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Eaten by Black Hole

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  1. Hi everyone.I was playing on a horrible laptop for a while.And now, i built a PC.It has RTX 2060, 6-core Ryzen 5 2600 ,16 gigs of ram.I imagined i can play Astronomer's Visual Pack on 60fps.But even i lowered the settings i can't even get 30fps.Is it because of my system's weakness,or just i made something wrong? Thanks for the help.
  2. I can understand Galaxies Unbound. Kinda cool name! But,Series ?
  3. Hi sir! I love your skyboxes. May i want something? I have found an cool looking galax(ies) in SpaceEngine. Can you look at Arp 275? Its really cool looking. I think people would like it. I think a skybox from RC 4188 cluster would look good.
  4. So,if the Kerbol is died;why don't planets orbit Destiny far away?
  5. Okay. I can make it myself. Its not too hard.
  6. Don't you know scatterer is too laggy?
  7. Thats so cool! But can you add glow layers to atmospheric planets to reflect scatterer? And FlareReplacer config maybe?
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