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Everything posted by k00b

  1. like jelly.... VERY SLOW JELLY > the maths only adds up in one direction, but we don't know if we are riding a wave of a wobble at the moment.... NO - it does NOT happen in a singularity, it happens at a "freeze frame of space time", space time is moving on times time, THUS, if it is wobbling, then it doesn't "work fine" it is "hodgepodge" for the "time being" (until; it wobbles back). ...all of the rare metals, all of the fossil fuel, all of the peoples minds, all of the engery, for 100yrs + and to "to make a computer game" - have you had any apples to the noggin ?
  2. (i.e. "not expanding"), WHICH: BUT i figured since: like you say... / guessing that there will probably be some mathematical constant (ancient greek letter ?) accounting for the "time thereafter" ("space time hodgepodge") meaning - the only difference between einsteins theories of relativities AND a random person saying "space is spacey" is that albert made spaceflight and kerbals possible ?. space flight being good for ? how do they know it is not wobbling ? i was meaning like "pushed to point, where point in time thereafter they don't make sense anymore" BUT my new hypothesis is there is a greek letter floating about... "guh" maths - you know how newton plagurised robert hooke etc, then albert wrote aload of garbage about space being spacey, and then nowadays they are writing about space being spacey on a quantum level (annoying...).
  3. thankyou - please could i rephrase the question to pertain to general relativity - particularly einsteins model of "the earth / space (whatever...) being suspended in a "Riemannian geometry net" - geometry pertains to measurable points at the end pieces no ? so if the end pieces points have "moved apart" (re "expansion" of space (in between them...) > then won't that mean that the mathematical equations have been "warped" since formulation ? OR is that why it remains a "theory" ? OR something else ? thanks.
  4. thanks all - i didn't understand about "positive and negative momentum" relative to space (...because it's relative to object therein "OOps") you know they say that "space is expanding"; does this mean that [the mathematic equations behind] einsteins model of spacial relativity are also being "warped" or are they talking about "the space" outside of the solar system does anybody know ?.
  5. you have one here - i saw your project; i don't think you can get him back only an imposter, so if you put right at the very end of your project 'in memoriam - milford kerbal' and then you don't get a gold star - then send your teacher to k00b and i will shout at them for you (lots and lots). - can you help me with a project i am working on milford ? (i am hoping you watch spongebobsquarepants ?) say if there were "real life squidward" kind of people in school convincing everybody that spongebob was "for children" and rubbish because "pineapples don't grow under the sea.." etc etc (really annoying people that doesn't understand that "the laws of physics don't apply to creative works"), ruining spongebob for EVERYBODY and only because they themselves don't know how to enjoy it.... how do you make it so that the people who were convinced by the squidwards, can learn that they were tricked by annoying people being "squidwards" and then everybody can enjoy spongebob again ?.
  6. ohhhh; thanks and thanks - it was OP (not the control system / game); that was the bit going over my head. can anybody tell me how reaction wheels work IRL - i don't understand how they can orient mass in the vacuum of space ?
  7. your orbital trajectory may be a "little bit" "all around the houses" due to having "infinite fuel" maybe ?; i don't really think infinite fuel is good unless you are sandbox building spacebases or something IMHO. i have only ever been to laythe and made it back into low orbit with fuel - laythe is on the outer system (i.e. "very hard"). BUT here is a good video, to see what can be accomplished / landing on laythe if you are interested: (stolen from this thread -
  8. dunno but the devs alluded to the answer oct 1 page 3 near the bottom here - (went over my head) https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/188498-ksp-loading-content%C2%A0for-consoles-and-pc-coming-soon/page/3/ pretty sure it's overhaulling breaking ground / visual and gameplay improvements and also give us new pieces to play with. but also r2r is coming out...
  9. that's the problem... ask a classical computer "why does he live in a pineapple under the sea" and it will not compute... ask a "super computer" the above, and it will illogically compute ALL THE WAY until you stop feeding it.... [snip] (a mathematician will be inclined to tell you otherwise because they have vested interest (like "sense of self VS. getting psychosis"). - they will never be able to tell you the state of something, or "skip computation via knowlege" because shrodingers cat meowed so, and it takes time to compute. (how about instead asking (a supercomputer) "how much fur kerbals have left if the time spent playing on computers since plato time was doing work instead" ("OH")) -------------------------------- "socrates revenge" - by k00b plato and socrates sitting in a tree; socrates drank the Kool-Aid, so plato corrupted kerbality ?. -------------------------------- butthurt arguments about who has the bestest squiggles...
