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Everything posted by Stormpilot

  1. How many post dose someone get 4 circles and 5 circles on their rank?
  2. I have one of the most powerful fastest helicopters, loaded with missiles and rocket pods (AKA the MI-24).
  3. No you don’t! Or maybe you do… @JB182
  4. “Hello there!” -obi-wan Kenobi
  5. Lol I am currently at your front door, or the attic, or the basement. You will never find me
  6. Yes. Very true. I’m gonna go fly this flag the next time I’m scaring people.
  7. Yeah the forums UI and the forums in general has changed a lot. It also nice to see forums that existed back then and are still active today.
  8. Common guys! Subscribe to Dr Kerbal so eventually he can buy a new mic!
  9. I mean it’s not that bad Common guys! We need prime numbers to be listed!
  10. Oh wow I’m almost at 500 rep :o 

  11. Your a wizard spiff *intense Harry Potter theme playing*
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