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Everything posted by strider3

  1. I was researching why I now have new Surface Resources added to my list after doing an orbital scan. In the "Gameplay" area of the forum I found that some Mods add various resources to KSP, several of which I have (Planetary Base, Community Resource Pack, etc.). My question is, which is the resource I need to mine to convert to liquid fuel/oxidizer and monopropellant? Here's the menu from my scan of Minmus: Thanks gang!
  2. Is there a mod which will shut off a burn when the specified D/V is reached? Say I create a maneuver node with Precise Maneuver but it's a very short burn (changing a 12,000km orbit around the Mun to 10,500km, as an example) and tricky to stop in time. Is there a mod that will stop a burn when the required DV for the maneuver has been completed?
  3. Here's an image following a burn to correct RI (based on KSP's numbers, not PM's). I created another node but made no changes to it. Notice the difference between KSP's relative inclination to target and PM's?
  4. I am having a new issue with Precise Maneuver. I'm hoping this is the correct place to post this? If not please correct me. It has worked flawlessly forever...until tonight. I am trying to rendezvous with a ship orbiting the Mun, in a ship that launched from the Mun's surface. My "Relative Inclination" in PM and KSP no longer agree...not even close? Here's a pic: I have a node set-up to correct my inclination. After the burn KSP shows my inclination at "0.0" but PM shows it at "0.25". In this instance PM is incorrect (I know this because this is my 3rd attempt at correcting my Relative Inclination for this rendezvous tonight and KSP has always been correct as opposed to PM). What did I "fat-finger" on the PM GUI to cause this? It continues to be wrong after a KSP restart and a PC reboot. As I said, I've never run into this issue with PM before...after years of use. I do have a new mouse which has been very touchy...it's easy to click a button unwanted. This is why I ask if I may have inadvertently "clicked" something on the PM GUI which needs to be undone. Any help is greatly appreciated. Vic
  5. I am trying to add inventory to "Seat 0" of the Cupola, so that my engineer can take these items on EVA to add struts, etc while in orbit (this Cupola and other parts will be the core of a new orbital station). I want to put some wrenches, a drill, strut attachments, etc. into the seat 0 inventory but I cant seem to drag those items to the seat 0 inventory window? Never mind...what a maroon. Amazing the things I've forgotten how to do in a year away.
  6. One thing I didn't think to ask. My first attempt had the lander attached to the CM engine with a docking port junior, with the port oriented to the lander for future docking with the nose of the CM...I did not include a decoupler. When I "decoupled node" on the Junior, to separate the lander from the CM, it separated but brought along the "auto-fairing" that was created when building this part of the ship. I have a scientist in the lander, with added guidance, but I could not "control from here" on any part of the lander so it became space junk, essentially. I'm missing a key ingredient here...do I need a decoupler between the lander and CM (is this why I could not gain control of the lander)? Or is there some other issue to gain control of the lander? Here's the CM/Lander connection: This had enough DV to make it back to the orbiter? That's pretty awesome.
  7. OK...after reading the wiki I have a better idea. For some reason I thought these were only carried by a Kerbal but I see they can be part of a ship. Thanks
  8. So a "storage unit" of any type will hold science? I've looked at the various storage containers available to me but I don't see how much science these units will hold. I'm guessing it's not "unlimited" so I need to know that I have enough storage capacity before I launch.
  9. I'm looking through my parts list and don't see an "experiment container"?
  10. I did a search for "storing science" and looked through some of the hundreds of posts without finding exactly what I was looking for. I'm sure it's there...somewhere. So, without asking for a complete explanation here, can someone point me to information to help with the following: I want to create a science lander and orbiter for science collection on the Mun and Minmus (A la "Apollo" style, 2 part ship). I want to land several times and return to the orbiter and store the collected science on it after each landing. I then want to return the orbiter to Kerbin and recover it...with all that science. I don't want to transmit the science because of the lower science "return" when doing so. I have KAS and KIS. Can you point me to some posts that deal with this?
  11. OK, lots of good ideas. I think, as this is my 1st mun landing contract (for this career), smaller will be better. I was trying to get as much science out of a single launch and munar landing as possible...but going bigger is tanking my funds advance (funds always being a consideration). Even after several careers, I still fall into that trap...being away from KSP for a year doesn't help. >Tyko< That's what I'm talking about, right there. Something like that will be used for a science gathering trip to the Mun and Minmus in the future...once I learn how to "store" science. This has always been a gray area for me...but that's another subject for a different post. Thanks guys!
  12. Yeah...I think I've fallen into the "overkill rabbit hole" again. I mean, it's just the Mun, not some far off planet! But I seem to do this all the time until someone "talks me off the ledge", so to speak. LOL!
  13. I see what your saying...simpler, really. I have to ask though...why is direct return more efficient? I'm finding that landing on the Mun with a direct return ship is requiring more mass...and height...than I'd like? When I rotate the one port so that it faces the other...it refuses to "mount" or attach to the part I need it to? Or should I attach the ports together first, before attaching one end to it's final part?
