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Everything posted by Anariaq

  1. Thanks!! Well haven\'t even got to a point that I can get it into KSP so testcraft is not possible, There will be testcraft in the future. Just to do bug fixes on how it fly and so on. And for the cockpit view. Well expected that there will be one. But not this soon. Really happy that they went for it though Cant wait to get this one. Will be the best thing in KSP. Could be fun to make a maze inside one of the shuttles ;P And now got started on the cockpit with the B_shuttle
  2. Looks fantastic. What kind of fuel is the ion engine use? and what power output will it have?
  3. Yes still working on it. Though not much to show at all. Will say if I have cancelled something of my work. So far none cancellation The reason I have the solarpanels on the shuttle. Is that the cargopod can be changed, So having them on the doors of the unpressurized cargopod. Then you don\'t have any for the rest of the cargopods. The second reason for the solarpanels on this shuttle specifically. Is that there will be a cargopod for interplanetary travel with the option for landing small landing pod on planets. And return for refuel for another 1 or 2 landings. EDIT: the rest of the cargo pod is actually extra fuel for the shuttle to do the interplanetary travel. Never thought of that type of landinggear that one could be used. Though have to restart the model of the landinggear room. Though will use for future reference when I have to make a new or remodel this one. A little OT. Finally my first Minmus landing
  4. The problem for 4 wheeled aircraft. Is there will be a pivot point between front and back wheels. So far I don\'t know if that is possible to simulate in KSP. The easiest to do is make a 2 wheeled landing gear. The plan is to use airbreathing engines, and scram engine ( dont know if possible ) then liquid engine as final. All control surfaces will be custom for all shuttles. the stock part is to small for this shuttle and little update.
  5. The way that can be done is when you add a cylinder, in the object tools there you can set it to use triangle fan or ngon, ngon is the new bmesh system introduced in blender 2.63, I\'m also new to this. So I do not have a full in depth knowledge of it yet. The one you will use is the triangle fan. hope it helped.
  6. Both models is exactly same size, it is just that the door is open that make it look smaller. Was thinking on using 4 wheeled, but I don\'t think that it is possible to simulate that in KSP. So I went with 2 wheeled. If possible I will change them.
  7. Now added passenger cargopod And unpressured cargopod pressured caropod just look like the previously pictures.
  8. Thanks! It would if they where big enough, the size of the vanilla landing gear in 0.15 is actually the same size of the Kerbal at the top of the shuttle. Hence could be problematic to use As of now all my shuttles is one of design, meaning there is only one way to build it ( though could add structure at the surface ) I\'m not creative enough to figure out a modular design for spaceplane. Thats why I making them one of designs they have a fixed cargo size, what it carries can be different, but still fixed at the size of cargo room. That is why I have planned to make 3 different spaceplanes.
  9. All my shuttles will have interior cockpit. Maybe not the most detailed ( no virtual cockpit view yet ) The new model, I maybe gonna call it BA_shuttle ( big ass shuttle ) and right now the % has dropped after the new release of KSP. A lot of new things I need to learn before I can finish them.
  10. Will release when done. The problem with me. Is that I work best with multiple projects at once. Though that mean it will take time to finish them all. And talking of multiple projects. Here is the shuttle that is going to replace the original shuttle that can be seen in the start of this topic. will be able to carry 2x2x8 meter cargo EDIT: added landing gear
  11. Going to look into that. Cant get my head around it yet. Need to play with it, but at least now I can start finishing things up with my shuttle
  12. Doh sorry did not know that. hopefully they will fix it. Though, should the bug not be in the blender exporter instead of unity?
  13. What would be really cool is that once configured for the CCS for example. Use a plug-in to make it mobile. Parking brake it. Then with a bespoke rig and cleaver stage set up have a zero thrust rocket with small particle effect start 15secs before the SSME\'s start (to replicate a water dousing system) then start the SSME\'s, move to full thrust then launch. so far this is only be a static model. It is just to make it possible for launch a rocket without it sticking to the launchpad. Far from it =P sorry about that. I\'m still waiting to see if any coders could make a plugin that can convince KSP that 1 model will have more functions, like having RCS fuel, main fuel, ASAS and pod in one model only. So far if I have to continue with current way it works. It will have 18 different parts, just to make it work.
  14. Thought that KSP only use the DEA file format. Or are you making another game?
  15. Rofl yup I hear that a lot. Blender is not easy to learn if you have experience with other 3d software. And the prize of 3d studio max is huge in my opinion, I have a topic here http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=10045.0 where you can ask of help on blender. I will try to help as much as I can. And the reason why it is to big. Is that when you add that 3 meters, it will be 6 meter in diameter. That is why you have the model to big. Remember when you set scale in the size, you have to add it as half the size. Because it is radius. Not diameter. so for right scale for 3 meter in diameter. You should add 1.5 meter.
  16. Hey have looked at it. The import showed me that the model is 6 meter in diameter. If you could upload the .blend file I could check out what is going on. EDIT: should add that the scale in the CFG, will not affect the scale of the model in KSP. The only thing that will change, is where the hardpoints is. BTW. If what you did was when added a cylinder and added 3 meter in the radius, you will get 6 meter in dia. So the model will be twice as large. Just for info. when you add a cube it is 2x2x2 meter, so you can check if the scale fits.
  17. As of now. It has 5210 polys. The kerbals in the render is still the highpoly versions.
  18. Think I\'m finished with the launchpad model. Now only need UV and texture it.
  19. The current launchpad will be an object sitting on the current launchpad. It job is to hold the engine above the launchpad, so there will be no stickiness on launch. And hopefully will the rocket have a strong enough engine, if not. Well something is going to explode The current texture on the lander is temp. I\'m testing out how to do things in Cycle renderer. And see if it is possible to use it as texture baking ( and hopefully I can bake the noise map as normal map =P )
  20. I had been considering a launchpad for the CSS shuttle for the longest time. I have changed the design to look a little more like the one shuttle uses. Though could be cool to make a replica of the original launchpad. hopefully it will work
  21. I don\'t know about you guys. But I was getting tired of the launchpad stickiness. So as a third side project =P I\'m modelling a launchpad, where I will make decouplers in different sizes. EDIT: forgot about showing scale =P
  22. Well in the process of texturing and experimenting with Cycle render, to see if I can use that as base render, instead of blenders internal render. And have a little preview that I hope I can use for rendering the texture of Dragonfly
  23. Maybe. But need some heavy lifters. got like my Dragonfly Mun lander, that need something that big. Think the Ariane 4 will be smaller lifter. But time will tell.
  24. Also I recorded something and the Ariane 5 will has an original sounds. First in-game view: (Better then I hoped ) Cant wait looks fantastic. Like the little pod on the top. What is the diameter of the rocket? Could be used to send my Mun lander up.
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