own. Good for @Matt Lowne. I hope he also gives these scumbags exactly what they deserve.
  6. To those who don't know already, @Matt Lowne - the god of SSTOs - has been hit with a false copyright claim on his channel. It's up to us to help him fight these lies and give these scumbags what's coming to them.

    1. Fraston


      RISE UP, GAMERS!!!!!!!!!!

  7. For those who don't know about it already, check @Matt Lowne's channel for further information.
  8. BILL KERMAN'S MISSION LOG: Y47D80 - 4H00M Perhaps I should start from the beginning. About 20 years ago - while Val and I were on our way back home from being stranded on Eeloo - the Super Trainer-class ship known as the S.S. Remembrance had taken off from the KSC for its very long tourist run to the Mun, Minmus, Ike, Dres, and some of Jool's moons. They had to stop at Ike after flying from Jool to refuel and enter Kerbin's SOI at a slower velocity to reduce the risk of a catastrophic landing. Recently, they have returned to Kerbin's SOI and transferred several tourists to a couple of ships in standby to fulfill further parts of their contracts before landing in the grasslands. As a result, the KSP got a lot of money and science points as well as a reputation boost in the public eye. We then accepted more tourist contracts when they came in; one of them involved landing on Laythe. Although we already have another Mk. Id Mun Hopper, which is the same plane model as the Neptune III, ready for Duna and then Jool, Mission Control decided it was time to "go big or stay home." Besides that, it was also time to upgrade our aerial probe to a more fuel-efficient, supersonic design. Months of research, testing, and about a million dollars later, we finally made a worthy Laythe tourist transport - as well as a candidate for the Neptune IV. POSEIDON MK. III Picture of the latest model after the parachute test. A Mk. II variant (the one before the current model) landed in Kerbin's badlands after the orbit and re-entry test. The nose cone and tailfin had to be replaced since they couldn't take the re-entry heat in subsequent tests. The plane has a abortion procedure in place in case something goes horribly wrong during the flight. As soon as I hit the "ABORT" button mid-flight, the cabin ejected from the fuselage. I then waited until the plane was at a safe altitude and deployed the cabin parachutes. Hopefully, we won't have to use it (at least not until we return to Kerbin). To sum up the Poseidon's capabilities, it's supposed to be a larger version of the Mun Hopper planes. For further details, please reference the chart below. Mun Hopper Poseidon Crew Capacity 3 20 ISRU Capabilities · 2 x Drill-O-Matic Junior · Convert-O-Tron 125 · 2 x Drill-O-Matic · Convert-O-Tron 250 Cooling · 1 x Small TCS · 2 x Medium TCS Power Generation · 150 Ore Capacity · 2 x Gigantor Solar Panels · 1 x RTG (LATEST VARIANT – Mk. Ie) · 150 Ore Capacity · 4 x Gigantor Solar Panels · 2 x RTGs Charge Capacity · 4,070 · 18,520 Antenna · 1 x Communotron DTS-M1 · 1 x HG-5 High Gain Antenna Engines · 2 x Rapiers · 1 x NERV · 10 x Rapiers · 4 x NERV Science · Crew Report Action Group · Double-C Seismic Accelerometer · PresMat Barometer · GRAVMAX Negative Gravioli Detector · 2HOT Thermometer · Atmospheric Fluid Spectro-Variometer · Mystery Goo Containment Unit · Crew Report Action Group · Double-C Seismic Accelerometer · PresMat Barometer · GRAVMAX Negative Gravioli Detector · 2HOT Thermometer · Atmospheric Fluid Spectro-Variometer (NEED TO PLACE SC-9001 SCIENCE JR IN MOST AERODYNAMICALLY SUITABLE SPOT BEFORE LAUNCH) After seeing the performance tests and the numerous improvements made to the design, I can safely say that we found our Neptune IV. Sure, landing may be an issue since the plane is so large, but I hope the rear chutes and numerous aerobrakes can do the job. If that is chosen as our Neptune IV ship, we can not only complete our Laythe tourist contracts, we can do some serious exploration - and replace some of the lost data. There is debate that I put monopropellant tanks on the plane so that it can dock with space stations. While I'm definitely putting a docking port underneath in case we need a refueling ship and cannot land on our own, I think we're good on monopropellant. After all, we only needed it for pushing the nose up. Before I end this entry, I would like to thank @fulgur for helping me with the design. What do you all think? Should I go for using the Poseidon Mk. III for Laythe now, or should I go back to the drawing board (and why)?
  9. Been there, done that. Only mine ran out of fuel.
  10. For all you adrenaline junkie couples out there, are you looking for the perfect honeymoon ride? If you're just simply out of ideas for a good time, look no further. LOVEBIRD Married couple Bill and Val Kerman parked on 0-9 KSC, ready for their suborbital date. Though capable of a full orbit, it would be impractical to have a periapsis above 70 km unless you plan on staying in orbit for long. When I told Bill to give the occupants a "hot time" when he designed the plane, this is not what I had in mind. You can get good views of Kerbin from the varying heights. Excellent glider after re-entry. You want a simple SSTO, there you go. Further performance details in my posts for the Need for Speed challenge.
