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έķ νίĻĻάίή

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Everything posted by έķ νίĻĻάίή

  1. Hell naw, ima in China and the VPN is down... what the hell did I miss... China fricking sucks. So umm can you tell me any more about this copyright strike that Matt got?
  2. banned for lying about killing oh high god jeb
  3. Granted, but it’s Opposite Day. I wish that the next person gets terminal cancer and that they can’t corrupt this wish. Good luck XD
  4. same here, bro and omg I so regret not choosing next day delivery nice work on your saturn v dude whilst I never really played with k'nex, they do seem pretty nifty. Nothing, absolutely nothing, beats lego though. Not even fake lego brands
  6. this songs gonna get stuck inside of this songs gonna get stuck inside of this songs gonna get stuck inside of your heaaaaddddd (lego movie two for sadists)
  7. Quite coincidentally, i brought the 1969 piece lego ideas saturn v. Yes, I will post a pic when done... The shipping stuff etc is due on dec.24 though, ordered it for christmas. Realise that apollo 11 was on 1969, and the part count is 1969... lego are madlads.
  8. When I download it, does it include the dependencies?
  9. Sorry, the hype has been decreased and we will expect to hit light speed in 2021 Meaning- ksp 2 has been delayed to 2021 owo
  10. I replace the air inside the turret with hydrofloric acid and turn it into mush. my slime.
  11. Wow, I thought no one was gonna reply to this Really cool!
  12. So I was wondering, is there a confirmed price for ksp2? will there be more dlcs? (I hope not) will robotics and stuff be in the game already? yknow, just random thoughts
  13. tbh, this is the first forum I’ve seen where people can talk about rocket science without being made fun of
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