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Everything posted by strider3

  1. Is it possible to change the settings of an ongoing career? Say, for instance, I did not choose to use the comms requirement when creating a career...can that be changed after the fact?
  2. Hmmm...just ran into this problem myself, on my first 1.2 career. I am "cheating", and not requiring comms, in this 1st 1.2 career. I have the nosecone and a tourist in the MK1 pod...but no control whatsoever. Me thinks this used to work in 1.1...even with a tourist? Or maybe a failed synapse is rearing it's ugly head?
  3. The problem I'm having is the last 2 biomes I have to hit...northern and southern ice shelves. Looking at the current Wiki biome map, I'm "guessing" that Ice Caps are the blue-grey, and Tundra is the purple...that leaves the white as Ice Shelves? I could have sworn I have hit them twice three times...but it always says "Ice Caps". And a big thank you, DMagic...those are great and any info is always welcome.
  4. LOL...I don't fool myself and I can imagine REAL, "back in the day" journalists, like Edward R. Murrow, are just rolling over in their graves, these days. "To be persuasive we must be believable; to be believable we must be credible; to be credible we must be truthful." Edward R. Murrow
  5. I may try this again at a later date...if those contracts show up again. The problem I ran into is that I need a Pilot at this stage of my career, so that means I need an extra part to carry the civilians. That may be what's causing the low G numbers?
  6. Nope, I tried this going 1,000 ms up and reverting to straight down and firing various size SRB's...not a noticeable nudge on the civilian G meters. I still think I have a "Career" setting which may be hampering this? Either way, I've cancelled the contract and I am on to bigger fish. I do appreciate the input, as always.
  7. OK...wait...( ;-) ). Your saying I have an upper stage with a small SRB, I get that into a straight up flight with a lower stage. At 70km, I point the craft straight down and then light off the SRB? I won't pretend to understand why that would give me the G's I want...but I refuse to argue with you, Bewing. Oh...wait...I get it. My craft is travelling UP at high ms and then I reverse that and fire away...high G's. See...this is why I don't argue with you...LOL! Thanks buddy!
  8. I do not have access either...for a good reason, I am sure. WIKI is known for allowing "false" edits of information? It's kind of like the "false news" we all hear about lately..."if it's on the Internet...it must be true...right?" LOL!
  9. I have a contract available which wants me to make 2 civilians "pass out" due to high G's. I've flown a couple of contracts with "tourists", into sub-orbital flight, without me seeing a bit of movement on their G meters. I'm wondering if I messed up a custom setting when creating this Career, which may override the Kerbal's resistance to high G's? Is there a way to check, and possibly change, this...without starting my career all over?
  10. That...was...AWESOME! I had no idea. This will really help with those "fly by" contracts and also science gathering. Thank you Spricigo for the link...and @NecroBones for the excellent video! Is a free return possible on any close (to Kerbin) planets? I imagine that the more orbits you cross, the more likely bodies between you and the target will interfere.
  11. Yes. those are the only ones I know of? Like I said...it's not a big deal...just made life a tad easier.
  12. One thing I miss on the previous version of the biome maps is that most had a color coded legend to make it easy to know what color represented which biome. A small annoyance, I realize, but it was handy and made picking out your next science landing area easy.
  13. Using the atmospheric temperature/pressure curves for Kerbin, how do you get the 14km number? I'm not sure what math is needed to convert the Kerbin atmosphere chart to altitude? EDIT...never mind, found it!
  14. HMmmm, the link just opens a page full of text, bewing.
  15. First, I apologize for my previous rant elsewhere...I let my aggravation get the better of me but...no excuses...nobody deserved that. First, here's my low science level plane: I am having 2 issues: 1. I have a contract that requires flight on Kerbin above 19,200, at one point, and I can't seem to get to that altitude with this aircraft? I've even added 4 more Juno's but I still can't seem to get to that altitude. 2. Flight control. I have the various control surfaces set as follows: Vertical stabilizer (tail): Yaw only Horizontal stabilizer (tail): pitch and roll only. Wing elevons: pitch and roll only. Whenever I use a key, say the up pitch (S), the aircraft does not just pitch up but rolls and yaws? It's making it very difficult to control the aircraft as I approach my Contract destination as it doesn't seem to just do the one thing I'm asking it to but, instead, goes off in all directions? What am I not "getting" here?
