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Everything posted by KerballingSmasher

  1. Hawaii (keeping up with that theme)
  2. Yeah I'll give you that. EELOO IS LOVE, EELOO IS LIFE
  4. After a bit of a wait, here it is! No, not Chapter 2, just Supplemental Chapter 1! Chapter 1 Supplement: Statistical Overview Arc 1/Arc 2, as told by Bill: 1 Moho 25 *supplemental log entry BI5-26-alpha* Good evening everyone! Bill Kerman here. We here at the Engineering Department have been absorbing the kilobytes of data (Bob Here! All Those bits, bytes and kilos have been a gracious gift from the science department!) from a total of just under 14 seconds of flight; the full 8.8 seconds of Valentina’s launch, and 5.1 seconds from Jim’s. We also tracked down the problem from Jim’s flight to an issue in the engine bell that was caused by an improperly insulated wire, which melted in the heat of the launch. We’ve also been adding the data returned from the flight to the Hammer, and we should be able to get about 24 seconds of flight from the Hammer. They’ve also announced a third Hammer Hop (Arc 5) due to launch on the NEW PAD 1B!!! AHHH SO EXCITED!! *ahem* The new Hammer booster will use a better fuel (Ammonium Peklorate Komposite Propellant), called APKP, or more commonly known as just SolidFuel. Other than that, I could go ranting on about the stuff we collected from the flights for a couple of hours, but I won’t make you all listen to that. It’s pretty long and kinda boring to anyone outside the engineering building. Anyway… there are also rumors of some new kind of engine, called the “EX-L1 Swivel” that’s in development for the flights after the Hammer Hops. Not sure what it is, as those of us who just got transferred over to the division don’t have high enough clearance yet, but it’s supposed to be kinda big compared to the Flea and the Hammer. It is rumored to be some kinda liquid fueled rocket engine, but we haven’t seen anything with liquid fuel yet, and the first three tests of a liquid fuelled booster have ended in catastrophe, with all three exploding (the last one was particularly spectacular). If they ever can get it to work, at least two of the pilots have said they’ll eat their own helmets. Not sure if they’ll actually do that, but it would be funny. I’m also sure that Jeb would document it either way. Actually, thinking back on it, Jeb might have been one of the guys who said he would eat his helmet… nah. He’s not that cra-- never mind… pretty sure I just heard him buzzing the R&D buildings. He’s about to get so chewed out! Man… Gene is going to be so ticked off. I also have some confidential information that “accidentally” got leaked (and by leaked, I mean placed on my desk)!! It’s gonna be Jeb with the first Hammer Hop, Scott’s got the second one, and some new kid named Keryan will be flying the third. He’ll be so excited when he hears that he’s gotten a flight, but I think he’s only got about 15 flight hours... should be interesting! I haven’t seen him fly yet, but some of the scientist guys are saying that he’s almost as good as Jeb, but not even anywhere close to as reckless. Not sure if that’s a good thing or not, but either way it’ll be interesting. I really can’t wait to see the new pad though. It should be great! Man, I gotta stop rambling on like this. Bill Kerman, Log Entry (BI5-26-alpha), signing off. Author's Note: Again, no one has figured out those references, not even @Salmon! I sure hope one of you figures it out soon... (Correction: @Salmon did actually find the references. I'm trusting he won't post them until some one else finds them.) Editor's Note: (This was all I could procure from @Salmon) I hope you enjoy it!
  5. hmm... Eeloo I can agree with, but Dres might be a little bit much. Granted, Dres does have the better geological features, but it's almost not worth the effort it takes to get there.
  6. 8/10 for hostile takeover but still remembering when KSP had all its devs.
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