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Everything posted by strider3

  1. When I unzip this Mod, it has 2 folders..."Game Data" and "Optional". Can anyone explain the difference and how to use them?
  2. When I double-click on the installation .EXE, it wants to install to the folder that the installation .EXE currently resides in. KSP resides on a dedicated drive (G)...should I just install to "G" drive or install to G:\Kerbal Space Program folder?
  3. Will the "persistent" file still be editable? I know it's "cheating" but...when push comes to shove...
  4. NO krakens destroying stuff. The "Garbage Collector", and his hiccups, go away. Ability to build a flat, level landing pad on celestial bodies. Mods and modders be welcome. I'm sure that I'll come up with more, but these are my tops, so far.
  5. Am I missing something? Why would we want a huge bug to continue to destroy our "stuff"?
  6. I am planning on using a dedicated HDD for KSP 1.7.3. What recommendations, if any, would the PC gurus have for the allocation unit size?
  7. Has anyone heard if KSP2 will continue the Wiki, with all the valuable information there? Biome maps, celestial body info, etc.?
  8. I have to vent a little here, that being said, feel free to move on. The entire KAS, KIS and "new" vs. legacy parts is probably the single biggest reason I am so aggravated with these mods, and KSP in general, at this point. I am in the middle of a year's (real time) worth of work to explore the Jool system and Eeloo. This involves 10 ships, a stop at my mining/refueling operation at Dres, and getting these ships refueled and ready to explore Jool's system and Eeloo. I had to change my Dres fuel hauler, which brings fuel from the mining operation into orbit and unloads it at the various orbiting stations, because it was way under powered and totally inefficient. Much to my chagrin, I find that this ship, now landed at Dres, has ports called "JS-1", and not the "legacy" CC-R2's I need to connect to the rest of my mining operation. OK..."My bad"...I get it...but the entire KIS-KAS "upgrade" instructions, which I have read and tried to understand several times, remain clear as mud to me. Add to that my possible "fix", which is my engineer on Dres moving CC-R2 ports and connecting them to the fuel hauler not working...he can't seem to pick up disconnected items and put them back in his inventory, so he can replace the current ports on the hauler with the legacy ports that I have disconnected and now have laying all over the surface of Dres...and maybe you see my aggravation. Since I can't add anything to my engineers inventory, for some reason, I am stuck with "grabbing" an item, moving it 1-2 meters and dropping it...repeating that, over and over, to try and replace "new" parts with legacy parts from those available at my mining operation. At this point I have to be completely honest...the constant "upgrades" and waiting for my few mods to also be upgraded has done nothing for my enjoyment of KSP. I think "upgrading" can become a detriment unto itself, at some point? Can we not just enjoy the darn thing, as is? Must we spend many months on complicated missions only to find that we can't enjoy the updates that "break" our ongoing efforts, that have mods not updated? OK, I've vented. Move along, there is nothing to see here.
  9. I'm trying to figure out how I can have a Kerbal on EVA pick up various parts and add them back into his inventory. For some reason this continues to escape me? For an example, I have several CC-R2 connectors and a couple of CB1 ground bases I would like to pick up and put back in my Kerbal's inventory.
  10. Alas, with all the changes (I'm still on 1.4) I have decided to start from scratch with 1.7.2. The main reason is that I'm currently using KAS parts (connectors mainly) that are no longer in KAS. Also because the changes to KSP, Making History and my plan to also DL the Breaking Ground DLC just seem to make my current saved career too...risky...to keep. I don't mind, really. I will be keeping my crafts and sub-assemblies but removing any KAS legacy parts before copying them over to KSP 1.7.2. I am also anxious to try MechJeb in lieu of KER. Here goes nothing...LOL. Wish me luck!
  11. I am trying to remove a CC-R2 connector port from a landed ship and re-use it elsewhere, but I cannot figure out how to add it to my EVA Kerbal's inventory, once it's detached, so that I can move him to another location and attach the part elsewhere. Is this not doable? If not...is there a cheat to add more of these ports to my Kerbal engineers inventory?
  12. Anybody have any ideas on how to use this behemoth fuel tank? There isn't a single engine or engine cluster (Mammoth) that has the power to lift a stack of these tanks. The Kerbodyne Engine Cluster Adapter Tank doesn't really seem to help as 5 of the engines with enough thrust to get a stack of these into orbit, like the Rhino, don't fit at all. It seems Kerbodyne needs to build an engine (or cluster) that fits these tanks. Hey...they can call it the "Behemoth" engine . I would like to see how others are putting these tanks to use. Thanks!
