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  1. Hello! Tell me what could be the problem. I placed the texture files in the TextureReplacer > Default folder. I downloaded the skybox textures: "Deep Star Map Skybox".
  2. Where can I see a list of mods for the work of these craft?
  3. This mod very lowers FPS. Does anyone know how to fix this? Without mod: With mod:
  4. Help. What could be the problem? Textures of all planets ... On the last update of the mod, it worked. Now this is the problem. The latest version of the game. All Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/D20wet0 1) Kerbin - https://imgur.com/v6Kr0sF , https://imgur.com/LLku3Ya 2)Duna - https://imgur.com/fgfyU7E , https://imgur.com/SgHuJDe , https://imgur.com/SQLyy1L 3)Muna - https://imgur.com/qygvyg7 , https://imgur.com/CZu6HEp P.S. Sorry for mistakes. I do not speak English. Thank you in advance.
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