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Everything posted by Anariaq

  1. Dont be to excited my friend, be more patient testing out new patterns for Gimp Anariaq
  2. The color is just place holder. With standard color it was stealthy with the background Will be standard black and white later when adding color. Np good luck.
  3. Here is a new link. It has fbx file and obj if fbx dos not work. I do not know if skeleton is copied over, but the kerbal is in T shape, so should not be hard to add a skeleton to. http://db.tt/iLwH10aC EDIT: Will do when I hit the wall. Thanks
  4. I have released some pods over at the release page long ago. Korion, mun lander and other stuff. Though have not released anything after the new scale update. This is just to let you know I'am not ded Reason for no input is that I could not finish the UV map ( head could not figure the model out. ) so build a new shuttle for the project. "Not dead yet" Anariaq.
  5. Hmm did not know that it did not work, but here it is again, added basic texture to it. http://db.tt/iLwH10aC Anariaq
  6. Yes though I think they are to small compared to the shuttle. When compared to the buran/energia. PM send When ready to be tested yes Yes there will be IVA for the shuttle. Kinda useless for a airplane not to have a cockpit And because I need to have something to show for every post. Here is something I had be making for a long time now Anariaq
  7. Hey well the server crash did remove the new model I'm making it this time. This is just the render of the model that where before the wipe. And a new Nmap for the cockpit. Are planning to add specmap to it later. Anariaq.
  8. Well don't think is a good Idea. Will keep the current with only posting stuff when It is ready for beta testing. Yes it is based on the Orion capsule that Nasa is currently making. Will also add decouple and asas unit for it. It is bigger in diameter than the bigger ones that is in the vanilla KSP. So it need custom decouple that will fit those. Rofl doubtful. Currently the only thing I can show of my models are 3d renders. Have not released any of them yet. So if they are looking for future employee. I will not be on the list. Just because of my lack of speed in making them. And think the current squad size is big enough to finish KSP. ROFLMAO yup that covers my work pretty realistically Thinking on finishing up the biggest shuttle on the list, after I finish Korion MK2. Ah ok will tease you guys one last time Took WAY to long for me to figure out how to make the hatch and the ladder on that pod but at least I finished it. Currently I'm finishing up the parachute and after that the decouple.
  9. Will agree with TheCardinal. I will not post any update til I have anything that is needed beta tested. So no update on this post until I have something for you guys. The last post with something under development without any beta test model. This one is replacement of Korion. Will have room for 4 kerbals. Next post will have something to beta test. Anariaq
  10. Hey not lost interest. Just that TheCardinal is right. I post to much that still in development. That not will be released in some time. So I have decided only post update when I have a model that need beta testing. So all development will not be posted until I have something you guys can test. Will make a post to inform the others.

  11. Been sleeping a lot so feel better. And hope you will get better. The Problem with using a tailfin on the shuttles, is that It will be really long because it have to be inside the sound barrier cone. So the easiest solution is to put it on the wings. And now been thinking about the projects. And maybe come up with something better. At least It is all my project in one kinda thing It is a 3 kerbal shuttle mounted on the lander it self. And the landers main purpose is to transport modules to the surface of Mun or Minmus. Thinking of using the same system that Pablock is using for the crewable empty pods, for the Mun/Minmus base. So it will be possible to transport kerbals to the base where they can be inside the base it self. But that will be in the future.
  12. Have restarted the minishuttle. Added a little more siency to it It is designed to have a forward speed of max mach 3 or ca. 1000m/s So when entering the atmo. You need to keep the angle of 40 degree until the speed comes down enough to transition to forward flight. Was thinking of mach 5. Though then it needed to be alot longer to do that. So I chose mach 3 instead.
  13. Naa been to harsh on my body lately. Been up 2 or 3 days at a time. And now my body is doing some payback. Everytime I try to work on something I do not have any energy to do it. Will continue when I can again.
  14. Yes, but last time they updated the part tools before taking a break. That is the problem so far. I can not export any of my models before they update the part tools. And gave up on the little shuttle. I think it was more that the base model is really bad. And made one of the most chaotic UV ever but it worked. EDIT: Added some color to the shield.
  15. The problem is that all of us works differently. So the way I work is best explained by me. Yes will do. And bad news so far. I can not use the same work for the headshield like I do with the pods. I will need to figure out a new way to make the headshield for shuttles. EDIT: Tried out another way to make them, really time consuming. And for the final look. It is not worth it. Will try something else. And I am the only one that thinks it is odd that we have not heard anything from the dev team?
  16. I will have time after I finish my own shuttles. So in a long time from now I always wanted to do a tutorial. Though do not have a mic that is good enough and I am really bad in english so I probably not make one.
  17. At page 18 there is the download link. Though do not want to add it at my release page. Because I am not 100% sure that it is to scale, and it also need the rcs backpack. Also I have learned a lot from making those pods. Something I did not have thought about making the shuttles. So I will use the microshuttle to experiment with the new things. To see how hard it is to use for a shuttle. Hopefully there will be a highres soon.
  18. Haha first time I heard that. Thanks There will be more. I have a tendency of having more Ideas than I can make hence why there are suddenly so many project I have started. And still have different ideas. Rofl the pokeball pod Do need some balancing test after I have finished it. Do not really know how to balance it my self. So when test version comes out. Please do. Thanks. I have ideas about space station parts. But right now I want to see when docking comes out. See what limitation there is. And then Ill take it after that. But at this moment the idea is to have them 3 maybe 4 meter in dia. and 12 meter long. But will not start modelling them till Im sure what I actually can build. And a question. I am in the process of figuring out exporting it. Dos any have an idea how to make the access port door work? and ladder. I have no idea how that is sat up in a model.
  19. Looks really great. Maybe I should make a little texture pack kinda thing after releasing it
  20. Hope you meant Access. That I least used Took all suggestions And mixed it together. Will keep the red and white. From the front looks like my national flag
  21. You got a point. Will see when I get there. Probably gonna keep it now. ( after all I am lazy too ) Rofl hope it will little update for the rescue pod. Dos it look to boring? what color could be cool on this one. I am out of idea. Looks like it is lacking something because of white color.
  22. Dont think so. That one was just a little fun thing I got into my head just want to model it so I could see how it would look like. currently the CL-shuttle will remain the same. That one I will remodel. Do not like the look of the scramjet intake. Thinking of just removing it totally. And will improve the interior to fit more the future plan for IVA. And a little update on the rescuepod.
  23. The little yellow pod will be released soon. I only need to change scale and export it again. And of what I can see. I really dont need to finish the rocket first. It seems that it will fit the new small parts without any problem. After that, I will hurrily finish the 6 kerbal pod to get jeb and co. home
  24. Sorry but they are not SRBs. just ordinary liquid engine. Have been away for a while. Was in no mood to do anything again. But back again. And a little emergency. Was trying out the now stuff in 0.16 and went for Mun. And finally found the arch. Though I accidently activated the decoupler and not the ladder. I have a new mission. To make a pod to get them back home. little screenshot comp. if the mission for me this looks like a creeper head Well jeb want to do something cool I guess And now they are stuck on Mun Mission: have a bigger pod to carry 6 kerbals. And not to big that it dos not fit the new parts. So far I think I have the design settled. And the seating arrangement. And yes had a brainfart. And made a little shuttle
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