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Mars-Bound Hokie

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Everything posted by Mars-Bound Hokie

  1. Okay. Before I get it, are there any problems/downsides I should know about?
  2. I have KSP Version, and I believe I got "Version 0.13.3 for Kerbal Space Program 1.4.1" for Bon Voyage. As for my wheels, the rovers in question all have TR-2L Ruggedized Vehicular Wheels. - I have BDArmory, but I never use it. I also should not have gotten it in the first place, as it came in a VesselMover.zip file. How effective is WorldStabilizer when it comes to this issue? If it's good, where can I find a version compatible with my game?
  3. I actually have a problem with Bon Voyage now. After I set the coordinates for my Munar Mini-bus and activate it, when I return it's bouncing on the surface (whether it be Kerbin, Minmus, or Eve) and at least one thing's damaged - despite the "no crash damage" cheat being on. Any idea how to fix that issue?
  4. While I still have crew stuck at Eve (three went to Gilly, none have gone down to Eve's surface yet - I need to wait until the next launch window to send a craft there (if I had one)), I noticed that the launch window for Duna was getting close on my alarm clock. As I already had a contract to build a space station in orbit around Duna, I seized my chance for an expedition to Duna. I haven't made a craft intended to get anyone to Duna's surface and back, but I at least can gain a lot of science and "World's First" money from the first wave. Here's a list of the fleet of ships that I intend to send to Duna on the first wave Enterprise-Class Space Station --> crew of seven (3 scientists, 2 engineers, 2 pilots), buttload of fuel and science gear and relays, not designed for landing. Designed like the Enterprise from I sent in my first Eve fleet here () I renamed the Duna ship after my grandmother so that I can tell the two ships apart. I sent at least two ships up there to refuel it in LKO. Now it's loaded with over 20,000 units of both Oxidizer and Fuel (each) 2 x "Weather Satellites" --> has surface scanners to check for ore deposits on both Duna and Ike. Will put in polar orbits upon arrival. Also have 4 x RA-2 relays each, so I think I'll be good network coverage-wise. Am I? 1 x Ike Lander --> 3-man lander (send unmanned), capable of landing on the Mun and Minmus and back, intended to rendezvous with the mother ship and send three astronauts to Ike and back. The name of that lander is "Needs Moar Boosters" 1 x "Ike Rover" --> crew capacity of 5 (unmanned), Mun rover modified for getting to Ike. Has drills and ore converters and other scientific instruments 1 x "Duna Surface Probe" --> unmanned probe with buttload of science meant for Duna's surface. 1 x @Matt Lowne mobile base (unoccupied) --> I got the craft file from the link in the description of this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0HRdZgTFq4), then modified it with MechJeb and Bon Voyage and a couple of small fuel tanks so that the base can convert ore to fuel and oxidizer as well as monopropellant. I also replaced Lowne's docking port with a claw. I may only get less than 100 units for each type, but it's more than what the original craft file had. And when I get around to sending a two-way surface lander at the next launch window, I can at least gas it back up if it cannot do so itself. Thanks for that, @Matt Lowne It will be over a year before the launch window for the return trip opens, and I'm running low on funds to send a return shuttle craft. While I sort out my financial issues, am I missing anything crucial?
  5. It's technically not an SSTO - the wings are just there to increase stability during liftoff. Anyway, for the pod in question, think of a Mk. 2 crew cabin with a hitchhiker and an inflatable heat shield (and a remote guidance unit so I can send in unmanned), 12 Mk. 1 jet fuselages (3 for each of the 4 nuclear engines), 1 Mk. 2 fuel tank, and 8 small thermal control systems. You think 8 will be enough for 4 engines? - also, do you think it is sufficient to do a fly-by of Eve and back? Orbital rendezvous with a station at Duna/Eve and back home? UPDATE: To add 1200 More liquid fuel units, I plan to add 4 big-s delta wings. How do you think that will work out?
  6. Are you saying I should scrap the pre-coolers (and trade them for more fuel tanks)? If so, I must also let you know that the nuclear engines will not activate until I'm well past the atmosphere; if the coolers need air to work, then they're pretty much useless. I don't care about my craft looking cool - you can't fly in style if you crash. Aside from that, I installed small thermal control systems on the pod; I could only fit in small ones thanks to the wings (for liftoff) and monopropellant engines (for docking)/turns. I also installed edge radiator panels on the parts directly above the nuclear engine. Is that sufficient?
  7. I'm trying to make an interplanetary tourist ship, which means I need to get fuel efficiency down. I decided to go with the nuclear engines, but I read somewhere that they tend to overheat. What parts can I use to prevent that? I installed engine pre-coolers on the engines themselves (which are powered by fuel tanks you'll find on planes), but I don't think that'll be enough once I escape the atmosphere. How useful are they? Recommended radiators?
