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Everything posted by HoneyFox

  1. Looks like different references, one is surface velocity and the other orbit velocity.
  2. TBH I was not convinced that pressurizing can eliminate the need of ullage (see this thread), but NK and some othey guys told me about the bladder thing... I still asked them if it's only suitable for small sized tank...
  3. The detailed information about ignitor count / ignitor resource is via that "INFO" button. Yes i know that's a bit inconvenient when you have multiple engines to check. I will need to find a way to shorten these display and try to put the most important information into one line. Actually I was thinking of using color to identify the information as well, so that I can shorten the words without giving user difficulty to quickly understand the states: Something like: yellow for ignited, faint yellow for high_temp, and dark grey for not_ignited... green for stable, yellow for risky, red... obviously for unstable... Ignitor count will be displayed in "x/y" format, i even considered not to display the "y" part since it's not very important. Ignitor resource(s) will be a bit difficult though, I can give a "LOW" warning when the resource is insufficient but that doesn't help much...
  4. As you mentioned the procedural fairings and heat shield, that remind me of one thing, about my test about using FAR's fairing logic for DeadlyReentry... For unknown reason e-dog has given these fairing parts quite high maxTemp and it turns out to become a pretty good procedural heatshield although its smooth surface, its thinness & its white color are quite unsuitable...
  5. Oh here's a screenshot of it, it's still WIP but is nearly completed.
  6. I also met this issue recently. In one save that i used to have TACLS working correctly, it now doesn't work at all during flight. The TACLS icon doesn't even show in ToolBar plugin. It works in VAB/SPH though, I can see the green fork&knife icon in the Toolbar there. I can see it in SpaceCenter too, and I clicked that to see the option UI, in which the option "Enabled" is on.
  7. A giant stretchy fuel tank with lots of high-density fuel inside I guess XD.
  8. Hi, I would like to give two suggestions: first one is a quick bugfix for SmartASS page, I've submitted the issue on RPM's GitHub and then i did a test my own, it seems to partially solve the issue by commenting the line: "redirect = escape, menuPlugin" in PAGE pluginSmartASS. second one is about the Altitude graph, would it be better to extend the y range a bit or use dynamic range instead? I know in stock KSP the Kerbin atmosphere is only 70km but I would like to extend it to 100km or so. And as an RSS user, in which the atmosphere is 104km, I changed the range to 300km by myself, which should be big enough to cover normal ascend profiles.
  9. I just started working on an MFD for my Engine Ignitor plugin based on Hyomoto's MFD configs. Currently it can partially work to provide a list of all engines installed on the vessel, and Activate/Shutdown/Toggle options for them, as well as EngineIgnitor's information like ullage state, ignitor remains, etc... I would like to know how to publish that, because it involves editing Hyomoto's MFD configs for PLUGIN menu to add my option... and I don't know what should i do for vanilla RPM MFD as well...
  10. Correct. I would also provide a link to yours for those who accidentally get in and don't want too many options. Besides, TweakableEverything provides functions for much more types of part modules. Oh and perhaps i need to provide action group events for Reverse controls as well, which is currently missing.
  11. OMGOMGOMG! Real earth terrain and adjustable launch position!?
  12. Haven't paid attention to attitude control of MJ for several days... it seems like you are still worrying about this? I have several reasons: 1. To be honest, the old way that MechJeb controls the plane will also give its own roll commands during attitude adjustment, especially when the attitude change is big, and that spoils player's roll channel control as well. 2. With proper design, the roll damper can gradually decrease the strength when getting close to the target orientation, so that it won't bother you adjusting roll when the direction is almost correct. 3. Normally i don't think attitude change will be very big when you are in an atmosphere, a 45 degree of orientation change is really huge in atmosphere, especially when it's on yaw direction. Such sideslip angle will almost always induce the plane to roll due to aerodynamic forces given by wings, fuselage, vertical tail and rudder. A roll damper to slow down the roll at that moment should be beneficial instead IMHO. Besides, when the orientation change is not that big, e.g. 5 to 10 degrees, the roll damper won't give too much input to slow down the roll.
  13. There is... well, the gimbal lock tweakable in VAB/SPH, which my plugin doesn't have. This is what I was thinking of: Light weight gimbal options: Gimbal lock, Gimbal range. Advanced gimbal options: Control coefficients (and reverse controls) for pitch/yaw/roll channels... And i was hoping that your plugin still serves the light weight mode, so that players who only want these can install yours while players wanting more advanced controls can install mine, too. Never mind, i didn't see your statement that you provide individual libraries so that it's not hard to just replace it with mine. Then perhaps i should also add the gimbal lock option in VAB/SPH so that features provided by your plugin will be a subset of that provided by mine. EDIT: nah... for some unknown reason (drunk maybe?) i misread your code and thought that you have gimbal lock as a tweakable too... Never mind.
  14. Oops, the class name is also the same? Well that's not strange since it's quite a common name. Still I think we need to negotiate about that so that people can use both mods at the same time... EDIT: Ok, I reviewed my codes and checked your codes. Here's the situation: My plugin will make the stock Gimbal module skip the gimbal-range check and my plugin will constrain the gimbal range by the value in my module instead. Your plugin seems to add UI_FloatRange attribute (and changed some properties of that) onto the stock Gimbal module's GimbalRange field. So if we simply change to use different class names, there will be two gimbal range tweaking options but only mine will actually work. This will bring confusion to players... I thought about two solutions, both need to change different class names: 1) I remove my gimbal range tweaking capability and use the stock module's gimbalRange for constraining, but then I need to install your plugin to have the capability to adjust gimbal range. P.S: my option is tweakable during flight, yours doesn't seem to be. Probably you can consider changing that to be tweakable during flight too. 2) You remove the gimbal range tweaking capability, but for users that only want that features instead of those complex control coefficients, they have to install my plugin.
