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Everything posted by SiliconPyro

  1. I'm thinking of creating a plugin that would be calling several raycasts at once, up to a couple dozen. I'm not sure on the refresh rate or the exact number, but how much of an impact would that have on someone's framerate? Would it be more beneficial to decrease the number of raycasts, or their frequency in order to improve framerate?
  2. I just want to make sure everyone is aware that while I may have created the kOS Wiki and added some initial content, Bizz Keryear has spent far more time than I keeping it up to date. I've essentially just stayed out of his way because he's doing such a great job in my opinion. Thanks, Bizz. I have definitely not regretted making you an admin as you have done far more than I would ever have time to get done.
  3. Before the comms of kOS get changed any, perhaps it should be considered that 0.22 is going to introduce vanilla comms with its own limitations and parameters. If kOS could somehow use that methodology to transmit programs like scientific data, then more attention could be focused on the language itself than comms.
  4. What a TEASE! Don't play with my emotions like that!
  5. Thanks. I hope it becomes the right resource for people to learn kOS.
  6. I've created a kOS Wiki, which can be found HERE. It isn't much yet, but I hope to expand it greatly with detailed information on every operator, lots of example scripts and some community tutorial videos.
  7. I almost sprayed coffee on my monitor when I read that last . . . fragment.
  8. How far are you from being able to get information about encounters in kOS? Can planets be targeted yet?
  9. What is the script doing? Anything? Try a loop that prints stage:liquidfuel and fly manually. Maybe kOS isn't interpreting things the way you want it to.
  10. I've debugged a lot of my own code with print statements and I always start by placing them after a variable is updated. Glad it's working for you.
  11. After "set tVar to tVar - 0.02." try adding "print tVar." to make sure it's actually doing it.
  12. This would be amazing! Being able to execute an entire mission remotely with scripted landing sequences would be great.
  13. *derp derp derp* EDIT: It's steering, not heading. I should not post on the forums without a full cup of coffee in the morning. Thanks for the clarification and the great plugin, KevinLaity, I'm looking forward to seeing it mature.
  14. I'm trying to wrap my head around why "up + R(0,-70,180)" gives me 70 degrees positive pitch at 90 degrees heading. This mod definitely needs a wiki where things like this are explained.
  15. Contrary to your title, this is exactly what I thought. Very Kerbal, BTW. Good luck.
  16. This is great news. I've been wanting this for a long time. Couldn't agree with you more. I'm hoping for that and some more data to come.
  17. Don't think of it as a point of upward force because more importantly it is the center of pressure or drag. Think of the tail of a dart. It is where drag is greatest on the dart, so the center of mass stays in front of it. That's how a plane works. You want the center of pressure/lift behind the center of mass so the drag is keeping your plane pointing forward. Too far back, though, and you will indeed experience problems because there is also upward force applied there. That's why the COL should remain only slightly behind the COM. I encourage you to experiment. Make a plane with a long fuselage and place wings forward and back to experience different configurations. If the COL is too far forward, you will have stability problems. Too far back and you will have a lot of trouble turning at all.
  18. Easy. Click the arrow next to the fuel so the liquid fuel doesn't flow, then fire up a rocket motor. It'll burn all the oxidizer and produce no thrust.
  19. Now imagine shadows of past missions, that would get creepy.
  20. Two major reasons I see for including source are for resolving conflicts between plugins and identifying malware. If someone downloads your mod and suddenly nothing works or another mod freaks out, open source makes it much easier to identify problems. As for malware, you cannot hide a virus in your source code, not from someone who knows what they are looking for. You CAN, however, write a plugin that would never trigger your AV.
  21. If you have a problem, go to bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com and report it. Then it will be addressed. You'll be able to see progress and status updates. Other people can provide information to confirm your bug report. This is the system that is in place to bring bugs to the attention of the devs and for them to provide feedback on the progress they've made in squashing them. Wasting their time on the forum is pointless and only eats into their dev time. They created the bug tracker so they wouldn't need to look for bug reports or gripes on the forum.
  22. Definitely! I would love a robotic arm to grasp objects. My pick though, and I don't think it was mentioned, is a programmable computer. Open a dialogue and start writing Lua or Python or whatever. Then certain complicated tasks could be handled with better precision. You could have a scripted action, so things happen in a sequence.
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