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Everything posted by Stormpilot

  1. HA! YOUR WRONG! The correct date is October the 37th 2084 Why is my cat eating the house?
  2. Yep. Especially the first part with the Ice On the window. You gotta earn your Tim Hortons!
  3. Technically first unless you count the time a DC-8 went supersonic in 1961. TU-144 first flight was in the late 60s.
  4. Yeah I guess it’s cool but you know… this:
  5. I use 1 500 000 confused cats. They run over the dogs on both hills and start a communist republic and name it SSSCR (Soyuz Soviet Socalist Cat Republic). They arm the outer borders with walls and use massive armoured gun turrets like the ones used on battleships. There are radar and anti air defences including CWIS and SAM’s. The ground forces build up and an Air Force is established. They now have a super fortified nation ready to repel an attack. They are OUR hills (but really belong to the cats controlling them).
  6. Banned for stealing words from thread title text.
  7. Nonono the snow would simply not permit the carpet Why do grass attack me?
  8. 74 bottles of beer on the wall 74 bottles of beer take one down, pass it around 73 bottles of beer on the wall
  9. Granted. Potatoe man eats you I wish for a pizza
  10. Banned for the kerbiloidisation of the forums
  11. I use M24 Chaffee and shoot you on both your hills and they become my hills.
  12. Granted. It’s the last thing you see before you are sucked in. I wish for a 1:72 F-104 star fighter.
  13. No but I have the ham, mayo, bread, and a lot of cheese. TUBM has a black lab
  14. Nonono if im not mistaken I think the hunger games is where some short people try to destroy a ring of sorts. Or was that something else?
  15. The plot of the hunger games is 24 children from different districts all compete by seeing who can chug a bottle of maple syrup the fastest.
  16. Yeah I don’t remember that stuff TUBM is drinking something from Tim Hortons right now.
  17. Caesar: a yellow translucent gas giant with a very thin small ring. About twice the size of Jool. Not very dense though so still has gravity and atmospheric pressure similar to Jool. Has 3 moons 1 of which has an atmosphere with small amount of ocean of an unknown substance. This moon is very rich in ore and other stuff to mine out most notably rocket fuel and Xeon. We shall call this moon Jane.
  18. I agree. This man is on a whole other that us in big brain fancy science. This man must be trusted.
  19. @Dr. Kerbal you missed the perfect change to name a super famous German WW2 plane I will name one: bf 110
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