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Everything posted by VoidCosmos

  1. That looks awesome! I wish I could try it! I have a really really really bad pc
  2. Kerbals are immortal. They aren't required
  3. I wasn't there at that time TUBM aka The User Below Me has been killing kerbals (like danny) of late Didn't read this! Oopsy! This is surely a forum bug And yes, the lander looks cool
  4. Yeah @Vanamonde is right. You can build anything! For example: Planes Rockets Space Stations Robots Bananas (hmmm) You have to only name it! Happy flying and have fun!
  5. It is okay. I have changed my mind on JNSQ. I regarding the redyboost bla bla bla thing, that was for my stock planet stuff. That is a different matter
  6. This drive is going to be KSP only drive
  7. First to congratulate everyone Hahahaha
  8. Congrats @DylanSemrau for being awarded the Thread of the Month
  9. I see a new banner

  10. Cut a pillow into half and eat it. How to make a planet dance?
  11. Pour gases on it How to put a elephant into a fridge?
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