  16. My sincere apologies. I let my aggravation get the better of me. No excuses. I apologize to everyone...you have all been nothing but helpful and don't deserve to have to read my rants.
  17. I would suggest that KSP either figures out how aircraft (read "planes") actually work in an atmosphere...or give it up altogether. Trying to fly a "plane" in Kerbin atmosphere is ridiculous, Nothing works as it really would, control inputs are hilarious and "planes" are not anywhere near real world controllable. I personally feel you should abandon your attempts at atmospheric planes, and their availability. KSP is totally unprepared to render any kind of accurate atmospheric aircraft flight dynamics and it is obvious that this was just an afterthought. Stick with what you know...vertical launch...and leave the atmospheric aircraft to the experts. I have flown MS Flight Simulator since 1995, through all versions until the last...FSX...and trying to fly a "plane", in atmosphere, in KSP is a gigantic exercise in futility. It becomes apparent that the KSP people know "rocket science"...of that I have no doubt and enjoy that part of the simulation immensely...but they have no clue about atmospheric aircraft...read "planes". Give up on the "planes"...or figure out how they really work and control.
  18. OK...taking many of your suggestions, I've got this: I removed the 2nd fuel tank, angled the tail cone up, moved the stabilizers to the very tip of the tail, raised the wings above CoG and tilted to reduce the need for control input on take-off. I don't have the wings that Tex has so...I just added another type B, for now. At this point I'm trying to do Contracts that don't require landing everywhere, all are in flight at a certain altitude...I still have to get it back on the ground...one time . OK...off to try this out...Thanks guys!!!! BE-U-TIFUL! She takes off nicely, with no controls input...Yay! She should work fine for the purpose. Landing...I have no idea yet. As an ex MS Flight Simulator guy...this is a hard way to fly an aircraft. Almost makes me want to dust off the old joystick. I'll let you know how it all goes. Thanks!!!!!!!!!! Vic
  19. OK...got the engines attached (Thanks!!). And the comment on wing size was spot on...could not get off the ground at speed. So I went with a bigger area of wing and finished off the tail area. It took me a few tries before it dawned on me that the wings don't come with ailerons or elevons...so I added those and a short wing on the ends (probably overkill there): As I said...my first try at a plane so...I am really flailing around. My problem now is exploding on take-off...the tail hits the ground when I lift the nose. Not sure why the tail cone has to be that long?
  20. I want to do contracts on Kerbin and, to be honest, since this is my first plane I have no idea how much fuel I will need.
  21. I've run into the usual problem doing a "search" for this...the website locks up tight and I have to use Task Manager to shut IE down. I'm guessing, if "search" would work, that this has been posted before. But, since it doesn't...I am trying to build my very first plane, with a very elementary science rating. Here is what I have, so far: My question is...how do you attach the J-20 Juno's to this plane? I've tried placing them under the wing, but they don't want to attach? What am I missing here? TIA for any help. Vic the Newbal
  22. I've wondered about that...and you have restated my question on that regard. I have always used direction to keep the Apo ahead of me, thrust usage I have not tried to keep my Apo ahead of me. I'm going to try that. Thank you!
  23. Thanks! And I've tried to bake pies...nothing easy about it!
  24. One of the hardest things I've tried to learn is how to launch to a circular orbit around Kerbin...at approximately 80 km. I always seem to end up with a highly elliptical orbit when trying to get my peri above 70 km. I end up with an apo way out there...150 - 200 km. The result, to my thinking, is a huge waste of fuel? I'll make my gravity turn to 10* and on the way to an 80 km apoapsis I turn slowly towards 90* to maintain my final apoapsis around 80 km. The problem I've found is that I must turn past 90* to maintain my final apo at 80 km...and as finally get my periapsis rising, I end up with a highly elliptical orbit. Maybe I'm not turning past 10* soon enough? I'm not sure. Any hints on how to achieve this?
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