  8. @obney kerman isn't that was us fellow Kerbalnauts do all the time, take chances? As much as we can minimize them, the risks will still exist. I already managed to splash a small probe onto Eve. Though it landed in the explodium and not the solid land, I'm (somewhat) confident that I can put my rover on solid ground when the time is right. Aside from that issue, anything I'm missing?
  9. So, I finally got around to sending a re-designed U.S.S. Enterprise to Eve. I realized that they key to ensure maximum science (and potential funds) gains was not to expand the station into one mega-craft, as I have already established it was too risky. No, the key was to send a fleet of as many ships as I could while the launch window was open. Here's a list of what I already sent so far. U.S.S. Enterprise --> crew of seven (3 scientists, 2 engineers, 2 pilots), buttload of fuel and science gear and relays, not designed for landing. 2 x "Weather Satellites" --> has surface scanners to check for ore deposits on both Eve and Gilly. Will put in polar orbits upon arrival. 1 x Gilly Lander --> 3-man lander (send unmanned), capable of landing on the Mun and Minmus and back, intended for Gilly. May be too large for Gilly, so set landing speed to 0.2 m/s. 1 x "Transfer Pod" --> crew capacity of seven (send unmanned), intended to get crew on and off other ships (has claw for smaller ships or the Enterprise. I may just leave the Enterprise in Eve orbit and send the crew back in the pod if I have enough fuel in the pod. WARNING: if I send the pod to Eve's surface, it's stuck there forever. 1 x "Eve Rover" --> crew capacity of 5 (unmanned), Mun rover modified for Eve re-entry and landing. Landing tests on Kerbin resulted in rover intact. Has drills and ore converters 1 x "Gilly Probe" --> small unmanned lander destined for Gilly. 1 x "Eve Surface Probe" --> unmanned probe with buttload of science meant for Eve. Do you think I'm missing anything? I already have relays at Eve, so I think I'm good coverage-wise.
  10. Aside from finally taking two stranded tourists back home (my craft was named the "Needs Moar Boosters"), I finally found a working design for the U.S.S. Enterprise (see the attached post). I decided to keep the scientific instruments to the payload bay, and launch the scientific probes SEPARATELY so that I won't have to deal with docking and carrying them. Speaking of which, I also had to ditch the escape pod - which I can use now as a "standby shuttle" for when the Enterprise returns from it's orbital exploration of Eve. Thanks to the "Kerbal Alarm Clock" mod, I can keep track of when I need to deal with specific craft. Now seven brave Kerbals are on their way to "...explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no Kerbal has gone before."
  11. Several reasons, @Foxster Even if I was on a really small moon (which, so far, I have not gone on yet) the hopper craft is a waste of resources, design time, and money. Additionally, most of the time, it's dead weight. Besides, that may work for small rovers, but not so much for larger ones. On small moons, the hopper craft can be a pain to land without all the bouncing. VesselMover will take too long, and I mostly use it to re-orient tipped rovers. (Assuming Bon Voyage works right), I can relax and have faith that my Kerbalnauts can safely go up and down hilly terrain without any problems. Duh, science and ore mining.
  12. I've hit a snag here. I hit the "Download" button on this website (https://spacedock.info/mod/950/BonVoyage), but nothing showed up when I tried hitting the "Bon Voyage Control Panel" button, nothing happened. Anybody know where I can find Bon Voyage compatible with Version
  13. Cazzojake, you know where I could find any tutorials for Bon Voyage (in English)? The only good one I found on YouTube was in Russian.
  14. It can get quite boring just sitting there seeing a rover go at ~5 m/s (I decided as a rule-of-thumb to have a 7.5 m/s rover speed limit for safety and energy efficiency reasons), and I heard that there's still a chance my rover can tip over and break using the MechJeb driver. If I get Bon Voyage, I can sit back and relax (or get to work planning my next mission/work on an ongoing operation) while my rover gets safely to its destination. On the other hand, have there been any cases where the rover tipped over while running on Bon Voyage? Don't be afraid to come forward if it happened to one of your vehicles. - if there are no cases, what's a good general speed limit to set the rover to?