  13. Asking here because it really doesn't seem to fit in "gameplay". Using the Semi-major axis numbers for Kerbin, Dres and Jool, and doing a little subtraction, I find that the "straight line" distance between the orbits of Kerbin and Dres and between Dres and Jool, are almost identical. 27,239,508 km between Kerbin and Dres and 27,934,212 km between Dres and Jool. I'm obviously missing some very basic knowledge of interplanetary travel math because planning flights between these 3 planets results in a huge difference in travel times. Kerbin to Dres is around 1-2 years but Dres to Jool is 5 or more years. What basic knowledge of travel am I missing here?
  14. Can anyone translate this KAS wiki: https://github.com/ihsoft/KAS/wiki/Legacy-parts-destiny into a simple, step by step procedure, for replacing my old KAS parts with the new ones? I would like to update KSP to 1.6.1 but doing so with the KAS version for this KSP release makes my Dres mining base unusable/ unloadable. I have read the above linked wiki, several times, and I still don't get it. What I would like is a simple step by step procedure for updating my KAS parts. Step 1: <Do This> Step 2: <do this> Etc., etc.
  15. On my way to Jool system and Eeloo for science and exploration. Built a mining and refueling operation on Dress for the purpose. I still have plenty to do with the stock celestial bodies (Eve, Moho haven't been touched yet)...but I can see the darkness at the end of the tunnel. In my wildest dreams a true interstellar KSP, with all the required fictional stuff, like a warp drive, would be awesome but...I also somewhat understand the limitations making this almost impossible. I'm still a happy Kerbal!
  16. OK, I will try that...again. Last I logged in I can only get 1.7? OK...there it is! Got it. Thanks TC!
  17. Other than the over touchy roll issue, which Anth12 touched on above, the only other issue I have had, and only once, was SAS in target mode with the target being a radial docking port. The SAS would not align with the targeted docking port. I "think" I fixed it by opening the craft in the VAB and using the "re-root" tool to make sure my docking port, on the docking ship, was aligned with the root part...
  18. Just so there is no unwarranted confusion...I am a payed user of KSP and I am not trying to solicit an "illegal" download. I just want to update to 1.6.1 until my mods are updated to 1.7 (which I have downloaded). I am currently running 1.4.3.
  19. I am looking to download 1.6.1. How do I get previous versions?
  20. Alrighty, then...Dres Mining Base is in full operation after many hiccups. Landing the Fuel Hauler close enough to link with the base has been a problem. I seemed to have shorted Dunnie's inventory of CC-R2 Connector Ports and CB1 Ground bases. Thankfully the Fuel Rover can act as a link with its 2 CC-R2 ports, so landing doesn't have to be quite so exact. I'm thinking of changing from KER, which I have used from the beginning, to MechJeb. Reading about MechJeb seems to indicate I could land the fuel hauler exactly where I wanted to...in this case a flag called "Dres Mining Landing Zone". Wonder if MechJeb will really do that? Anywho, here's Dres Mining Base in full operation:
  21. Dang it, I knew that...it's the part you grab to move the entire ship in the VAB...sheesh! Thanks as always, bewing.
  22. I went back to the VAB, removed all the booster stages from the fuel hauler and checked the root part. At least I think I did, not very familiar with the "re-root" function. I cheated the thing into Dres orbit and it aligned perfectly with the fuel station's radial ports. Not sure how the root part got messed up...if it truly was...I have no idea how you verify the "root" part before messing with the re-root function...but it seems to have solved the issue. One thing I didn't touch as I approached the docking was any "control from here"...not sure if that had some bearing on it working correctly.
  23. HMmmm, the docking port in question is on the axis of the root part ( the RC-L01 RGU) AFAICT? I use the other approach to docking whenever I dock with a port that is Normal/Anti-normal aligned.
  24. Thanks bewing. It's apparently very inconsistent because I've never had the issue with these before. If I was to "cheat" a new set of these 2 craft into Dres orbit, do you think it would perhaps solve the issue? Or does the bug originate in the construction phase?
  25. This is a first for me. I am approaching one of my Dres orbital refueling stations, carrying fuel/LoX from my mining operation on Dres. My ship will not track the docking port I've selected as the "target". You can see, in the screenshot, that SAS will not align me with the target, my yaw, roll and pitch indicators will not move to align me with the target. I have checked all reaction wheels are "on" and, as you can see, I have plenty of electrical power and "Target" is selected in the SAS. Anybody seen this issue before? When I first saw the issue, I did a computer reboot and restarted KSP...but nothing changed.
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