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Everything posted by HoneyFox

  1. I will add that in the next release, or perhaps I can upload an additional config file? OP has just been updated to note people to have KAS and ModuleManager installed before trying to use the plugin.
  2. No you can't do that in game because i remember that i excluded those cryogenic fuels when I was adding (pressurize) tag to all the resources, unless I made a mistake. and in RL the pressurization is actually a bit different thing, lots of fuel tanks are pressurized or the combustion chamber's high pressure will stop the fuel from flowing into it (even if we have the fuel pump). Pressurized tank in EI is more closer to "bladder tank".
  3. I don't think the number of Kerbals will affect the range of communication, but the maximum number of communcation links. However that's a totally different feature.
  4. if this HUD can be projected in front of the IVA cockpit that will be even better.
  5. If ullage simulation is disabled, it means nothing in reality but is like those engines in stock KSP, which can ignite no matter if the fuel is settled down/pressurized or not. Pressure-fed cycle is one of these cycles used by liquid fuel engines, it utilizes high-pressure gas to push propellants into the engine, cryogenic fuel boil-off is one of the way to pressurize the tank as well AFAIK. In RL you will always need electricity for engine's control system. If you want an engine that uses hypergolic fuel, you *might* also need chemical "igniters" if your engine is not pressure-fed (these "igniters" should actually be named "starters" because they do not ignite anything in combustion chamber but generate gas to start the fuel pump). If your engine is pressure-fed, you can then get rid of chemical "igniters", but you will need pressurized fuel tanks for the engine. The ignitor count limitation is a separate mechanism to limit engine ignitions (other than resource-related limitation). For hypergolic fueled engine, you can set a pretty big number for it (like 20 or 50 or even more than 100) or just set it to infinite.
  6. I would hope that this can throttle down the engine gradually instead of suddenly cut-off... in RL engine thrust does not suddenly change to zero when cut-off AFAIK.
  7. For the invalid state issue, swamp_ig is working on a fix of RealFuels for this. And it should have been done. You might check the RealFuels thread and see if it's updated. For the engine property editing, you can follow other engine's ignitor setting and make proper adjustment as you want. Why do you have fuel flow requirement for solid fuel boosters? I don't think that's necessary. To make an engine pressure-fed, just add these into the ignitor module: useUllageSimulation = true isPressureFed = true
  8. Yes. I'm still working on this mod, although the pace is much slower than before.
  9. I've been wanting such project-to-infinite HUD for ages! And pleeeaaaase, tell me what other two must-download mods are.
  10. Well then something like Delta II with 3 SRBs that are ignited in the mid of air won't work well. I would consider taking TWR into consideration, though that will make the algorithm MUCH MUCH more complicated.
  11. Ah, that spamming issue, I remember that I've fixed it some weeks ago and has uploaded to dropbox. You can redownload the file in OP since dropbox won't change the link after i update a file.
  12. That would happen if you had installed this plugin, but for 31km Pe, I wonder if it would be de-orbited directly instead.
  13. Well it might be actually in Done state. I will change the title of the OP.
  14. So at least no duplicate status in the context menu? I need to make another check on my code, it seems like some codes that interact with RealFuels/ModularFuelTanks has some issue.
  15. Perhaps the aero drag is bigger than the thrust? thus your rocket is actually deaccelerating at that moment, which makes the fuel float to the top section of the tank, and the inlet will fail to get fuel and the engine will be shut down. Usually this is not a problem when you are already in upper atmosphere because the air is pretty thin up there. Also some small separatron SRBs can help to keep ullaging when you are staging (and haven't brought up the upper stage engine's throttle).
  16. The "stock-alike engines" has some simplified ignitor configs: it judge if it's hypergolic and set 24 for all of them, then set 1 for all those L type engines (IIRC), and sort of these things. So some of these engines are not accurately matching their counterparts in RL.
  17. Can you post some output_log.txt? To do this, you simply start the game, go directly to launch that simple rocket, after the first ignition check if the state is INVALID, then close the game and grab that log file.
  18. For small thrust ones (RCS thrusters for example) this might be true. For larger ones, you might still need to give some initial "push" to spin up the fuel pump before trying to ignite the engine, yeah i know this is not ignitor thing, perhaps i should try changing "Ignitor" to "Restarts" or perhaps not if this doesn't matter...
  19. You might have to wait until the author uploads the mod onto Curse.com or provides some other mirror links...
  20. I sense the trend that a mod which simulates gearbox might appear soon after...
  21. That "Ignitions: Electric - 0/1" means you can only ignite for once. Have you already ignited this engine before or this is the first attempt but failed?
  22. check the attach nodes and you will find out why this has been considered as a bug.
  23. One game i know "solve" this issue by emiting a quad right at the engine nozzle which faces towards the exhaust velocity's direction. hence you will get slightly better result when you are standing right behind the nozzle. (although if you are using additive shader, you still get a small area that is brighter than the surrounding because two additive rendering happened there) at least the nozzle will be fully covered by that sprite.
  24. I set the payout ratio to 5.0, and it seems to be playable in RSS level then. Only thing that makes trouble is that some mission requires a pretty low orbit (<200km) and that's inside RSS' atmosphere...
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