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Everything posted by Anariaq

  1. Damn it is hard to UV the interior =P But at least I got it done.
  2. After that one. I got better design in mind. Should be better and use the space better, than that one. Thanks I will add the Kerbal model soon to my download topic. but it got some armature issue that is needed to be fixed. But no texture for the Kerbal. It is just for scale use. And is the new scale where Kerbal is 1 meter. Not 45cm. And yes fly X-Plane a lot lately. Finally fixed the Xeconomy and flying around for WAC again. Currently the light and shadow is just full Cycle render ( wish they could be baked to texture though ) Right now I am testing out how to get the same effect to bake to texture. When I find out how to do it I probably will add a little tutorial about it.
  3. Was going for that. Inspired by Copenhagen suborbitals I am planning on finishing this one. To experiment with the new cockpit view that squad is planning for 0.16 And trying to figuring out how big a pod need to be to have multiple kerbals inside Will probably not continue on that one. Just had an idea that needed to be tested
  4. Thanks! Well have to much fun with this one. Now though, I think I rocketed past the polygon limit EDIT: pilot view
  5. Thats how I roll =P Well It is actually the way I work best. I have tons of project I have deleted, just in frustration that it did not turn out the way I wanted. That is when I concentrate in 1 project only. So when I actually have couple of project going. I can always turn to another project so I don\'t end up to frustrated of 1 project. And finally finished the proportion of kerbals. Now I can continue. EDIT: Having fun with the new Kerbal
  6. Thought about how kerbals would repair stuff, and that was the thing I could come up with And will continue modelling stuff And finally In the process to model the kerbal again, with better proportion.
  7. Not yet. Though I stupidly forgot that I can use the new animation .gifs to use for proportion. And that is what I am doing. Other than that no update. Except that I do some models to make the time go.
  8. The easiest way to separate the 2 islands, is only select the face you want to move ( in 3d view edit ) then in the UV window, there will only be the one face, you can now move it to another place. Then reselect all faces again. And now you should be able to have the 2 islands. The way I do to make them scale at same size, I start with using the 'Average island scale' in the UV menu. Then from there I always scale all parts at the same time, to make sure that they all keep the same scale. Maybe there is another way. But currently that is the way I do it.
  9. Rofl that must have been awkward at least
  10. understandably and really easy. select the area needing the face and then press ' f ' it will fill the area. With the new bmesh system, you can even select more that 4 vertices to fill up an area.
  11. A little drawing I did of a fictional 1 kerbal pod =P Have no plan on making it. And think that it is under fanart.
  12. I will not recommend Saitek Pro Flight Yoke, it has to many problems to be recommended. point 1 when you apply roll and then try to pitch, the spring system will make the yoke stick. Seems they did not change anything on the Saitek pro flight cessna yoke. The only different is that the cessna yoke can have 90 degree of travel to both side of roll. point 2 there is a build in deadzone. Meaning whatever you do, you can not remove the deadzone. Really bad Idea, specially when you are trying to make small movement. it is ca. 2~4 degree movement of the yoke in roll before it actually add any movement. And also pitch has approx 1~2 cm travel before there is any movement applied. point 3 Maybe this is only on mine, but the throttles dos not have same value in travel, so if I try to fly with 2 or 3 engines airplanes I will get approx 10% in difference, even though the sticks is at the same place. My Saitek yoke right now is heavily modded, just to be useful. Have changed the original controller with leo bodnar joystick controller ( 10 bit ) just to remove the deadzone. Have removed the spring system and added my own mod to remove the stickiness with highly advanced rubber bands
  13. rofl now you say it Will do, when I feel bored again If it is about the arms, well they are that long, if you look at the animation tread you can see that kerbals arms a long compared to the body.
  14. My first fanart kinda thing still need a scanner though. Or get started with my wacom again
  15. That is the weirdest thing I seen, I have no idea what is wrong. Can see that normals is pointing the right way. and the model seems to be right too. But the effect is weird. If you are using unity to make the model. I can not help much, I have not got any time checking it out yet.
  16. For the kerbal, is still the same high poly model. Was going to make a low poly, but now there is the new Kerbal model that comes out in 0.16 that I need to finalize the proportion of my own kerbal. So shuttles and other models that is dependent on the proportion of my kerbal is on hold til .16 comes out. Nope they can not. But it is not only the kerbal that will be scaled up, but all parts also. So the 1m pod will also be scaled.
  17. Maybe it could be that the normals is pointing the wrong direction? The easiest way to fix that, is to go into edit mode. and CTRL+n. That should make all normals point outward.
  18. Haha Yup always hated when the tape got stuck, and had to rewind it with a pencil
  19. Just a preview to see if this model is ok for you. A little radio And should I just send you the model file and texture, or should I make it so it is already ready to be used in KSP?
  20. Don\'t think unity supports svg files. You have to save it as PNG. the standard texture file for KSP. Just to be safe with it.
  21. Yes got it. Have experimented with how to fix that problem. Though What ever I have done, nothing seems to make something useful for GIMP. So far the only solution is to get Inkscape. You can export the UV layout to .svg format. Where Inkscape can open. And because it is a scalable vector system, it will not give any form of half transparent pixels. This is the only solution I can make work. inkspace link http://inkscape.org/
  22. That is fantastic Idea. Will make a simple model for you, when I wake up though, need to sleep first But this is just what I need for the long flights
  23. If you are using the UV layout, that gives a half transparent picture? The only thing I can think of, is that if you use GIMP. You can use another layer beneath it, that is white. Then merge those 2 layers. Making it possible to use the paintbucket.
  24. Well Harvester has commented that the kerbals now is 1.5 times bigger (1 unit in size (1m) ) that they used to be. So now kerbals is this big compared to a human.
  25. The way I usually do the UV mapping of a sphere or half sphere, is to use the mark seam option. Though the UV will look like the a flower. And the biggest problem with that is there will be gaps in the texture you are making, that you have to take to account for. Though I don\'t have a problem with that. Because all texture work I do is inside blender it self. Only use GIMP to touch up the texture. To mark seams for UV mapping is CTRL+e when you have selected the edges that need it. then after that you can just select UV unwrap as usual. The flower shape as I said is the result. And to minimize stretch you can see the stretch in the UV by selecting the stretch option in the Display ( at the left of the picture ) And if you are going to more detail, and still have a little stretch problem. You can always add more seams ( Though can be more problematic when actually making the textures ) Hope that helped a little. The problem with spheres and other organic shaped objects. Is that it is not possible to remove all stretching. In the end, this is where we are trying to take a 3d model and make a 2d version of it. EDIT: Another way to add seams to a UV sphere. And good advice is to use the average island scale option and pack island when you are doing the UV stuff. The average island scale option. Is to make sure that every island is the same size in proportion to the texture ( it is to prevent that one part covers the more area that the other and will affect the quality of the one that is smaller that the other ) And never had any luck with the minimize stretch option above the average island scale. So I don\'t use it. EDIT 2: Dammit, always come up with ideas now This one is now the best solution for you. Go into perspective view and make sure that you are looking at it from behind. And then select the projected from view. will give a good unwrap with a little stretching to it. Better than doing it from orto view. EDIT 3: Well tried to do a projected from view with orto view and then use the minimize stretch. It actually work here. Gives same effect as the perspective view unwrap So ignore my comment on that it is kinda useless
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