  15. I don't have issue of aerodynamic stablility... my first stage reentry with retrograde automatically with no need of any chutes, air-brakes... The second stage is a bit tricky though. I installed that heat shield at the top of the second stage, and keep at prograde attitude before reentry, it works well. And after it reaches a quite low air speed, i disable three of these super draco engines, leaving only one to burn at max throttle. With some careful throttling it can flip to retrograde attitude without too much trouble. Then re-enable the rest three engines to slow down to land.
  16. Yes. and it's much heavier too. (just consider that as mass for high-pressure helium tanks, pipes, valves, etc...)
  17. For this issue, i would rather request the author to tweak the engine model & part.cfg, i don't understand why there're two "Lock Gimbal" options in its context menu, are there two engines inside the part.cfg? Plus, with some tests the roll control provided by my plugin should be able to eliminate the roll issue if the gimbal angle is big enough... Plus 2, it seems like the RCS thrusters on Dragon don't produce much pitch/yaw moment, and don't produce roll moment at all... Perhaps some adjustment about these thrust transforms should be considered?
  18. EngineIgnitor plugin has not released the version that contains special logic for pressurized fuel tanks. Unless you grabbed the version from my GitHub and compiled by yourself. Anyway, a new version will be released soon with mainly two new features: special logic for pressure-fed engine & pressurized fuel tank, micro-acceleration provided by cryogenic fuel boil-off & venting helps to keep fuel stable during time-warp.
  19. The ignitionThreshold > 1.0 might work I think... EDIT { No i guess it won't work well, because if you apply a pretty low throttle like 10%, the resource requirement will drop down also and if it falls lower than the ignitionThreshold, it can continue its burn without flame-out. } And you mentioned about the dV calculation in some mods (MJ, KER, VOID etc), it might be better to use dry-mass way, unless these mods already take that threshold into consideration (i don't think so ). And one more thing about this residual feature, especially for stretchy fuel tanks: the residual might (i just guess, i don't know if it's realistic) depend on the height of the remaining fuel. For a given fuel volume, fuel tanks with a smaller diameter can have lower residual ratio while those with larger diameter have to keep more fuel so that gas won't be sucked into turbo-pumps.
  20. Hi, it was the old design when i don't have Real Fuels installed. It's used to emulate hypergolic fuel so that ignition consumes same types of resources as the normal burn does (which in stock KSP, is Liquid Fuel + Oxidizer). And Maverick-V should not be the only engine that uses that. IIRC the KW 2.5m SPS engine requires LiquidFuel+Oxidizer as well in my EI configs. You can change that to use HypergolicFluid (which implies that your engine is a Kerolox one or something similar, instead of a hypergolic one), and remember to add a RESOURCE node in part.cfg too. I'm hoping that the author(s) of "Stockalike"Engine/RealEngine/RftsEngine configs can adjust the EI configs in their mods so that the ignitor can request proper types of resources depending on what engine mode it is. e.g: For an engine that has 3 configs: MMH+N2O4, Kerosene+LiquidOxygen, LiquidH2+LiquidOxygen, I would hope that the first two configs require MMH+N2O4 as ignitor resources while the last one requires plenty of ElectricCharge (to emulate sparkplug). Since there're lots of engines and there might be multiple sets of configs with each of them, it's really a heavy job to adjust all of them. Need to be patient.
  21. Thanks for the information, I'll install that plugin and try to reproduce it. EDIT: I took a quick look at RCS Build Aid plugin's GitHub sources before i can get back home and do tests. It doesn't seem to access ModuleGimbal at all... and all my plugin does is accessing ModuleGimbal if it exists. Weird... If you can check the "KSP_Data/output_log.txt" to find any exception about this and post here that will be much helpful.
  22. So this plugin is working as an automatic mode switcher that will be triggered when i select/deselect a planet/moon as target?
  23. I'm refering to the sphere looking one. Plus, from that video it seems like the nozzle of the uppers stage engine is extendable... which reminds me of one engine comes with KOSMOS pack... Plus 2: the SuperDracos attached on Dragon seem to induce roll moment quite a lot... is it because i didn't install them correctly?
  24. That's right, there's an angle off. So you have three options: 1. tweak both Roll Coeff H & V to a proper ratio. 2. rotate that engine cluster base until the attach nodes are just right at the front direction. 3. rotate the outboard engines to proper orientation. (they used to face to the front instead of to the center of the cluster base) If you chose to tweak instead of rotating: To adjust that correctly, you get to the bottom of the rocket, point the camera towards the top of the rocket, and turn the camera so that your two outboard engines are right in front of the camera, now tweak that two coefficients ( & reverse if needed ). use Roll Test (set to 1.0) to see if the gimbal is shifting along the tangent direction (i.e. only horizontal shift from your viewpoint) & is shifting to the left side (otherwise the roll control is reversed). Note that the two outboard engines are not symmetric counterparts (you cannot install them by 2x mode, right?). So these two engines need individual tweakings and there might be some difference between their reverse controls.
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