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Everything posted by SPACE-MAN

  1. Thanks for checking it out, I won't quit my day job. Also, rest assured, I'm not a pilot. If you say things to me I may say things back. JOOBIE OUT
  2. Hello Space humans, I recently made a youtube channel, because I want to show the world the things I make. Jets have been the center of my concentration now for some reason, so most of my builds are planes. Don't be shy say hello! Anyone else been trapped at home? lol..
  3. Hey guys, If you'd like to see a video of some kerbal kreations, look no further! Tell me things and I may tell you things in return.
  4. @Vanamonde lol I was forced into video creation for my college courses... I had to grow a lot of extra brain cells to figure out how to edit videos haha
  5. yo guys, Check this baby out. It's just a few clips of me flying some jets around that I made. Anyone use a play station controller to fly their creations? Let me know what you think! I have like 1000 other jets I've made.
  6. Give it midget arms and legs!! i already love it
  7. Ohhh excellent design strategy. I employ similar construction methods! but you have made something very beautiful
  8. @Pds314 Hmm. It's strange because for some crafts the rotating props work amazingly, such as the craft which I have as the cover picture for this post. Rotating the props offers an equal thrust in all directions, on the ground and in flight. I don't rotate the blade pitch, the fans are on pitching servos controlled by the up/down fine control keys. However, some craft, like the large helicopter thing that looks like a Chinook's crack baby, pivoting the props (not the blades, the electric motors are on servos, I use the I&K keys to change the servo pitch) causes the propellers to lose all thrust. You can see in some of the pictures that the fan shrouds of the cover photo craft are pitched forwards, that craft works fine. Using the aerodynamic overlay, I can see some craft stop making big purple arrows when I rotate the servos to the forward position. Weirdness.
  9. Check out the ImGUR (i'mguR?) link below FOR MUCHO MAS!! AY YAEEE YAEEEE Does anyone know WHY the propellers stop making thrust if you rotate them 90 Kerbgrees? https://imgur.com/user/SPACEMAN113 I love you.
  10. Stock procedural wings or panels which can have curves around an axis of choice. A way to custom design structural parts and engines in a tweakscale/simple rockets manner. We all know Kerbal 2 will be better than the rest! What's the predicted price of Kerbal 2 at launch?
  11. A big POWERFUL boi capable of landing on some of the tallest mountains on kerbin. Highly VTOL capable with pitching, dual support panther engines. Has highly efficient single engine cruising mode and folding wings to help with lift in higher altitudes, MOBILE LAB OK WHAT ELSE CAN YOU ASK FOR?? Thinking about making a ducted fan VTOL science lab for eve. RIP kerbals who I send I ain't comin back for yousins. Link to my Imgur collection: https://imgur.com/user/SPACEMAN113 Comment me stuff I love humans.
  12. I'm having the same problem!!!! Edit: here's a link. The Moderator guy says to try resizing the HUD.
  13. I for one am having difficulty with a VTOL craft because the landing gear auto-autostruts to the heaviest part which happens to be a fuel tank which pivots. Is there any way to change this?! like being able to disable autostruts on landing gear or change it to the root part?
  14. Hello humans, I'm encountering a problem while using the hinged bits to make a VTOL aircraft. The landing gear has autostrut force enabled to heaviest part, which would be fine if that part wasn't the fuel tank on my hinged engines. If there is any way to unlock the autostrut I would appreciate the help. https://imgur.com/gallery/5XmLboA Thar be pics in that link^
  15. you need PICS man.. I'm hungry 4 them man feed my soul
  16. ^yes But those new 1.25m liquid core nuclear engines give me life. And great range! Imgur was a lot easier than I thought Also autostrut gives me life but it is kinda cheaty
  17. These are beautiful pieces of work. Proud of @you
  18. Hello fellow space loving humans, this is my first post. Does anyone know of a planet pack for 1.7.x? I've been playing the game for ages and recently I've really been putting in some time with KSPIE. (shoutout to @FreeThinker you've helped manifest an amazing thing into the universe!!) I'm just getting a little sleepy only having duna, laythe and eve as space plane targets. Maybe I should just downgrade to 1.6? It's not like the squad dV indicators are super reliable anyway. Also what's the easiest way to post screenshots? I'd like to share some of my creations with the community (having to create an Imgur account feels like overkill..) Thanks for your time, Chris
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