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Everything posted by Tolnorus

  1. Just a heads-up that the front page has some flaws that had me deeply confused for a while, but I've sorted it all out. I humbly suggest changing it, and I've done the work already to make it easier. The links to the suggested companion mods to this one are pointed at the old forum posts for some mods, but not for others. For a long time, I thought I couldn't use this mod because some of its companion mods had not been updated since KSP 1.4 and were critically broken, but--as I eventually learned--they have been updated though I could not find them. Google also pointed me to the same old version posts and it was only after I began to do a more thorough investigation that I discovered the new versions. Specifically, the links to ScrapYard and StageRecovery need to be updated. I can't be the only person who has been confused by this, and it is such a simple thing to update the links. Here's the data: ScrapYard link is: ScrapYard Link should be: StageRecovery link is: StageRecovery link should be: It occurs to me that perhaps it was your intention to preserve the discussion history, because each of the old forum posts does have a reply at the very end that points to the new version. In fairness, it was my poor assumption that the referenced mod was outdated and inaccessible to me. As far as I can tell (I may be incorrect), KRASH, Crew R&R, and OhScrap all point to the newest form of the mod, although somehow the OhScrap mod has a presence in the ScrapYard list on GitHub, which also confused me at first because I was suddenly unsure if they were the same or different mods (I thought perhaps OhScrap was the continued version of a retired ScrapYard). The general subject here for me is: how can I easily make sense out of all these mods so that I can choose which ones I want to use, and how do I select the version that I want for the version of KSP that I'm running? This is especially critical right now, as I'm sure people who read this today know (or will soon discover) that KSP 1.7.1 was released today as an amendment for Breaking Ground and mods are broken again. For my part, I'm reverting to KSP 1.6.1 so I can play with some new mods (new to me, anyway). About the only thing that I'm going to really miss from 1.7.0+ is the improved maneuver node editor, because everything else they added has been available through Kerbal Engineer Redux for a long time. In any case, I'd like to express many thanks to linuxgurugamer for his work on the many mods he has created for this game that I love so much!
  2. Romulan Space Program is a 4X real time strategy simulator in which the kerbal guides an alien race of tall grey creatures with pointy ears to create the vast Romulan Star Empire! In RSP, you will act as Praetor of the planet Romulus and will be offered directives by the Imperial Senate and contracts by private industry. Design space vehicles by assembling parts like engines, command pods, fins, and parachutes! Earn prestige by landing the first romulan on one of two moons, then send more missions to all the planets in your star system! Create the Tal Shiar intelligence institution to maintain an iron grip over all citizens, military personnel, and elected or appointed government officials! Manipulate and assassinate senators and generals who disagree with your space command policies! Research faster-than-light travel and discover dozens of alien races, including humans, klingons, gorn, andorians, and tholians! Discover your long-lost sister race, the Vulcans, then undermine their peaceful society and install puppet rulers into their government! Develop amazing "cloaking" technology to create invisible ships to spy on alien races and make surprise raids! In addition to the sandbox mode that includes all these features, play the exciting campaign that follows a three-way war between romulans, humans, and klingons! Who will prevail? Only you can guide the romulan people to supremacy over the galaxy, or lead them into a dark pit of xenophobia and self-imposed isolation!
  3. What's up with all the broken links in the mod descriptions? To elaborate: Some mods are stand-alone, while other mods are used as a foundation for yet other mods. When this occurs, the lower-level mod will have a list of "Mods that integrate with this mod" with links, which are inevitably links to other forum posts. Unfortunately, most of these links seem to be broken, yet the mod forums do exist, but I need to do a search to find each one rather than use the handy (broken) link. This is inconvenient, but obviously workable because it at least tells me what mods to look for, but as a new player this is also confusing to me and makes it difficult for me to track down all the information. My first question: why does this happen? Maybe I am doing something wrong. Maybe the page is simply not updated. Maybe the website changed the way it references threads. I know this game has been around for some years, so as time goes by, stuff changes, and some of these forum posts are crazy long. I appreciate the work that is invested by the mod creators, but it seems like that front post is the primary reference point because their titles keep getting edited to keep up with version changes. My second question: Is there a simple way to navigate this issue (other than google) that I'm not aware of because I don't know how to use forum websites like a pro? I haven't seen any other complaints about this, but then I wouldn't know exactly how to consolidate this inquiry to a simple, concise sentence. My goal here is to figure out how to find mods, match versions, and get stuff working so I can play KSP. Any advice about navigating the mod forums to this end is greatly appreciated.
  4. I have yet to ever be able to configure an MC-1000 or any other Buckboard container. I can only configure Tundra containers or use pre-configured MC-1000 containers that were part of a design that I did not create. So I suppose my game is stable in the non-functional state.
  5. The dialog that opens when I press the WBI button at the Space Center reported that I was in CRP mode, and I have never changed it, so it was presumably already in CRP mode. But, as per your suggestion, I followed the instructions at the top of this thread (Start KSP, switch to Pristine, restart KSP, switch to CRP, restart KSP). Functionality is unchanged, that is to say, broken. I also tried using Stock mode and the problem persists.
  6. I'm having an issue with the Buckboard storage modules. None of them can be configured to have anything more than basic inventory slots like the SC-62. Meanwhile, the Tundra parts that fit inline with Buffalo parts can be configured to hold necessary resources like Equipment. I downloaded the Pathfinder Start Base and it will load in my VAB and display the contents of two of its Buckboard MC-1000 parts as containing Equipment(Resource) and Research Kits(Resource), but they cannot be configured to hold anything else. Also, the MC-1000 unit in the starter base vehicle that displays a storage decal on the instruction web page does not show that decal in either my VAB or during flight; instead I just see the generic WildBlue decal for every MC-1000. The Ponderosa decal matches what is seen on the instruction page. So, is this a known error? Is this an interaction with a particular mod? I'm running KSP 1.4.5 and all of my mods are built for that version of the game or earlier. The documentation on this mod is so vague that it took me several hours to deduce that the Equipment it told me I lacked to inflate a Ponderosa was an in-game resource, so I'm sure there are plenty of other features of this mod that I do not understand. I have not been able to find any reference to this issue in all of my googling. It does not seem to be listed as a fixed issue for the next version. Here's a list of folders in my GameData folder: 000_ClickThroughBlocker 001_ToolbarControl AirplanePlus Astrogator B9PartSwitch Chatterer CommunityCategoryKit CommunityResourcePack CommunityTechTree DeployableEngines DynamicBatteryStorage Firespitter JSI KAS KerbalEngineer KerBalloons KIS MechJeb2 MiniAVC NavyFish NearFutureAeronautics NearFutureConstruction NearFutureElectrical NearFutureLaunchVehicles NearFutureProps NearFuturePropulsion NearFutureSolar NearFutureSpacecraft PlanetaryBaseInc REPOSoftTech SCANsat SpaceAge Squad StationPartsExpansionRedux ThunderAerospace TriggerTech VesselView WildBlueIndustries Workshop Also: ModuleManager 3.1.0
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