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Dr. Omicron

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Everything posted by Dr. Omicron

  1. do I delete to rest of EL http://prntscr.com/nr6776
  2. ah since a person told me that there was alot of mumbo jumbo for IR Does this seem right http://prntscr.com/nqn2bl, http://prntscr.com/nqn2ik
  3. so how do I install IR DO I do it the normal way or is there a special way for IR
  4. So you see since reddit was down after I finished watching a bannana being mashed for 51 seconds I decided to post my question here instead. Is their a Simple Construction like mod I can use instead of ExtraPlanetary Launch Pads since EPLP is very complex and plain out confusing with all the ore, metal, metal parts, random excrements to the power of 10, rocket parts, and all the other parts that I need to take care of and the fact that the parts for it are very cumbersome and ect. Please say yes (if their is one) I need to be able to colinize the planets and the OPM ones to and I dont like how complex EPLP is and simple construction is waaaaay simpler and stuff.
  5. so um I just wont use it And hope the kraken does not decide to break my cpu
  6. Already Checked it it says to click the icon but when I do nothing happens.
  7. So I have ubio welding installed and i was building a ssto with 307 parts but when I clicked the weld button nothing happened. So it their a key I have to press or something becuase my craft lags waaay to much to fly.
  8. I have a problem with it where my oceans are pure white and so is my sky and when I go into map view each planet has a white outline. So whats wrong?
  9. Thank you sooooo much Now I can build big rockets PS: this is my payload for the rocket http://prntscr.com/nhs41m
  10. This is what happens when I launch my Titan MK1 [http://prntscr.com/nhrs28](http://prntscr.com/nhrs28) So does anyine know a part that could fix it
  11. WHen it flips it just dips down out of control and I waste fuel trying to get it up But can it reach orbit even?
  12. Okay Pic of the ssto and all the stuff http://prntscr.com/ndv86d THis counts as a safe landing still? http://prntscr.com/ndv7fe
  13. SO I built a ssto spaceplane but I cant get it into orbit since It likes too do mid air flips and stuff and forsome reason does not have enough thrust but its almost the same spaceplane I copied from a video just some changes here and there to make it more easier too fly but it still does flips and the thrust is not enough So what changes should I make too it? http://prntscr.com/ndun6d
  14. I re-added the tailfin but it still veers too the left EDIT: I also updated the image for topside
  15. SO My Spaceplane keeps veering off course I have checked eveything I know of but it still happens. Does someone know what I need to do Pics: Side top http://prntscr.com/ndgwxp < UPDATED Downside: Frontal: http://prntscr.com/ndgxyd Backside: http://prntscr.com/ndgye4 Wing side: http://prntscr.com/ndgy7k SO does anyone know what is wrong I need to be able to get into eve orbit. EDIT: I went and used a other spaceplane from steam and it still veers too the left EDIT: I uploaded new pics
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