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Everything posted by HoneyFox

  1. The OP links are out-dated... Grab the latest version by following the Ocean Odyssey Sea Launch Platform link in my signature. You should be able to find the updated KerbTown's link just below that post.
  2. I'm imagining what it would look like if we use Reflective Shader...
  3. I would happy to see the TweakableScale support engines... so basically it scales the engine's size as well as its thrust (^2 or ^3), but might decrease the Isp a bit (^1) when up-scaling. Yeah i know it's quite unrealistic to have "procedural engine" by this method, but whatever...
  4. i don't see any icon in the 1.5 release, is that the reason i cannot find it in toolbar's "Configure Visible Buttons"? EDIT: Never mind I just updated the latest version of Toolbar plugin and it's OK.
  5. If you just want to have multiple launch sites, it's possible by getting some pad/runway model and create instances all around the planet, then select which to launch via the list in VAB/SPH. If you want these surrounding buildings in KSC as well... no, KerbTown cannot clone these stock buildings. But still you can find modelers to create other buildings that look similar to (or totally different from) them.
  6. This mod is interesting. It will be even better if KSC is actually cloned instead of moved around. That way, at least all Kerbin land-based launch sites can utilize that. For launch sites on other planets/the sea, still better to use KerbTown IMO.
  7. The key is that you should have your active vessel orbiting/landed at Laythe first. So if you haven't already had something over there, a simple way is to use HyperEdit to move any dummy vessel to Laythe first. After that, switch to that vessel and use KerbTown GUI to create instance of launch pad (or whatever you want).
  8. I would say, yes the process is a bit complex until you know how to use it. 1. You should download some launch pad mod so that we have something to place in the world. 2. Pick a rocket and take it to the launch pad (the actual purpose is to put you into flight so you can pick an orbiting satellite as well). 3. Press RCtrl+K to bring up the KerbTown GUI. 4. Add an instance of launch pad you downloaded and adjust its Lat/Lon/ASL, mark it as launch pad and give it a name. 5. Save session and then restart your game. 6. Get to VAB/SPH and you should be able to pick your new pad in the list. 7. Check if the launch pad is place at proper altitude, adjust it (by pressing RCtrl+K and selecting the existing instance) if needed. If unlucky, your rocket might be spawned underground or your pad is floating in mid-air, tune the ASL then. Note that you can save some time by creating multiple instances and save them all in the first run of the game. After that, in the second boot of the game, you fine tune all of them one by one.
  9. TBH the N-body is very inaccurate especially when in higher time-warp, you might look forward to this being released in the future.
  10. Unfortunately I cannot easily get the FAR's drag calculation result for an on-rail and not-loaded vessel. So currently the drag force is using same way the stock KSP uses: it depends on the mass of the vessel so the acceleration given by the drag force is not related to the vessel's mass (acceleration = force / mass). After you performed a transfer and can get an encounter to a distant planet, if you stick with this vessel, the encounter might disappear after a period of time (depending on how close your vessel is to any celestial body). If you go elsewhere and leave it on-rail, the orbit won't change and it will encounter with the planet eventually.
  11. I would like to know what kind of model should i use for the exosphere to calculate drag to simulate the orbit decay. Has KSP provided any kind of function that can work out the air density even if the given altitude is higher than the atmosphere height?
  12. Uh-oh... That means the module is not added onto the ion engine part... I thought I have implemented that toolbar support as optional, so it should still work even if you don't have toolbar plugin installed. But anyway, you can find it here. And one more question, do you have ModuleManager plugin installed? I forgot to mention that this plugin requires ModuleManager in OP. EDIT: OP edited.
  13. I guess you can also implement some sort of camera swaying/shaking effect even when in external view if the rocket/aircraft is in atmosphere and is flying fast/having big thrust... (like in some of those air-combat related games)
  14. Oops, game, crashed... do want 64bit version...
  15. I was trying to rescale stock ion engine to 0.4 and later when i try using it in game... you know... Perhaps ialdabaoth can add an option "useZAxis" in the module?
  16. One question I wonder is, does RCS's thrust transforms use Y axis instead of Z axis as the direction? And, is the runningEffectName working normally now? In previous version it's constantly playing the effect while the stock RCS effect appears when the thruster is working.
  17. I would hope that this can be procedural... that means it can be scaled to adapt to cargo of any size... but still it looks great.
  18. One thing more that i forgot about RCSSound mod, it has implemented some sort of lighting for thrusters for ModuleRCS, I guess the author of RCSSound might need to rewrite the plugin so that it derives from ModuleRCSFX instead of ModuleRCS...
  19. This looks neat! Oh wait, spoiler? it works again?
  20. Fix for EI MFD in RPM v0.16: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3vmj0ib0gukx47a/EngineIgnitorRPM%20Fix%20for%20RPMv0.16.zip Replace the dll file with the new one and that's done.
  21. I have a small question: is it derived from class ModuleRCS? if Yes, Ok that's good. if No: Can you add some additional tag(s) to claim it as a main engine for a vessel? so that it can be controlled by throttle directly. AFAIK MJ has implemented some sort of this mechanism, but only for class ModuleRCS I guess.
  22. Well that shouldn't be a big problem if we play effect at different places with different power values.
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