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Everything posted by strider3

  1. I agree that getting the thing lined up for the burn, when it has so much mass, is a pain. I especially like the much reduced cost! It will be awhile before I get back to this level, and Duna, in 1.2 career mode...but, at that time, I'll give this a shot. Thanks buddy!
  2. The Mammoth and central tanks do the transfer burn, if I remember correctly (Hey...I'm old, I've used up some brain cells in my life and I've been doing 1.2 and Career mode...) Here's a pic, specs are at the bottom (is this what you needed?):
  3. I understand DD but this is, so far, the only way I have found to get a 2 kerbonaut lander, and extra fuel, into orbit around Duna. I'm always open to suggestions
  4. This ship is designed to bring a science gathering lander (with 1 scientist and 1 engineer) to Duna. It is also designed to bring leftover fuel to pump into my Duna science orbiter with 1 scientist aboard (this orbiter is already in place). The fuel is needed to replenish the lander so it can make several Duna landings and return to the orbiter. I'm using 16 main and 8 drogue chutes to get me onto Duna with a minimum of fuel expended during landing. The engineer is basically along to re-pack the chutes before leaving Duna. It might still be overkill but I have since flown it to Duna with good results, including having enough leftover fuel to transfer to the orbiter, enabling 3 (maybe 4) Duna landings and returns.
  5. Can anyone confirm/deny if the "docking bug" (where a ship will not undock when requested) has been fixed in 1.2.1? I read the change log, at the top of this thread, and searched this forum but never found a definitive answer. Docking ports are mentioned several times in the change log...but it doesn't appear to say, in so many words, that it's been fixed? Thank you!
  6. Does this apply to transferring KER gui windows from KSP 1.1.3 to 1.2? Thanks for your patience.
  7. That would be correct? If so...got it! Thank you Sir.
  8. Yes, that Github link is where I got it. Not sure how to check Commit History (this was my first trip to Github). Not knowing anything about mod development...are you saying I need both the 1.2.1 codebase and the binaries? I might have to wait for the official KER release for 1.2 as I'm not that savvy.
  9. Can anyone verify that the docking port bug (ships not undocking when requested) has been fixed in 1.2? This was the #1 reason I installed the stock bug fix in 1.1.3. If it is still an issue in 1.2 I'll wait before dumping 1.1.3. I'm also holding off for an updated version of KER for 1.2. Patience is a virtue
  10. I followed the instructions on the Curseforge KER forum...downloaded the entire recompiled KER for KSP 1.2 from Github. Unzipped it and moved everything from the "output" folder to KSP 1.2 gamedata folder. However, on KSP start-up I get an error saying my KER is not correct for KSP 1.2. This may be nothing but is anyone else using this recompiled KER in 1.2? If so, how is it working for you? I am not ready to dump 1.1.3 until I have a correctly working version of KER for 1.2. I only use 4 mods, KIS, KAS, Precise Maneuver and KER, but rely on them rather heavily. The others are all full releases for 1.2...just KER is not. And...no...I'm not asking for a KER update ...just want to now anyone's experiences with this recompiled version.
  11. I should probably tell you why these questions all came about. I've been playing in Science mode and I've made one landing on Duna (the farthest planet I've gone to), gathered science data and am processing it now in an MPL in Duna orbit...and my Science tree is completed before all the data from Duna is processed! Seems too easy in Science mode. Yes...I AM "that guy"...the one who always wants to do the "full on" thing. . Vic
  12. Thanks guys. I'm going to have to read up on Free Return. The other thing is I might have to learn to be more economical in ship building. In the past I have slowly weaned myself from the "Tim the Tool Guy" attitude..."More Power!" LOL. Maybe a "Binford 9000" type ship is not the best way to go? LOL. For all you young'uns and non-Americans...look up the old TV show "Home Improvement". I have really been showing my age here this week ;-P Vic
  13. So...if I'm following this thread completely...I no longer need "Stock-Bug-Fix-Controller-Plus" with KSP 1.2? What about the decoupling issue (the main reason I used SBFCP in the first place)? What about the chute angles being more realistic and all the other things it did? I only ask as I'm getting ready to upgrade to KSP 1.2 and I'm trying to get my few mods updated before doing so.
  14. Maybe things have changed in the last 2 releases? Or maybe I've never quite understood how to get funds. AFAIK, without using any "strategy", the only way to get funds is through Contracts...and in my past attempts at Career Mode, the available contracts start outpacing my abilities (mostly Funds)? In other words, I complete a Contract that requires, say...orbiting Kerbin. After that my next Contracts available are for the Mun and such...something I am hardly prepared for after only one Kerbin orbit contract? I can get much Science on my own with field work...but I always seem to come up short of funds...funds needed to build the ship for these next contracts. I hope I'm explaining the dilemma correctly. But don't you have to have a Contract available asking you to plant a flag on Minmus?
  15. I understand...but I need cash more. Funds have always been my limiting factor in a Career Mode game. I can get Science all day long.
  16. I am going to upgrade to 1.2 and re-try a Career mode game. My problem with career mode, in the past, was getting Funds. The Contracts would always jump way ahead of my abilities and equipment so I always ran out of cash early. Science, however, was much easier to collect. Unless 1.2 has made major changes to Contracts, I am going to employ the "Patents Licensing" strategy to trade Science for Funds. My question is; can anyone point me to a good tutorial on how to set this up? It seems there are some variables (from the limited info at the Wiki) that need to be set and I'm not sure what I should do to avoid problems. Thanks for any guidance. Vic
  17. No sir. I'm going to date myself here, but...Bugs Bunny used the term many times... https://youtu.be/C_Kh7nLplWo?t=4 Hit replay button...didn't load right for some reason.
  18. Starhawk> HMmmm, I did not realize that an adapter like that wouldn't be the item in the airstream (not the tanks). That seems a might unrealistic but...we roll with it. Epic> OK, I'll give that a shot...thank you.
  19. I'm an idiot That's exactly what I did, I deleted the decoupler and poodle engine that was on the upper Jumbo 64.
  20. In an effort to save drag, I have 6 RCS tanks "hidden" under a Rockomax adapter. But because I can't "see" them, I have been unable to transfer fuel from them to a docking ship (what a maroon!). Is this a "no go" or is there a way around this? I really like having the tanks tucked away.
  21. I finally got a nice asparagus set-up for launch (still dealing with gravity collisions after the gravity turn, but working on that). I have a 2 ship expedition to Duna, the orbiter with science lab did not use the asparagus lower end but the lander did. So, I ran into an epic fail at Duna and I'm going to restart this entire Duna science gathering mission. But...I want to transfer the asparagus lower end, which is saved as a "subassembly", to the orbiter ship. I disconnected everything from the orbiter, from the Kerbodyne adapter down, and then replaced it with the asparagus subassembly (which also is topped with the same Kerbodyne adapter). But, after doing that, nothing above the adapter shows up in the VAB staging? Here's a screenshot and you'll notice I have none of the upper stages showing up on the lower right. What am I doing wrong, gang?
  22. Thanks for that, guys...I neglected to think about gravity still being a factor.
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