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Mortimer Kerman

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Everything posted by Mortimer Kerman

  1. Ok, I will do it for my game. If we can modify the mod for personal use!
  2. Do you want to land on Eve or flyby Duna? In this case, this mod is for you! Installation instructions: Go to Android/data/com.StefMorojna.Spaceflightsimulator/files/resources (or the corresponding folder on PC (note that I don't know if the mod is compatible with PC)). You will see 2 folders: Planet Data and Textures. Rename Planet data to what you want and put the Planet Data of mod in Ressources. Place the content of "Mod textures" in Textures and start your game (Save the files from the game before in case and to be able to recover your old game later (erased when the game starts again)). The mod is not finished. Images: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-j0iBPz5pct3ZiaQ4TLJuCUkt2jkhBkG/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-nUV7Qovt16RQ9ZC2G-Sky0umHkQNTpX/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-ogvmtZunXTgtdJ8F4na5Z_q9xAMniHC/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-jkk5cvoc8OCwJABOnhAAwhNdhk2ABM1/view?usp=drivesdk
  3. I just realized that I had not removed it, actually. sorry. the panels are working, now.
  4. My solar panels don' t want to open anymore when I removed kopernicus. I am in 1.7.3
  5. Hello, I have a question for the future of mod. Could you add cargo bays for the Endurance ring? This kind of storage bays
  6. Only the cockpit is blocked, passes through the outside via a piece of the base game (the mk2 lander can (rover version) works well)
  7. I'm talking about a real radial storage, not a storage that I move on the side, I'm able.
  8. neither, but a "box" with hinges like the MK3 / MK2 bunkers
  9. Hi, I have a quick question. Is there a mod adding radial storage bays? If not, do you know of anyone who has started a similar project? Thank you in advance.
  10. It works perfectly! You are great modders!!!!
  11. Hello Nills277, I CAN make the french translation! I send this the May 25th. Sorry for mistakes. I'm french. PS: How can I you send the files?
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