  11. ENMAL KERMAN'S MISSION LOG: Y46D68 - 4H30M Since Pol required the least amount of delta-V to get on and off, Lodock and I decided to find a nice landing spot there to refuel. At the same time, five more kerbalnauts - a pilot, an engineer, and three tourists - were flying to Pol in their new "flying outpost."* Since their travel plan also involved getting back home in a seven-man pod, and since Mission Control didn't want to take any chances with us (since the Neptune II blew up), we were ordered to EVA to the Jool tourists as soon as the flying base rendezvoused with us. Credits to Marcus House for the original design concept. The Pol-ar Express Flying Base within 30 meters of the Neptune III. We were finally glad to see some other happy faces after six years of being stuck with each other in that plane. Lodock and I were also promoted to Level-Five kerbalnauts as soon as we were on board. The Pol-ar Express then rendezvoused with a Mk. Vb Interplanetary Travel Pod that was on standby in Pol orbit for decades. It was the perfect opportunity to return home in a safer capsule. { (Lodock and I = 2) + (3 tourists) + (2 base crewmembers) = 7 kerbalnauts} = {7-man capacity for the pod} After the pod left Jool orbit, we realized that two of the three tourists still had stuff to do in Jool orbit. One of them paid for a fly-by of Bop, while the other one wanted to land on Vall. This tourist run may take a while, but at least we'll be safe in a capsule with an inflatable heat shield when we get back. Hopefully, we don't need to send any additional items from Kerbin (e.g. lander, ore transport) to fulfill the mission requirements, which would surely put a damper on our plans to get home. Actually, now that I mention it, there is some debate back home on whether or not we should put self-mining landers and/or ore transports on all of Jool's moons (except for Tylo and Laythe). In the meantime, Lodock has gained remote control of the Neptune III. Currently, the plan involves, Leaving Pol so that the craft will have a 281,000-km Jool apoapsis. DONE Circularizing the craft's orbit at apoapsis. Making the exit burn for Kerbin when the time is right. Although the Launch Window Planner says that the plane may have more than enough delta-V for the job, I'd rather not risk the plane blowing up with us in it. Especially not after what happened to the Neptune II. Shot of the Neptune III in high Jool orbit. If you look closely at the left side of the TCS, you can see Laythe as the closest moon in this shot. Lodock and I will be off this thread for a while, as we're now helping with the tourist run before leaving Jool. We'll get back if something interesting happens or when we make our exit burn - whichever comes first.
  12. LODOCK KERMAN'S MISSION LOG: Y45D378 - 3H15M I would like to start by paying my respects for the Neptune II's lost data. Hopefully, Enmal and I collected enough to replace most of it. I'm just glad that Johnfrid's okay. There's no way we could get all of the lost data back, since we don't have goo or atmospheric GCMS. After hearing about the Neptune II, we descended on Laythe to refuel, heading for the same island that the Elegail rover was parked at. After a few months of the usual ore harvesting and conversion, it was time for us to go back home. Enmal (left) and I (right) standing next to the Neptune III after all the tanks were filled up. Taken Y45D378 - 2H39M Like the last time, getting up to the target altitude was easier than it was on Kerbin. The specs of the plane's orbit around Laythe as well as how much delta-V it has left. Currently, the plan is to refuel at one of Jool's moons and get into Jool orbit before heading to Kerbin. However, a couple of questions remain: Which Jool moon should we use that can both maximize Jool orbit delta-V and minimize the risk of exploding during refueling? How can we prevent the Neptune III from ending up like the Neptune II during Kerbin re-entry?
