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Everything posted by MK3424

  1. A Statue of Toothless would be great! (because of obvious reasons ) Thanks.
  2. Sparky is working on it via teamviewer. I was mocking windows because it has so many features.. it just bogs down any pc..
  3. Windows is not very good for server usage... because the amount of bloatware it comes with, whilst linux is almost barebones.
  4. The server status image doesn't know the difference between offline and the server sleeping...
  5. Okay when i thought i fixed the issue: i replaced the old save with the new one, instead of emerging them together (the save would have been a mix between old and new..) And i found out that the save was corrupted on the new one... so that's why it is like it was 3 days ago.. and i can't fix it... sorry guys... i thought i fixed it for good...
  6. I can use commands to give you stacks of the items you need.
  7. At least you're now able to do stuff.. before this the server would go berserk when we go over 4 people on the server.. creating a lagfest and auto kicking players from the server...
  8. That's strange: i've overwritten the old files when i merged it with the old save..
  9. Okay, the server works... and what do you know... less lag and minecarts actually work this time!!!
  10. I want to make sure that the server is as stable as i can get even when it means going back to older hardware that works better... The server is up but ip adressing takes some time to update..
  11. Guys i'm currently moving the server back to the old one because the new one isn't going to cut: where the new one is struggling with only 3 players... The old one was running fine with 8 players! But now i'm gonna put it in a cold place (attic) so that it keeps running cool and will not disturb me at night.. this might take a while...
  12. Guys i think that Windows is the cause of all the lag... I'm gonna see if i'm gonna be able to put Linux on a usb drive, to enable to boot linux from it so that i have a seperate linux install on the usb just for the server. But that's gonna be for later.. That's mostly because Windows is running so many programs that are useless for server applications. (I should have looked for an actual server but i digress)
  13. FINALLY!!! wiped the installation of java clean! Removed any traces of it with a uninstaller program and registry cleaner. Now i'm gonna optimize the server with razer's game booster to disable unneeded processes and services.
  14. Damn you java!!! Finally be able to run it on the new server... now i'm getting vram warning and the server won't start anymore... grrr
  15. Move complete! Now only some small changes. (ram limit for example) And we have ourself a better server!
  16. The move has been done.. but i'm having ip adress issues for no apparent reason... This might take a while to resolve...
  17. Okay guys i'm currently moving the server to the improved server. Let's hope that these lagspikes are gonna be the thing of the past.
  18. Okay guys i'm currently preparing a new server pc that hopefully will take over the aging server i'm using now...
  19. Guys, this is liquiding me off!!!!: A new player by the name of Kuliks has send me a letter complaining about the actions of FloridMonkey by not telling where the location of the end was (because he never found it in his game) and when he found the end he was threatened by florid by means of calling names and then threatening to ban him because he accidentally stepped in some magical stuff when he came out of the portal... and the he threatening to going to blow up his house if he finds it ugly. We all wanna play on the server because of the fun times we are going to get... The server is now 3 weeks old and there have been numerous incidents with players not following rules, bickering, griefing, stealing.... If this keeps up....i'm gonna have to turn it into a whitelist only server and only guys who wanna abide the rules are allowed on it...
  20. So... you declared your own independence and you do not abide to the server rules... Others are complaining about your actions... Including setting the tree farm on fire... Then why are you even on the server?
  21. Dude.. i'm not on the forum 24/7 like you. Next one will be... @SparkyFox
  22. Haven't seen it yet.. haven't been on the server after the revert.
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