  15. I'd like to get my rovers on autopilot so that I can do other things while they go for hours to their destination. At the same time, I don't want to be in a situation where I learn that my rover took damage tipping on its side. I have VesselMover to correct this, but if it's in pieces it's no good. - What's worse, there may be tourists that can't EVA out of there. I have Mechjeb installed already, and I'm aware of a "Rover Autopilot" feature. However, I recently learned about a new mod named "Bon Voyage" that's supposed to pilot my rovers safely while I do other things. My question here is which one should I use to autopilot rovers? MechJeb rover autopilot (the module's going on there regardless for the "getting from Kerbin to target" phase) or Bon Voyage. - also, how do timewarps affect their performance? I recall that, when I tried using timewarp on my rovers, it started bouncing and going out of control.
  16. I sent a rover to the Mun and rescued two tourists trapped in a mobile base wreckage. I just need to send a lander down to pick them up and they're home-free, but that's easy.
  17. I DID IT!!! I got Madner and Eltrey out. I just need to get a lander to the Mun and fill her up, and they're home free.
  18. Oops, my bad - https://mega.nz/#!OC4TCCRQ!T9EK5Svem4UgviqEqD5AJ2xMJMu4jzcOW1SwDcSN3sY
  19. I think I got a good rescue rover going. I built a "test wreckage" in the same orientation and design as the stranded rover that my tourists are trapped in. I then tested the claw to see if I can transfer Kerbals between the wreckage and the rover, and it worked perfectly when I put my claw in the right spot. After that. I tested the rescue rover to move tourists to the Munar Lander I have planned, and it worked. I even put a couple of drills, a converter, and a fuel tank to convert ore to fuel in case the lander needs some gas. Also, as it is BASA (Blacksburg Aeronautics and Space Administration) regulations to have a means of egress in case of emergency, I put an Mk. 1 Lander pod on the rover and some ladders Link to craft file for reference - built in the SPH: https://mega.nz/#!Depz2QyI!isXGprskZbLP4KnLNuNHcbI279s6FnLcsj8Vydm_sio Now I got another problem: how do I get that thing up to the Mun? I'm open to ideas; screenshots and/or craft files welcome.
  20. I sent a single-launch space station into Minmus Orbit for a contract. It was supposed to: Have an antenna, a docking port, and can generate power - check, check, and check Be able to house at least nine kerbals - It has a crew capacity of eleven. Viewing cupola - check Research lab - check Even has 2.5 m Service Bay loaded with all the scientific equipment I can fit, which is all but the survey scanners. Stability for ten seconds - check Minmus Orbit - check (NOT IN CONTRACT) Standard-issue probe core, battery, and MechJeb - check Probe core for sending the station unoccupied. Will send astronauts up there later. Sure, it may be more expensive than my previous single-launch space stations. And yes, I may be producing at a loss. However, it's totally worth it when I save on assembly costs. Also, since it will still have lots of fuel and oxidizer left in the tanks, I can send landers to the station and get them refueled before I need to send a re-supply mission up there. Not to mention I increase my career reputation
  21. UPDATE: FTA PENDING REDESIGN I just learned (the hard way) that if I fire the engines in my spacecraft in any way, it will wobble. It was bad enough with just the main body, but with at least one module connected to it, the entire thing is shaking. Therefore, I have deemed sending this craft FTA (FAR TOO HAZARDOUS) Pending Redesign. In other words, the Enterprise will not be going to Eve; I will have to wait for large-scale crewed recon missions until I got a good design going. * I can still convert the Enterprise-B (the one currently in orbit, awaiting assembly) into a LKO hotel/fueling port. Any redesign ideas? I'm still adding escape pods, as international law requires that I have enough to transport everyone out in case of an emergency.
  22. It's too late for quick saves now, but I think I found this post helpful - Okay, new plan: send a small, remote-controlled rover with a claw, dock it to the wreckage and transfer the tourists out of there, and then dock the rescue rover to a lunar lander when it arrives to pick them up (and send them to Minmus) Any ideas on designs for such rovers? I'm open to images and/or craft files if you have any.
  23. Okay, fellow Kerbalnauts. Here's the story. I got two Tourists and several other crewmembers to the Mun using a mobile base. Unfortunately, I tipped it over and had to send another one (that's empty) to that landing site to rescue the crew. I was able to get them on board the new rover - as well as a Lvl. 4 Tourist that I made using the cheats - but not the two game-generated Lvl 1 tourists I need. I tried to get them to EVA out of the wreckage, but the game gave me the message "Tourists may not disembark from this vessel." How do I get them out of the wreckage if I can't EVA? I only have 9 Kerbal years before they need to be back home safely, and so far it looks like, unless I do something, they'll be stuck on the Mun forever.
  24. I don't know if anybody has asked this before, but is there a mod I can install to keep landers/rovers upright during landing and/or use? One time, I sent a mobile base to the Mun and it tipped over, rendering it completely useless. Please help.
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