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έķ νίĻĻάίή

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Everything posted by έķ νίĻĻάίή

  1. http://wallsdesk.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/AK-47-HD-Background-.jpg
  2. I like CKAN, but it only shows mods that are your version, when many older part mods work perfectly well with the current.
  3. Which Is why I use windows. I literally just upgraded my laptop last week and it works like a dream
  4. I think that, good looking parts would reign supreme over bad looking procedural parts
  5. Ooo That sucks Thank you for bringing this to my attention!
  6. Let me know what other mods I should add! Everyone, give a vote! Sorry if I can’t add your suggestion, the forum only allows 20 choices
  7. Wait. I feel a big brain moment... What if they plan to say something on Christmas as a surprise?
  8. Well there was like 20 attempts revendousing with the KSS, one which almost succeeded but ended up with the capsule slamming through the solar panels That sounds horrifyingly painful
  9. What I tend to like to do, is put the science on the return stage, as i’m in early science mode, meaning that I’ll use any opportunity possible to get moar science, by gravity assists and etc. This make me sound like a noob, as I suck at revendousing, let alone dock with space junk Also, *cough cough* has thoust forgotten the almighty klaw?
  10. But how do you ditch the instruments? Installing a decoupler under the instruments only adds weight, unless you use waccakerbal, which is illegal
  11. Yas, good ol jeb and his jet pack TRAITOR! So you’ll even detach the science? *fast breathing*
  12. Don’t question it, I like to overthink it because repurposed forums are the best choice for new games, hence when this forum was created ksp was a new game. Also, the forum rules were created by the same guy on the same date. Oh wait, if you go to the right beginning of the lounge, there is a whole bunch of 1970 posts.
  13. Found out the first forum game was from January 1st 1970. What? @Vanamonde What? Ksp wasn’t even invented then! Did this use to be a forum for something else that got changed for ksp uses? I am so confused! Oh wait, that probably wasn’t a reason to tag you, was it? Sorry...
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