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Peter JY

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  1. oringinal version (by Beale before changing lincense): https://github.com/Peter-JY/Taerobee latest version (updated by zer0Kerbal): https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/Taerobee
  2. I have a question...... In this planet pack, there isn’t a Kerbin, but a Rhode. But how to make it? In my own pack, I tried lots of ways, but I failed. If I don’t set "!Body[Kerbin] {}", it can be load by Kopernicus, but there is a Kerbin. If I set that, Kopernicus can’t read it. Here is the beginning part of the .cfg:
  3. Is there something difference between NF(Near Future Technologies) and FF(Far Future Technologies)? And will NF and FF be compatible with KSP 1.8.1-1.11.1?
  4. Add one question: 4.If I read the source code and reference to part of the source code (not just copy but change something such as classes) and use my thing in my Mod, is it allowed? (换成中文标表述:如果我翻阅并借鉴(借鉴指截取部分有用的代码并将其修改以适配我自己的Mod)源代码,并把借鉴后的结果用在我自己的Mod里,这是不是协议所允许的?)
  5. Wow! It’s as good as Kerbal Star System! But...... 1.I remember that there’s a Mod that can make other Systems in the center of the KSP (that means the stock system will not be in the center, or means that the Kerbol is moving around another star). Is it in this Modpack? Or isn’t in this? 2.Can it be used in KSP 1.3.1+ (a lot of planet mod can be used in form 1.3.1 to 1.9.1)? 3.Is it compatible with Principia?
  6. No no no! Although it’s pretty good, it’s in the black list of RP-1! It will cause contractions bugs! The wiki (or ADVICE(意思是“忠告”)) in RP-1: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki/Recommended-Extra-Mods#8-the-blacklist-mods-to-avoid
  7. Maybe it will have the things that I want to Thank you.(But I truly want Taerobee)
  8. Although there are many better Mods, there isn’t a Mod provides 0.38m Aerobee (I’ve tried ROEngines that tells us it has Aerobee from Taerobee). So if there is any possibility to re-upload the 0.38m Aerobee? Thanks a lot. By the way, I will say that the original writer changed the license into All Rights Reserved in my github page now.
  9. So you means that you don't want to see the Mod is appeared in Github again? Can I send it to Github now? Besides, it hasn't any licenses?
  10. Thanks for your config. But does it have all the configs in @Wronk @theonegalen and @qromodynmc 's configs? and can I put it into my group (e.g. Facebook group)? is it has licenses? No License? CC? MIT? GPL?
  11. Show “ [Warning]: Malformed packet; stated payload length 1760, remaining bytes 1495” Issues on Github #367: Remember to attach the "KSP.log" and the "output_log.txt" whenever is possible! You can find the KSP.log in ".\Kerbal Space Program\KSP.log" And output_log.txt in "C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\output_log.txt" (you probably need to display hidden folders to get into AppData) In case you are using a nighly build of LMP from appveyor include the build number. For example: Otherwise, specify the version of LMP you are using from the github releases. If you have access to the server. Please zip the whole "Universe" and "Config" folder. Also if you are running mods in the server, attach the "LMPModControl.txt" ————————————————— OS: Windows 10 ————————————————— KSPVersion: 1.10.1/1.10.0 ————————————————— LMP version (include the build number if you are using a nighly build): 0.26.0 ————————————————— MODS. Remember that mods are not supported: Must:BDA Multiplayer,PRE,ModuleManager suggestion:Mj ————————————————— Expected behaviour: No any Warning ————————————————— Current behaviour: show” [Warning]: Malformed packet; stated payload length 1760, remaining bytes 1495”when someone joined the server ————————————————— Steps to reproduce: First, I opened the server, then I let my computer joined the server.When I push the Connect button, the server showed these things 4-5 per second. I can give you the .log of LMPServer, my ksp.log and output_log.log, and all the documents in LMPServer(Included all the documents (such as Universe folder)and the LMPModControl.xml and so on). This is the html:Google Drive link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10Fm_5N8TCRQ0-Rxm7hnFc8J-17sAeE0W?usp=sharing By the way, there isn’t only me in the server, and when someone joined, it will show the same word.
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