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  1. Hey Nertea, really great work on this mod. I love all of the parts you added. It really rounds out the part selection. Just a question about the Ocsar tanks: It seems like the longer stock tanks trim some of the length compared to a stack of equal fuel load from shorter parts. Is this something that just didn't make sense for the Oscar tanks?
  2. This has been fixed. Apparently 1.6 broke something with the partdatabase and KSP 1.6.1 and MM 3.1.3 have solved this issue.
  3. I'm having issues with both the Concorde and MK3 cargo cockpits. When I place them in the SPH, they toggle to drooped/open and I don't have an option to put them back, even in the actions menu. Anything I should check or could this be related to 1.6? edit: they are also missing the toggle lights option
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