  10. can someone explain this ?; if it is pointing straight down (instead of straight up) then what is the difference ? (on the basis reaction wheels don't supply thrust) thanks
  11. i dunno about the physics, but it will be something to do with centre of mass x aerodynamics guessing (going too fast / too big a lander) ? you still have not said your speed unless i have missed.) BUT i can tell you; i overcame the problem you are speaking, by putting an inflatable heat shield on the top and bottom like a hamburger, then deploying chutes at ~2000m (obviously might want to take an engineer with you).
  12. to explain; computers eat "data"; emit "information", kerbals eat "information"; emit what kerbals call "intelligence"... a wise kerbal called hippocrates once, ...thereafter said "artificial "intelligence" is already us"... so now the "artificially "clever"" (so "very, very, clever indeed; they even invented teh frameworks for "intelligence"") kerbals want to run away into space and dig holes in the ground... (according to "gospel" ("internet") anyway... (can't blame them "kerbal nature") how would one fix this ?; stop eating cake, making stupid "hadron colliders" (on "alchemy"...) blasting resources into space and not tidying up rubbish so the earth (the legitimately clever being) is not impaired from achieving homestasis, stop teaching little kerbals nonsense, creating false gods, and pray to the actual almighty... in short; "hard work like the monkeys did" (- they were not "uncivile", just "unevolved").
  13. what do you mean by "civile" ?; "civilised beyond monkey kerbal ?" i dunno, you saying a kerbal called plato f-d eveything with uploading "conceptual metaphysics" into kerbals ?; that is an iteresting "philosopy"... (kerbals do like their computers) i would say, that you can't upload software if hardware can not run it; so maybe "christ x evolution", might have been onto something ?, dunno though, nor does supercomputers, because kerbals are stupid, thus factually computers are running on "flawed logic" (hehe). is plato good to read ?; i.e. better then spongebobsquarepants etc ?
  14. ...even kerbalspacewiki doesn't have it included, it is THAT rare (maybe it was only included as of 1.7 or something ? or it is called something different due to the tangible reward (as opposed to graphical representation) or something ?? ( - who knows ?.)
  15. it would be VERY [immature] to spoil the suprise for people; especially as alot of people don't know about it, nor infact know about the easter eggs within the game. what i will tell you though....; is another one can be found, and similarly with the ">>>" trick *mentioned above, and on hard difficulty with quick save disabled (*i forgot this bit); when you are FAR out in space and "warping to next manuever" (but IMPORTANT: you have to be pretty darned close to the upcoming maneuver node) ">>>" (3x), then you can thank me later. (clue; it may OR may not have something to do with being a new shiny spaceship part)
  16. you have listed some random engines there and for unknown reason ? (considering we are talking about SRBOOSTERS), also there are 3 SRBs already (not "1 or 2") ...more to come; to PLAY WITH - being; "building rockets to test on space simulation game". if you want "more accurate launches" - then how about building a better rocket or downloading an autopilot mod ???. - no i don't get "the point"
  17. TWR. i also, regretably... learned that "you need to research the biome you are intending on investigating if you want "to do things properly". (OR "lots of fuel x high TWR" (i like to use multiples of twitch, thud etc (and that white one) etc to keep the "centre of mass" (read "height") down, in addition to f9 LOTS AND LOTS).
  18. /\ this. then just make sure the target marker is in the middle of prograde and your speed is very low (via NAV target mode - retrograde burning) and then you can't go wrong. (said tens of hours zooming past crafts and f5 / f9 comboing later...)
  19. don't listen to this guy... if you press ">>>" (3x) @~2km interception range then, not only will you perform an epic rendesvouz you actually also get an easter egg (he obviously just wants to keep the eggs for himself.). Gargamel is a moderator... he obviously knows what he is talking about.
  20. nice to have the pieces, especially if they are going to be bigger then kickbacks (i use the manual strut often but will try autostrut my grandpa or whatever next time (i have not tried this...).
  21. they are sorting us out by 1.8 allegedly - think they rushed it out (what with having to nerf the torq etc) also with blades and pieces to come (thus will be "future tense" good for surface sample cheating in career mode hopefully (completely redundant to date), also looking foreward to vanilla graphical improvements 100% agree about elevon eyesore garbage / needing to pay for plus size rockets in making history / KAL headache; BUT i picked up the base / MH for cheap (about the price i paid for breaking ground by itself...). [snip]
  22. https://www.kicktraq.com/projects/659943965/human-resources-an-apocalyptic-rts-game/ $384,358 current pledge level - DANG, that's ALOT of money straight robbed from the honest, hardworking computer games community!; makes complete sense they changed their name to "star theory games"... - looking forward to KSP 1.8 myself. have a nice day!.
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