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Everything posted by Stormpilot

  1. @Dman979 The latter over the former. where do you stash annoying family members?
  2. @GuessingEveryDay KSP forums and YouTube. What is the worst quote ever?
  3. I push you off the hill my hill
  4. This has been replaying in my head on repeat for the past 3 days. I played the original force unleashed game on my old Xbox 360. Good times.
  5. @Dman979 huh? what? Doesn’t responding to that break forum rules How long do you sleep each night?
  6. Granted. It’s a 1:72 scale WC-130 I wish for a cookie
  7. @Ultimate SteveYes I do it all the time How many houses do you blow up a day?
  8. @Ultimate Steve not much. How often do you eat Kerbal plushies?
  9. Huh? Oh darn I said cleared to land runway 2 not runway soup! Can you guys listen to instructions? Waiter! This is a SOUP
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