  13. No. Nobody's dead - the can was empty when it blew up. And Val was piloting the can remotely.
  14. FROM THE OFFICE OF WERNHER VON KERMAN The good news is that the Neptune II has returned to Kerbin, and Johnfrid Kerman is all right. The bad news is... you might want to read the news. Over a day ago, we tried to aerobrake so that the can would not feel the full intensity of Kerbin re-entry the first time around. When the craft was at 5,000 km altitude, some people in Mission Control feared that the craft would either slingshot away from Kerbin or get destroyed. I ordered that all scientific data that could be transmitted be done so, but the craft had too low a power capacity for some of the findings. While everyone was aware that the can was unoccupied, there was a massive panic in Mission Control; the only time I saw anything close was when Bill and Val were stranded on Eeloo about 30 years ago. Speaking of which, Val then got ambitious and tried to save the craft. Since all we had to lose was the scientific data - most of which was either transmitted or already recorded in the Neptune III - I told her to go for it. Had Johnfrid been inside the craft, I would have not risked it and sent the craft in a hyperbolic trajectory. In hindsight, I should have done that (regardless of occupancy). I could have also saved the data - and maybe even the capsule itself - in the upcoming rescue mission. Last photograph of the Neptune II capsule in one piece. I bet some meme-happy interns would put this under the "Pictures Taken Moments Before Disaster" category or whatever the kraken they like to call it. Unfortunately, Val's bravery combined with her level head wasn't enough. Even though she was spinning about the retrograde axis at ~4700 m/s, the heat shield couldn't protect the can from overheating and blowing up when it reached 59 altitude. Our tracking station picked up several pieces burning up in the upper atmosphere, and the only re-entry survivor was the MechJeb module. Taken Y45D336 - 5H55M05S It took the piece over an hour from when this picture was taken to splash on the ocean. Taken Y45D337 - 1H05M I don't know if it was premonition or pure luck when Gene ordered the "Vall Girls" - the nickname associated with the women who are now returning from Vall - to pick up Johnfrid, but I'm glad he did. In a few hours, their pod will leave Jool's sphere of influence en route back to Kerbin. At least Johnfrid will be alive to tell his stories when he returns home, but we still need to get the lost data back - aside from having the Neptune III do it. I hope the plane holds it together better than the can; Lodock and Enmal don't have a pod to pick them up. If anyone is interested in replying, I have a few things to ask: Please press "F" to pay respects for the Neptune II's lost data. I don't know why; saying the letter "F" to pay respects is just so popular on chat forums these days. Any ideas on how to prevent the Neptune III from ending up like its predecessor? Aside from the usual "biome-hopping" that the Neptune III's doing, how can I get some of that lost data back - especially the goo and atmospheric GCMS data? The Neptune III doesn't have any atmospheric GCMS devices, goo canisters, or materials modules - or scientists, for that matter. I would like to strap a goo canister on the Hamacker (if we use it as the Neptune IV), but Gus objected and said that the plane was to be used by engineers only. Continue to lend your support for the Neptune program. If what Johnfrid said about the moon's air being breathable is true, then we may have found ourselves a new home for kerbalkind. I wish Johnfrid and his new shipmates (hopefully, it doesn't turn into "mates") good luck in their return. I also wish Lodock and Enmal good luck in their mission, and wish them a safe return when it is time. If anyone has any questions/concerns/comments, please don't hesitate to leave them in this forum. Wernher Von Kerman Year 45, Day 337 2H45M
  15. Since you gave us the green-light to pass the 50-km apoapsis, I decided to try the Lovebird again. Damage Report: NONE Flight Time: ~ 1 hr, 20 min Forgot to log it, so I approximated. Maximum Apoapsis: ~1.3 Mm Ended up as 1 Mm by the time the plane left the atmosphere. Maximum Surface Speed: 2715.5 m/s @Jeb-head-mug kerman, since you clarified the "50-km" rule, I am just letting you know that this entry is the same plane as before but without the 50-km apoapsis restriction. I'm also glad nobody was in your craft when it blew up.
  16. Question, @Jeb-head-mug kerman. When you said that "the record has to be taken within an altitude of 50 km," do you mean that: Our plane's apoapsis should remain below 50 km at all times (or at least when you clock the record)? Which means cut the engines before you pass that apoapsis? The plane itself should be below 50 km when clocking the record - without regard for the plane's apoapsis?
  17. Well done, @panzerknoef. A very simple, yet effective, design. I just have one question for you: IS THAT ALL YOU GOT? The Blacksburg Space Program would like to submit another entry to the competition. Lovebird Cost: $45,510 Mass: 27.246 Metric Tons Purpose: Two-man LKO SSTO Though it has a probe core, this is not to be flown by amateurs or those with Level-Two or higher Accident Liability Records. Surface Velocity with {47 km < apoapsis < 50 km}: 2216.6 m/s I probably could do better. Here are the full details for my flight: Damage Report: NONE Flight Time: 25 min, 10 sec Maximum Apoapsis: ~46 - 47 km Maximum Occupancy: 2 Maximum Speed: 2216.6 m/s (Higher than @panzerknoef's 2214.9)
  18. Before we get started, I'm going to come clean now and say that I use MechJeb. However, as the following screenshots will indicate, I only used the "gauge" features (surface, orbital, delta-V info). Additionally, I have repeatedly found the aircraft autopilot functions useless; they're apparently no good for atmospheric flight. MJ is pretty much standard-issue (aside from probe cores) to all KSP vehicles anyway. Other than that, I stayed within the boundaries of the challenge. To all you green-blooded ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my latest SSTO Integral S-4 Hamacker. Cost: $186,787 Mass: 61.123 Metric Tons Purpose: One-man Refueling-capable Interplanetary SSTO To be used by engineers only. I don't know if SSTOs qualify for the challenge, but I can definitely fly this bad boy Kerbin like any other plane (more or less). Anyway, here are the pictures from its performance. How's this for speed?
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