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Everything posted by Lapis

  1. banned for having a period in your title
  2. how does a hankerchief stop us from spitting in it waiter my soup is in my soup.
  3. KER. oh wait... airplane plus I use it all the time ( not in stuff I post I prefer to keep it stock so Everyone can use it)
  4. tell it that it can't float like that Waiter there is in my soup
  5. banned for changing the subject
  6. just tell dan to get out of your soup waiter there is a xbox in my soup
  7. double banned for double banning a double banning
  8. banned for having a hyphen in your name
  9. Welcome This thread is to track the development of the flagship airliner of Lapis industries The B-10 is to be developed as the main aircraft of lapis industries. it is an attempt to combine top tier flying, with cheap costs(the cheap part is not yet implemented). currently it is just a mock up with the ability to fly, and (kinda) land. all versions will follow the rules of the regional jet airliner challenge. Current Version: B-10x (prototype) Notes no functional landing, barely flies, can't really turn Next version: B-10x1 Notes landable turnable reworked tail Pictures:
  10. 5/10 I wish I had context for "Welcome Back, me."
  11. banned for posting three hours ago
  12. banned for posting an hour before me
  13. I don't really have Big facepalm moments but there are some... Every time I build A mun probe I forget rcs or reaction wheels meaning using only engine gimbal I have to land on the mun, and usually in the dark as I have to wait for my ships angle to line up with my retrograde. I built a rocket without symmetry the first stage(with one engine) was fine. the second stage (with three engines in a line) flew out of control. I relaunched THREE TIMES! but because I was looking at the rocket from only one angle I did not figure it out until the fourth launch where it happened to roll slightly, I then fixed it and I lived happily ever after
  14. maybe it's the browser? edit: tested on another one unlocked
  15. but it is I this some forum bug? or are they trolling us?
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