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Everything posted by strider3

  1. I have seen the tables in the "Best Orbits" link...but they are way above my head. I'm not sure what all the info in the tables is telling me? I'm mostly looking for the best orbit for Biome scanning of various bodies with the multi scanner...can someone help me figure out the tables?
  2. Thanks, brother. I am building "Mobil1" refueling station in 350km orbit around Kerbin. Using the various suggestions... I am using Grunf911's basic design for a refueling station. I am using NearFuture Construction's "weldable" docking ports to attach tanks, hopefully a more solid connection. I have 2 reaction wheels on the station, set as close to the central core as possible and, for now, I am setting them at 20% torque rather than "pilot only". We will see how that goes. The Cupola wheels are off and any docked ship's wheels will be turned off. I am using auto-strut "grandparent" mode almost exclusively (except for parts attached to central core). I am not using any "physical" struts or "rigid attachment". I do have one question regarding reaction wheels. I did not invert the lower one on the station. Does that make any difference in how they work? We will see if these things help with the "wobble of death" once I bring large ships to dock and refuel. Hopefully my experiment will help others having the issue? Here's how Mobil1 looks, so far. Still have many tanks to attach... As always...you people are AWESOME! Thank you very much for all your help and guidance.
  3. OK, does this also mean that picking an orbital position ("Normal", "Prograde", etc.) on the Navball will not work with "pilot only" selected? (I'm guessing that's true). Thanks, gang!
  4. Never mind, found the menu to add tanks to the octo-girders.
  5. How about I narrow down what I want to be able to do? When Grunf911 is building his horizontal arms, In episode 2, he places tanks inside his girders. Does anyone know which mod does that? Is it another part of Near Future? All I have from Near Future is "construction" mod. Reading through the other Near Future mods I'm not really finding anything that specifically states it has tanks to go inside the girders.
  6. HMMmmm...WAY too many mods for me, in that list. Never mind, I'll build mine some other way.
  7. How do you do that, Tyko? I have PM but I do not know how to do this. Does the node work if the values entered are many orbits ahead?
  8. I am watching Grunf911's tutorials, "How to build a space station". The videos move too quickly for me to determine what mods he is using...and how he is doing things, like putting fuel tanks inside the girders he is using. It's obviously not stock parts. I have messaged him for info but no reply, as yet. Is anyone familiar with these video tutorials? I'm specifically referring to episode 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyRV8CsI2GU . I have "near future construction" as a mod but I think I need more "stuff". I'm not seeing how he adds fuel tanks inside the girders, as a start? I can't tell if I need more "near future" mods to do what he is doing. I realize why he does the video at X2.5 speed...but it makes it hard for me to see what exactly he's doing as he constructs this station. Any guidance is, as always, greatly appreciated.
  9. That would be nice...transferring the info to PreciseManeuver (in my case). But, currently any maneuver node I create becomes non-viable once I pass it in orbit so a maneuver node with all the info (phase angle, ejection angle, etc.) may be days (and many orbits) away. Not sure how that would work?
  10. Found it! As 5thHorseman pointed out it pretty much had to be a duplicate KerbalEngineer.version hiding somewhere. Not sure why it didn't get found on my 1st search of my install folder. I somehow fat-fingered the Curseforge version install (which is not 1.4 compatible last I looked) and stuck it in another mod folder by mistake. Removed the offending version completely and... ...All is well. Thanks buddy!
  11. LOL...like minds think alike! I did both of those things. The link that I posted was the result of trying to copy/paste the actual text from the KerbalEngineer.version file in my KSP install. Not sure why it put a link instead of just pasting the copied text (??), but they are identical.
  12. I just finished upgrading to KSP 1.4.3 (clean install to it's own HD). Downloaded all the mods I like, making sure they are compatible with 1.4.3. The only issue I have is that on game start, KER reports I need to use KSP 1.3. I have the correct version of KER for KSP 1.4.3, according to Github: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jrbudda/KerbalEngineer/master/Output/KerbalEngineer/KerbalEngineer.version The screen I get is: There is no "KSP_win64\KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt" file on my system, BTW.
  13. OK...wasn't sure if that or "mods discussion". I'll go with your suggestion. Thanks!
  14. The other "Kraken Avoidance" I was given was to use autostrutting correctly, preferably to "Grandparent" and not rely on "hard" struts...saves on graphics load and part counts that way, also.
  15. Where would be the correct forum to post an issue with KER reporting I'm using the wrong version of KSP on KSP start? I'm not.
  16. After reading through various threads regarding these 2 Mods, everything I read seems to indicate that mods like Transfer Window Planner, KER and PreciseManeuver will "see" OPM's added planets and moons and will all work correctly to plan/execute a flight to the added bodies? My understanding (in very layman's terms) is that Kopernicus makes this possible because of how it implements any added bodies in KSP. Am I understanding this correctly? Thanks!
  17. Thank you all! It seems to me that I would be better off with 1.4.3, if only that it helps with the constant, regular hiccups in graphics ("ticks" as AngryBobH calls them...I like that term!). I'm thankful that I have not had to deal with some of the forum ...rancor...I've seen exhibited in other threads. You...are...AWESOME!!
  18. OK, then you and I have had the tick for as long as that version of Unity was in play (it seems). All the more reason for me to go ahead and bite the 1.4.3 bullet. I was also playing before the Comm Net stuff.
  19. Windows 7 Ultimate Gigabyte Z97X mobo GeForce GTX 970 gfx 16 gb RAM
  20. I've had the tick since I first started playing KSP, several versions previous to 1.3.
  21. Trash Management? As in other BS using resources? If so, another reason I miss XP and it's ability to create a "Hardware Profile", turning off everything not needed for a game. Thank you, MS, for always "improving" my computer life.
  22. Performance...as in 3D graphics? I have always had an issue in KSP with a regular "hiccup". It happens every 7 seconds or so (never really timed it but it's very regular) and I've just learned to live with it. Nothing I know how to do with my GTX 970 seems to make a difference. But that is a question for another thread. I believe I'll bite the bullet and upgrade.
  23. <Zorg> you are right, I used the wrong term. I believe the Outer Planets mod planets are the ones I have seen referenced in various text, pictures and video tutorial. I am nowhere near ready to actually leave the solar system! LOL!
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