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Everything posted by HoneyFox

  1. RandomInitialVelocityOffsetMaxRadius seems to be quite useful, but currently we can use scale & size & grow curve to ... get some similar (no it's actually not) effect.
  2. Use the first stage to raise the Ap to about 350km or even a bit higher, after the first stage is burn-out and decoupled, point your rocket towards horizon or only a small pitch-up from horizon (like 5~10 degrees), use the larger Time-To-Ap given by the high Ap you have achieved to accelerate horizontally and once the horizontal velocity get higher, the centrifugal effect will become stronger and you will need less pitch-up angle to compensate the gravity pull to maintain zero vertical velocity later.
  3. Hmm... the scale doesn't look right because I'm using RSS... XD
  4. Wait, are you replying to me or what? Well I think that SmokeScreen has already supported the modulation curve. I was just trying to tell that few engine has utilized that ...
  5. Argh... I have never exited the game via the option in the main menu... Always close the game by clicking the "X" button of the window or sometimes via Windows task manager. (yeah I always run KSP in windowed mode)
  6. The reason is because in parts config, the module that added by this AGE plugin is ahead of the ModuleAnimateGeneric module that controls the animation of the antennas. And since RemoteTech2 is using an index to access the animate module, it will fail to acquire it because the AGE plugin's module is right there, hence the animation will not play though the antenna still works. You can try renaming the AGE plugin's folder to something that is after "RemoteTech2" in alphabetical order, that way *perhaps* AGE module will be added at the end of a part's config.
  7. Currently I like the FX of the stock 2.5m Poddle upper stage engine most... It does look great for an upper stage engine that works in (near) vacuum environment, the exhaust is quite semi-transparent and it expands from the nozzle widely. Hope that such FX can be used on more upper stage engines in the future. And to make things even better, hope that FXs can utilize the SmokeScreen plugin and use the scale & size modulation curve about the atmosphere density, so that the exhaust will change its shape dynamically.
  8. No there's no special eye candy for the ignitors... plus, these sparks are not to ignite the engine in RL, but to burn the vented propellant before launch.
  9. Ok a new version release: (link is actually the same) https://www.dropbox.com/s/pfssc2u341zp58a/KerbTown%20%28fixed%20for%20v0.23%29.zip Fixed camera, Add Lat/Lon input, Launch site modeler should add "DefaultLaunchPadTransform = ..." in cfg files with the spawn point's name in Unity. Code example: ... crashTolerance = 1 maxTemp = 1 breakingForce = 1 breakingTorque = 1 DefaultLaunchPadTransform = spawnPoint ... In Unity the hierarchy should look like this: ... model // The object that has "PartTools" component launchPad // Actual model objects are inside this node ... spawnPoint // This is the empty transform we need to add ...
  10. Worth a try, i think both should work. and i think the clamp might be even not necessary because the buoyancy will help to lift the object if it's not super heavy. ah, you mean sub-launching a rocket? then clamp is needed to hold the rocket or the buoyancy will push it out of water.
  11. hmm... looks like multiple-spawn-point feature is not very useful... because of two reasons: 1. you can always create separated models and place them together in the game. 2. The game will clean other vessels on the same object when you want to launch a new vessel, this will give some trouble and confusion to players.
  12. They do have such a system but it's not public, that's why i had to use .net reflection to access the system. If you mean to use the stock KSP spawning function, you need to place something there which contains colliders, so that the system can use Raycast to judge where to place the rocket exactly, otherwise Put-To-Seabed will happen. If you don't do that, something really bad will happen (which is what i've experienced when i was testing my sea launch platform). Currently i changed the mechanism of KT a bit so that these static objects are created and placed when entering the space center scene, and it only runs once.
  13. The first box is just a name for the launch site, has nothing related to the model. The second is correct, it is the spawn point name inside the model.
  14. no, there's no tranform name assumption any more in this KSP version. You just need to register your new sites to the PSystemSetup, where all launch sites' (stock: LaunchPad & Runway) information is stored. and you need to provide the transform name during the register.
  15. have been fixing some bugs and do more tests, and working with several modeling guys. And here's something to show Yes, i'm playing KSP with NathanKell's wonderful RSS and this platform is located at Lat 0, Lon 154W, same location as the "Ocean Odyssey" in RL.
  16. Well perhaps not if the plugin simply records and then changes the "throttleLocked" to true for engines on board... then set them back when communication is re-established. Anyway... that's why I love SRB kick engine for the last stage, with careful calculation, they can send the payload to an orbit that's not too far away from what I want, but I won't need to worry about whether it can burn-out before the communication gets lost. It's especially useful when no communication network has been established yet.
  17. Guess we need some black texture versions that look like ablative shield for them.
  18. Normally I have take-off TWR at around 1.5~1.8, and start the gravity turn by ~10 degrees when my vertical velocity reaches 100m/s, then continue the gravity turn by following the prograde direction while maintaining the TWR at around 2.0, if the engines are not throttleable, you can either shutdown some of these engines to reduce TWR or to turn a bit more aggressive after you reached 40km+ altitude.
  19. You might found that the fairings have quite high maxTemp... which renders them into pretty good heat shields. At least that is what I've experienced during my test.
  20. well then the feature is still needed. But i might need to make some improvement... if there's only one spawn transform defined in the part.cfg, it will be the default one and that second box can be hidden. If not, perhaps a label and "Prev"/"Next" buttons can be provided to allow you to choose which spawn transform you want to mark as launch site with the current name. (so it will be possible to have "AirfieldName-09" & "AirfieldName-27" two launch sites for you to choose to takeoff, though they are actually in the same runway model)
  21. It's designed as is in stock KSP, perhaps for automatically setup the symmetry count when in VAB/SPH. The plugin doesn't consider this value though, it judges the number of fairings by counting how many attach nodes are named "connect". (there might be some numbers after it)
  22. I'm working on it and have such plan: modders need to add a line in the part.cfg: (example codes are from the Wayland Launch Tower's cfg) STATIC { ... angularDrag = 1 crashTolerance = 1 maxTemp = 1 breakingForce = 1 breakingTorque = 1 DefaultLaunchPadTransform = waylandtower_spawn ... } So you see that last line sets up the name of the spawn point. Now when you try to mark this model as a launch site in game, the second box will be automatically set to "waylandtower_spawn" so that you don't need to fill in by yourself. I know that it might be better to simply hide the second box, but i'm thinking about how to support multiple spawn points in one model later (which is a feature Ryan wrote several "TODO"s for)... and that's why I made such design. Oh, just wondering... do you think multiple-spawn-point feature is really needed?
  23. should be possible by editing the stackSymmetry value to: num_of_fairings-1, but you need to add these attach nodes manually as well.
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