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Everything posted by Stormpilot

  1. Darn missed my summon again! @Gargamel I summon you (even though you have not posted for over a month).
  2. I return to post another wall of text and airplane pictures. Here are a few of my favourite turbo props (from least to greatest). I like the dash 8-100: and the dash 7: The L-188 is pure turboprop Canadian (operated) awesomeness: And finally, last but not least, the CC-130B.
  3. He might. But he’s not here. @Ben J. Kerman
  4. 237 count to 100000? Also how many files my X-Plane 11 updater has to scan
  5. Will KSP 2 bake my potato PC? Yes and all other potato’s in a 10 kilometre radius of my house.
  6. Darn he’s not here yet. @adsii1970 you around?
  7. Sorry I missed summoning! @Spaceman.Spiff
  8. *cranes unavailable* will @Starhelperdude help us?
  9. @adsii1970 Chicken noodle soup what type of material is your living room floor made of?
  10. Granted. It has nothing other than empty space which is nothing. I wish for an ice cream sandwich.
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