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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. There a several tutorials, e.g. here: Now that question you better ask the tourists, I'm just bringing them there and back and get paid for it Pays pretty well, ain't it?
  2. Yepp. There are asteroids in KSP, and you can catch them. And bring tourists there who want to visit one. And since 1.10., there are comets as well in KSP.
  3. Yepp, several tourists wanted to visit an asteroid, that pays very well
  4. Naturally. Almost no craft is that perfectly attuned that it can do a perfect gravity turn after the initial pitch by just following prograde. Use SAS hold instead and do some manual steering as required.
  5. Let's say 170x71 km, Pe above the 70 km atmosphere border of Kerbin. And why would that "destroy your progress"?
  6. Hi @EndAllFilms, to be able to help you we need a tiny bit more of information as lined out here:
  7. That was before KSP 1.7 though Anyway, just follow the basic steps as outlined by @Popestar, and you're good! My personal preferred numbers vary a bit, but that doesn't change the general procedure at all. As a final note, in my opinion circular orbits are a bit overrated, it's perfectly fine to end with an orbit of say 115x85 km instead of having a perfect 100x100 km orbit.
  8. Great it works for you and even better you enjoy what you're doing! For my career play though, I have other goals and priorities, namely put a flag on every CB where possible. With my funds in the 9-digits range, having 150+ vessels active in the Kerbol system, from relay and utility satellites to rovers, science probes, space stations, and kerballed landers, I don't have that much interest in recovering spent stages. Next things to do for me is establishing relay constellations in the Jool system as well as around Eeloo, getting the ScanSats to work, and getting my Kerbals to land and explore using their rovers. One of the many aspects I love about KSP is that everyone can play it his own way, settings their own goals. Combine that with to numerous mods you can install, and everyone has his own experience.
  9. I'd do that, yes. You could adjust the altitude at which your chutes do open, but you know that.
  10. I usually go to the bottom part of the tech tree on that stage. More experiments -> more science. Plus: batteries are really really useful! If it get's the job done for a reasonable amount of cash, then it's a good rocket.
  11. Both, the radial SRBs (1st stage), and the core SRB are throttled down a bit, gives me a better (=more fuel efficient) gravity turn. Might be, but it's cheaper with the SRB. Important is the dv budget, not how long a stage lasts. The 3 SRBs get the thing up to 30 km, then the Terrier kicks in with almost max. ISP (344 of 345 s) Could totally change that, yes. Never been fond of using drogue chutes though, just a personal preference, no particular reason. EDIT: well, thinking about, there is a reason: my craft slows down to below 300 m/s naturally/the way I built it, hence there is no need to have/use a drogue chute. Three "normal" chutes though do give me a slower touch down speed than one drogue plus two normal ones. Beg your pardon, but that's what I had instinctively done, not even thinking about it. And then I would end up with just an unstable and too fast reentry like your rocket, which was what made you open this thread in the first place, wasn't it? Limiting to 1.25 m parts, I think I would probably go for something like this: Twice the surface area -> much better for breaking speed.
  12. Yeah, this one is already filed https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/26872 But if you find another one, report it
  13. You can file bug reports here: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/projects/ksp/issues
  14. Regarding stage recovery, two notes: Keep in mind that KSP only calculates physics in a radius of 2.5km around your actual vessel. In other words, if you say drop the 1st stage boosters at 12km altitude, and your main rocket continues to accelerate, it will be only seconds until the dropped boosters are out of physics range, and the game will automatically destroy them (everything not active below 25km altitude is auto-deleted). There are though mods for stage recovery, namely this It's usually not worth your time to recover spent stages, in the time required for that, you can earn more money doing missions/contracts. If you're enjoying to recover stages, perfectly fine, if your focus is funds, better leave it be.
  15. During reentry, always (exceptions apply, of course ) keep the the craft retrograde, on the nav ball it looks this:
  16. Just upload the screenshot to an image sharing site like Imgur or Imgbb and post the link to the image here.
  17. I wouldn't recommend that. In general, avoid any non-smooth transitions in diameter, they are killing aerodynamics and cost a huge amount of dv during ascend. Here's a cheap (costs just 13k) little orbiter for 3 Kerbals which has no issues with reentry: You can download the craft file here https://easyupload.io/tdfgm7
  18. 700 m/s is a lot, you definitely had your craft in retrograde orientation during the whole reentry atmospheric flight?
  19. Without seeing the vessel in question, I assume it would be something like this: Just what @vv3k70r said, yes: very small diameter in relation to the mass, and the little reaction wheel won't be able to keep that stable on retrograde. I'd suggest you make two launches, with just the Mk1-1 pod plus one passenger cabin for reentry.
  20. Mind to share a screenshot of the reentering part of your rocket?
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