  14. I'm really bad at searches...I can never seem to get the right search criteria to find what I'm looking for...without a hundred extraneous posts showing up...but I've always had that problem at popular game/simulation forums. The one problem I ran into, in my first attempt in the VAB...I could not get opposing docking ports to "mount". I was trying to attach one port to the top of a section and the other to the bottom of the next higher up section. No luck, so far.
  15. I'm not asking for a replica of the Apollo lunar missions ships but a ship with same functionality. A ship which orbits the Mun (or any other body), separates a manned "lander" while the manned "command module" stays in orbit. The lander does what landers do and then returns to re-dock with the orbiting ship. The science and Kerbal/s are then transferred back to the orbiting part, the lander is jettisoned and the orbiting part returns to Kerbin. I can't figure out, without actually having tried, if I can do this. Can a KSP ship have 2 command pods? I have had no luck constructing, in one attempt, a ship with 2 docking ports between the orbiter and lander, so that they can re-dock when the lander returns to orbit. Maybe the lander has to re-dock in a different configuration than it was originally launched in...re-dock nose-to-nose, perhaps? The reason I ask is, as an example, landing on the Mun with a ship that can make it back to Kerbin on it's own, requires much more fuel and engine than a simple lander would...if it could re-dock with the "mother ship". Can this be done?
  16. Hey...it worked, LOL. I used PerfectDisk to check out the KSP dedicated hard drive after formatting and it is 100% healthy. I did worry about bad sectors, as you said...none were found.
  17. I'm sorry, I did not relate all info. I use KIS, KAS, Kerbal Engineer, Precisemaneuver and planetarybaseInc.. But, I think you are missing the point (because I did not relate all info). Every single one of my 1.3.1 installs included these mods. It was not until I had deleted the install, deleted the 1.3.1 install EXE and started from pure scratch, that it started working. My "guess" is I downloaded a corrupt or incomplete 1.3.1 install EXE...and everything after that was futility. Please hear me...it wasn't "mods", it wasn't manually installing files...it was a "bad" install EXE. It's all working fine after downloading and using a "new" install EXE. I did NOTHING different between the problem installs and this working one...except download a new EXE. This was NOT a plea for help! It was a warning to other users who might encounter these issues...and how I fixed them...nothing more. I do appreciate your responses, however. Vic
  18. I just want to relate my recent experience with 1.3.1. I performed a new, clean install on a dedicated, formatted hard drive of 1.3.1. It would always hang at certain files (in my case "smokepuff1" and "adminbuilding-lvl1"). It would sometimes throw an error and create a "game crash" folder in my root KSP directory. At other times it would work through these hang points and finish loading. I tried defragging and starting on a clean boot...finally got the game to load every time...but still had the long delays at the 2 files mentioned above. Herein lies the warning...there were several times when I would come back to the game...and all my settings were lost (Graphics, Sound, etc.)...and none of my saved ships, which I added to my "Saves" folder after install, had disappeared. I redid the settings, re-added my saved ships and sub-assemblies and all went well again for a few days. It would then happen again. Now, in a completely boneheaded move, the last time this "loss" occurred, I didn't "copy" my ships and sub-assemblies over...I moved them (Yeah, go figure). And you can guess what happened...it lost all my settings again and all my saved ships from my years of KSP'ing...and I had no backup to replace them with. At this point (well...after the weeping and gnashing of teeth). I deleted the game, re-formatted the drive (just because) and re-downloaded the 1.3.1 install exe. I installed from the new download and I have NO hangs while loading the game (the progress bar moves smoothly and continuously until complete) and after 6 days I have not had any issues with the game. The moral of the story (as if you can't guess the first one? LOL)... NEVER forget to keep a backup of your saved ships and sub-assemblies. More importantly, if you are having long load time hangs during loading of 1.3.1 (I'm talking 2-3 minutes per offending file)...give it up. Start over with a new download and a fresh install...before the "settings reset and ship loss" occurs. Vic
  19. So, is there a way to easily "UP" the Kerbals experience level? It doesn't sound like it can be done?
  20. What file contains a Kerbonauts "experience" level? Yeah, I know...that's cheating. After 17 careers since starting KSP several years ago...I want to "jump ahead". SO...where do I change my Kerbal's experience levels?
  21. My 1.3.1 modded game is not loading. I have "crash reports" that were created but my question is...should I post those here and what files do I post...or is there some other way of handling this? I should note that the game was loading fine yesterday and I have not done any more modding since then.
  22. I just completed a fresh install of 1.3.1 and I can't seem to save my ships? I built a simple one, gave it a description ("Ship1") and the "Save" button is available (not greyed out). I click the Save button but "Ship1" does not show up in my list of ships when I click the "Open" button. I have been away from KSP for over a year but I can't believe I've forgotten how to do this simple thing, LOL!
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