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  1. @Beale When I tried to open up the Pirs craft file, how come it says I cannot open it because it is missing parts? The parts that are missing are the Castor.Decoupler.1.O and the LLV.E.Fairing.1.
  2. Can the stock station IVAs be used as placeholders instead of the current ones? Can the Making History IVAs be used as IVAs for the Soyuz spacecraft? @Beale
  3. Directly from folder. I can't delete it in-game because it is stock. EDIT: When I used KSP_64.exe, it seems to fix the solution. However, how do I prevent Steam from saving those ships or delete them from the cloud?
  4. After I installed the Real Scale Boosters mod and the Real Scales Booster Stockalike mod through CKAN and then deleted it through CKAN as well, the stock crafts that are related to the mod are still in the main VAB folder. After I deleted them because I don't need them, they came back in the folder after starting up KSP. I tried deleting them again, but they still came back. These files keep popping up after starting up the game. What am I supposed to do to solve this? KSP: 1.6 Windows 10 64 bit Problem: Stock files from the RSB mod and RSB Stockalike keep reappearing in the VAB folder despite being manually deleted Mods Installed: Click Through Blocker (Version Distant Object Enhancement (Version FMRS (Version KAS (Version 1.1) KER (Version KIS (Version 1.18) Mechjeb 2 (Version Module Manager (Version 4.0.2) New Tantares (Version 17.0) Recovery Controller (Version scatterer (Version 0.0540) Toolbar (Version 1.7.18) Toolbar Controller (Version 1.7.18) Reproduction steps: In the first paragraph Log: https://1drv.ms/f/s!Ah0DV8z9RuL9gTHHxFbA9XZUxewG
  5. When I delete this mod manually, how come the sample crafts keep showing up in the Ships folder?
  6. No, I am just using the CA mod and I still have the problem. Firespitter Core and Module Manager are fully updated. I got my mods off of CKAN, if that is helpful.
  7. Anyone else having problems with black textures on certain parts?
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