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Everything posted by Anariaq

  1. Well dont know if it was something I did wrong. But the pods normalmap looks different from blenders game engine.
  2. Is it in the paint program or is it in Unity when I make a material for the model?
  3. Many thanks! I noticed that you have specmap on your models? or is it just me seen things? Right now I have specmap in blender. But I have no idea how to make it work in Unity before I export it to KSP. If you have specmap on yours. How did you do it?
  4. I will say that the pod is finished now. Just need to figure out Unity so I can export it to KSP.
  5. I dont know if it is here I can ask this question. But here we go. I am in the process of finishing my textures. One thing I am use to do, is to make a specmap for my models. But so far I can only see that there is an option for normal map and diffuse. I don\'t know how to add the specmap. But is it even possible?
  6. not really far. Damn there is always some one that already thought about it anyway a little update. Not really happy with the finish with the ampmap and normalmap. EDIT: Well I gave up, could not improve the baked textures. But here is a preview of the start of the texturing EDIT2: Went a little crazy with the texturing but like it. Will keep this texture EDIT3: Added small detail to the texture. And hope there i a way to get specmap in KSP, Anyway here is the current texure
  7. Ah, thanks for the clarification, thought about it as a blender problem, not unity
  8. I do not know, have not tried it, do not have a model that need that type of thing. Keep us informed if that works
  9. The best way I can think off. Is to get into the edit mode, and then select the part that you need to 'remove' and after selecting them you can then press 'p' then select the 'selection' it will take the part you have selected, and then it will be separated from the model as a new model for it self. At least this is what I understand that you want to do.
  10. Yes all object we make is actually all consist of poligons, even if we see them as quad of more ( with ngon system ) So in blender you have a quad but in the background it is actually 2 triangles ( poligons )
  11. I will say I am finished with the minipod MK2 and will start the highres version. So I can make the normal map for it. EDIT: little preview of the highres. Hope I can make it work EDIT2: Well first test I ever made with unity, seems to work
  12. a little update, need to sleep, hate when I get a good Idea, I always end up staying up to long to figure out stuff
  13. No need. At least you are honest, and understand your frustration. It is not the fist time I encountered that. I also end up with situation in work and school that is not positive, because of that. And been looking around. I do not know what you are asking about. What is it you are trying to do?
  14. Will finish with them. As I said before. I work best with multiple project at the time. I have a really bad workflow, because I loose interest in said project and need to make another one, and will return when I loose interest in that project. I ping pong around with them. Can say that I will continue with the dragonfly, because of the cockpit view that they are implementing in 0.16
  15. Could be retextured. Though the UV is a mess. But think the new minipod MK2 will be better solution for that part. Was not happy with the look of the pod inside KSP, So I decided to redesign the minipod. And this is the result so far. EDIT: moved a little forward with it
  16. At least my interest in designing space stuff, finally have some use thanks! That one is just a alpha that is made for 0.15 and will remain that way. All work on it is just temporary work ( 15 min pr texture dos not create some cool looking texture ) I still need to make the High res version. So I can bake a normal map for the model. But that will take time. So in the mean time, I made the alpha release so you guys can have some fun with it. And please report anything that is broken or faulty.
  17. I try to avoid plugins for now. When I get more experience with modding I will try out making more complicated models with use of plugins
  18. Just finished the 'alpha' version of minipod, download at first post.
  19. Could be, but right now it is already cramped with the kerbal alone Finished will upload it now Download here http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=9167.0
  20. Yes I will. There is no cancelled project yet. Though will take a little time. And I think you guys are tired of waiting for something. So I made a 'alpha' version of the minipod. Only need to make the decoupler. Then I will release it Texture and all is temporary placeholders. But at least there is something you guys can play crash with
  21. Kinda, it was because I had the sticky launchpad situation, that I made this one. BTW figured out why my screen went ded. Apparently my outlet is to weak to power my 850watt computer and a screen at the same time. Tried in frustration to move my screen to another outlet. And it worked without any problems.
  22. For now, in a really long time. I got a problem with my main computer. The screen went dead, so I only have my laptop to do anything. And here Monday I will take the screen to the shop where I bought it. To see if they can fix it. Hope that I can finish them soon. If I can get the screen fixed. Yes that is possible. But I have planned to use the free space for storage for long duration flights and have the CO2 filters also. That is why there is only 7 in that design. The parachute is under the nosecone. Not got to model that yet.
  23. That was the plan for that sphere. But for now it is just static model. No info that they will add working gauges option yet. I will try to copy the LEM HSI for this one I wish, to much still needed to be done before I can release it. And finally I ended in a situation that I can not figure out with blender. Whenever I do bake to texture with full render I get problems with it. It funnily show the edges from the model it self. I have tried to find a solution with no luck. If any could give some inside in how the full render bake works I will be happy screenshot
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