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Everything posted by SiliconPyro

  1. Just checking in to thank you guys for your input. I'm working on a simple probe core right now, which will be greyscale, but I'll try those color wheels on a future project and see how it turns out.
  2. I have trouble with red and green, blue and purple, yellow and green . . . I just have trouble with everything. I understand the numbers, but still when I have worked on stuff, then I have my wife or kids check it, it's all they can do not to laugh sometimes. I make some real ugly stuff.
  3. I think that first option is best. I'll just stick to greyscale and focus most of my energy on models and actually making the part work. I appreciate the offer and I may take you up on it. Likely, though, I'll just finish everything in grey and release to the public that way and if anyone wants to help, they're welcome to give it a shot. Thanks for the responses, guys. Once I get my new computer (my laptop's GPU died so I've got a new rig in the mail) I'm going to have a nice 24" monitor to work with and I'm going to put a lot more energy into finishing my gimbaled SRB, then move on to some other projects.
  4. Thanks for the encouragement, Spanner. I'm considering solid grayscale, just different shades for different faces of the model.
  5. I enjoy modeling. I can apply a texture and get a part working in KSP just fine. I even added engine bell glow. I am crap at actually creating a texture though. I'm color deficient and not particularly artistic. I tried outsourcing textures, but that just didn't work. So can anyone recommend a way to make my parts look decent without detailed textures? I'm using Blender and Gimp.
  6. That's pretty insane. I'm thinking of design revisions so I can survive the tunnel WITH my jet and compact is obviously ideal.
  7. If you're looking to start recording, give OBS a look. It's free and it works great. Open Broadcast Software.
  8. My buddy and I were trying to thread the needle at KSC when I pulled out the most disastrous victory ever.
  9. If it were balanced against EVA sample taking, I think that would be pretty cool. You could take a sample, analyze it on site, or return it to orbit. I really think there should be locations where Kerbals just can't go practically.
  10. Yes, and it's pretty awesome. It's also in the process of being revised with better models and textures. Everything is better when it's stock though, in my opinion. Mostly because it doesn't (usually) break with updates.
  11. As soon as I saw the tech category for the Advanced Grabbing Unit, I had renewed hope that we might see robotic arms or powered hinges at least sooner rather than later. Any other ideas about what else might end up in this category?
  12. I think gimballed SRBs would be great, that's why I made my own. They're not quality enough to share with the community yet, but one is size 3 (NASA parts).
  13. Wow, I'm so amazed that Apollo is the most popular. /sarcasm Of course I think Apollo was amazing and it was the pinnacle of human pioneering in space, but exploration of more distant planets like Mars has me more interested, probably because it's happening in my lifetime.
  14. How would I go about generating a greyscale heightmap, or is that data available through the API already?
  15. Yeah, after reading that my buddy requested that I make a potato cannon rocket engine. I got to work on the mesh last night. I'll be sure to post it when it's ready.
  16. Well, it isn't THE moon, it's A moon. But if you've been playing long enough, you remember when it was all we had to cra . . . land on.
  17. Simple enough, but I've seen it typed both ways. What do you prefer?
  18. I joined in 13.3 I believe. I didn't land on the Mun until we had legs, but I sure hit it hard trying.
  19. 9/10 because those are awesome pixel arts even if they're inaccurate.
  20. What program are you using? If you're using Blender, I may be able to help.
  21. Is it possible to map action groups or the right-click menu of a part to multiple animation states without a plugin? Basically a closed, semi-deployed, fully deployed type thing but if I select one I want the part to be able to transition from any other state to the desired state. You would essentially be going to one keyframe of a single animation.
  22. This is probably what excited me most about this feature. You get much more fine control over throttle for that nice, gentle touchdown. Gilly is more like docking with a huge rock than landing. You can do it with RCS, but yeah, if you're using engines turning down the throttle is a MUST.
  23. Not just longer, but cooler. Less fear of overheating when you dial back their thrust. They're also less prone to tearing your rocket apart.
  24. Okay, I figured it out. I had the wrong version of Unity (don't use anything after 4.2.2) and I was using Part Tools 0.20. I fixed both problems and here you go:
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