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Everything posted by strider3

  1. I'm not sure why but I no longer have the ability to give a "Like" (or whatever it's called) to others posts?
  2. Sheesh...I'm a maroon (for all you millenials, see Bugs Bunny, LOL). OK, back to the VAB then. Thank you all!
  3. I am trying to complete a Contract for placing a satellite in orbit but I'm having a problem. In the screenshot you can see my orbital info on the left (KER) and the contracts orbital requirements on the right. I believe I'm close enough on AP, PE and Inclination but I still don't show that I've achieved the required orbit. The only thing I can see is that my AP/PE and the contracts don't exactly line up. How would you go about "rotating" my AP/PE so they fall exactly where the contract wants them? Also, I don't get a check mark for having a "materials bay". What, exactly, is a "materials bay" for contract purposes? I have nothing in the VAB parts called a "materials bay". What I do have on this satellite is a "service bay"...does that not apply here?
  4. Thank you! I would definitely give your reply a thumbs up or "Like" but, for some reason, I no longer have that ability??????
  5. Is there a list, somewhere, showing when various MechJeb abilities become available? I'm mostly interested in all the "autopilot" type functions. My understanding is that MJ can start and stop a burn on time, can launch a ship and guide it to a rendezvous and, can "autoland" at some designated place? I see none of those abilities in my current place on the tech tree.
  6. That doesn't seem to work? The Kerbal I am to rescue, Jamie, is listed as "missing" in the Astronaut Complex and I get no information whatsoever about the vessel she is in?
  7. I would love to see a video! But, please, at your leisure...I'm not far enough along the tech tree for a lot of the heavy stuff. I was going to ask how you attached those torroidal tanks to the trusses that way but then I took a look at your SuperfluousNodes mod and I'm guessing that was how. I'm also going to guess that the heavier the part, the more Kerbals required to move it?
  8. I have never seen that video...good stuff but, of course, it brings up other questions ;-). How do I remove a, say, docking port Jr. from a container, EVA it over to the pod with the trapped Kerbal, and attach it so I can dock? Or, the part with hatch option...that one seems really hard to do. Anything with a hatch would be REALLY heavy and would be, most likely, a command pod or something similar? In the video it mentions using more than one Kerbal...LOL...SOooo many questions. I have never tried using more than one Kerbal to move something...and I'm completely at a loss for how moving something that large, AND attaching it to the airlock or whatever the stranded Kerbal is in would be done? I appreciate the help...and especially all of your patience, gang.
  9. So...I ended up having to "cheat" a bit. There was no way any part with a hatch or a docking port, by itself, would fit into my Kerbal Engineer's inventory...too much mass. So I went with the KAS option, using the JS-1 joint socket and the RTS-1 resource transfer station. I had my engineer attach the JS-1 to the airlock with the kerbal in it, then reeled out the hose from the RTS-1 and attached it. Who knew a Kerbal was that flexible so as to fit into a 2" hose??? LOL! (thus the cheating part). Anywho, Gwenwin is safely back home. I do like the realism aspect of trying to attach a docking port or other part so the Kerbal in need can EVA over to my rescue ship...I just don't see how to do something like that. For now I'm going to use the mod that BudgetHedgehog suggested (thanks buddy!).
  10. I would still need an engineer at the rescue site to attach any parts sent up, would I not? I think I'll bring Valentina home and try again with an engineer and some parts. Thanks!!!!!!!!!
  11. The problem is I don't have the Advanced grabbing unit onboard, I don't have an engineer on the rescue craft...just Valentina (a pilot)...and no KIS/KAS parts on board, either. Option 3 seems like the only way. I have modified my save file before but I would have to figure out what part to use and how to do this exact modification. Or I can hope the "Backup" folder has a save from before launch...which I doubt as it only seems to hold 5? A thing I would dearly like to see increased, BTW ;-) I could just abort this attempt, return Valentina to Kerbin, and build something with the grabber...that might be easiest.
  12. HMMmmm...when I try to EVA the Kerbal needing rescue, I get a message..."Can't exit, module has no hatch". I went back to Mission Control and verified the mission says nothing about recovering her module...just her. I show "Save Gwenwin Kerman" as complete but "Recover Gwenwin Kerman on Kerbin" as incomplete. Not sure how to proceed...is the mission description just wrong, and I need to recover her module as well...or am I still doing something wrong? Standing by at 30 meters from her module.
  13. I had no idea I could control the Kerbal being rescued! Does he show up in the window on the bottom right, or is there some other way to get him out of his ship? If I have to recover the vessel, I'm guessing re-entry will be...interesting? Thank you!
  14. I get these "rescue" missions, where I'm supposed to rescue a Kerbal in orbit. But I get no description of the equipment on the craft that the Kerbal is in? My latest one was a Kerbal in some sort of airlock...which is not known to you until you spend the time to build a craft, launch it, rendezvous...and then find out you wasted time building a rescue ship with 2 docking port (jr. and Sr.) which will not work on the craft or part he is in? That seems extremely silly to me. Am I missing something here?
  15. Another thing I would like to see...the ability to build a level base on a celestial body...especially a landing pad. Mining, especially, would be greatly improved if we had the ability to do some "earth work" and create a relatively level area. I'm not asking for it to be easy...just doable. Most resources, like "ore", are more prevalent in rugged, sloped terrain. That's never stopped humans, in the real world, from going there and carving out a foothold. I would like to suggest that a celestial body's surface could be "flattened", in a small area?
  16. I think I was not far enough along on the tech tree. I right clicked the part but had no options for "autostrut". I have since moved up, on the tech tree, and autostrut is now available.
  17. I have Advanced Tweakables turned on, but I don't have any button for setting the autostrut for the various parts. Is autostrut something that only comes later in the tech tree? KSP
  18. VoidSquid, I'm going to assume you meant TWP Going to try KSP without TWP first, and see if that corrects the issue. I'll get back to you.
  19. I will try removing TWP and see what happens. Unfortunately it's one of my "must haves".
  20. I am trying a fresh install of KSP 1.7.3, on a dedicated HDD. I have run into the following problem: The game loads just fine, with all the mods (which I will show you in a minute). But, anytime the little "loading" thingy gets going, after starting play, in the bottom right corner of the screen...it just goes for ever and ever and the only way to stop it is to exit from the game. I don't mean hitting the "ESC" key...that doesn't work, at that point. I have to close the KSP program by hitting the "Windows" key and closing it from the Windows Toolbar. This happens anytime the "loading" thingy needs to run once in game...it's not "freezing"...the planets are going around and around...but during that I have absolutely no indication that any of my HDD's are being accessed...so it ain't loading anything, AFAICT. Some info: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 OS My mods: You will not see MechJeb2+Embbeded+1.5+For+KSP+1.7.2+and+earlier.zip installed as I removed it, first thing. I have never used MechJeb before this but thought maybe the "Embedded" mod might be a problem, and removed it. Made no difference with the problem. I only wanted to try MechJeb for it's autopilot landing functions. If it proves to be a problem I will go back to KER Redux, which has always worked. Any ideas?
  21. Thanks OhioBob! I've avoided Eve because I don't like abandoning Kerbals there (or anywhere), with no way to get them home with the gathered science (I'm cheap and hate the loss of points when transmitting versus returning with science). I'm going to perform a WAG, here, and say that the Eve optimized engines should be supplemented with stock engines for use once outside of Eve's atmosphere for the return trip to Kerbin? Now I just have to figure out how to set up my landing legs so I don't get destroyed on touchdown, LOL! Anywho...thanks!!
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