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Dr. Omicron

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Everything posted by Dr. Omicron

  1. So I went and re downloaded ksp after removing all my mods so I could be free of the pain that is mod lag. anyway after my reinstall ksp was not using borderless full-screen but instead the taskbar was covering the bottom of ksp and I tried inserting -popupwindow in the properties in steam but it still did not work and every time I alt tabbed out and I went back into ksp the border was shown at the bottom covering the stuff that are at the bottom and sometimes if I do alt-enter it wont even work and I have to go and re launch ksp. I use steam . . so please help me with this. .
  2. http://prntscr.com/p07dds I have ksp on steam and a ksp account but it says I dont have a account???
  3. so is this a new mechjeb? Like right now I have MechJeb2 with the mech jeb modules looking like Radios with a red a green light.
  4. do we need a diffrent delta V map for this mod?
  5. I have a problem with SVT when I install svt and load up the game the kerbin ground instead of having a green texture is has a black texture so how do I make it green again?
  6. How do I change my forum user name?
  7. Cant wait for this! How much longer till its done (Im trying to not sound impatient so if I do im sorry)
  8. So I was trying to land this minmus lander upon the surface OF minmus, when this bug started....bugging me, so when i tried to warp the game would go and teleport me somewhere random on minmus, still keeping my trajectrory but now I was headed somewhere completly diffrent and so i go and hit the warp button again for a 5x warp and then im teleported from the great flats all the way to the extreme bumpy part of minmus. Modlist (Its really big). http://prntscr.com/nzqz1q - http://prntscr.com/nzqz75 - http://prntscr.com/nzqzak.
  9. Thats not a mod. You took that pic from matt lownes green harvest right? Well if yes, you see matt edited to video to make it look like certain kerbals where diffrent colors.
  10. wait Principia has its own planner?
  11. How do I create a custom scatter config or even access the menu for scatter? I want to change Eve's athmosphere to make it dark purple and hard to see from orbit.
  12. When is the 1.7.1 version comin out, I want this mod sooo badly but some of my mods are 1.7.1 and I cant live without them.
  13. Does Principia mod mechanics work with the mechjeb transfer planner - autopilot? And can I get tylo on a crash course?
  14. THe robotics is just stuck in place and I cant move them.
  15. So I was trying to send a Snack station section to my space station in LKO but when I load the rocket this keeps on happening http://prntscr.com/nwrzdw :Edit I fixed it lol all I needed was AS.
  16. Does this work with The World Beyond mod? Link
  17. So I try to in the SPH to change the symmetry to MM instead of 2r however when I hovered over the part I wanted to attach my landing wheels on, it snapped back to 2r so I tried to middle click on it to make it snap then I went to attach it but it did the same thing so I clicked R and went to attach it but it snapped back to 2r. So how do I fix this its getting very troublesome. http://prntscr.com/ns5abg and http://prntscr.com/ns58r9
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