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Mr. Fusion

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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Tried to look into it more, but reproducibility is screwy - always happens but at varied triggers and intervals. Either dependent on complex state or possibly a firmware issue. What's worse is the digestive system does not seem to have proper API documentation, overall very sloppy implementation tbh
  2. Putting this here for the record, I do have an ancient account. Related explanation: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/108546-cursordeleter/&do=findComment&comment=1911128 And my other activities should suffice too as proof that this is indeed me!
  3. I have a better rank than you. Hueheheygahahooha

  4. Danny2462 I wish i can be with you when you make videos. also You have an account!!!!!

  5. Danny! Please screw around with the Sprinkle mod - It requires Kopernicus to work, however, you could have fun with such a small world...

    Love your videos and Have fun (please do another messing around in KSP, with modded in planets of course)!

    Please PM me if you need MOAR planets to screw around with (there are many mods, and the ability to create your own planets...)

  6. Holy.....hell......you have a forum account??!!

    moar kerbal head landing gear plz

    but this time on a plane

  7. Actually...it wasn't that bad....but now we know where you live, Danny...>:D

    Prepare for a dihydrogen monoxide attack! From the sky!

  8. Let the friend request wave begin!!! THE KRAKEN IS COMING

  9. I have barely ever posted here in the forums, but I took the effort to figure out what the hell my password is on this account for this special occasion. Thank you! You have resurrected my greatest ally! You, not SQUAD! I will never forgive them after an appropriate number of Kerbals have been sacrificed. May the Kraken bless you. -Danny (Yeah this username is pretty random, I've created the account before I really got into YouTube. Check Twitter for proof that I'm... me.)
  10. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mostwanted/nexus-2-the-gods-awaken I'm a huge fan of the original game, and I'm sure a lot of people here too. Unfortunately, they don't seem to be good at advertising the project (I've came across it by accident). That may be the reason why they are only at 20% with only 14 days left. Probably there's a ton of people who would love to see a sequel, but they just don't know about this. Spread the word, back the project, do whatever is needed to help this game become a reality!
  11. Their idea is that the Kerbal solar system, and it's planets are similar to ours, but everything is scaled down to 1/10 in size (IIRC). This makes things less complicated (faster orbit times, closer moons and planets, etc). However, they didn't scale gravity accordingly, for obvious reasons. Also, a bigger planet would require more processing power.
  12. It was discussed somtime after the Kurt J Kerman idea, the team asked HarvestR, and he said it depends on the content he would show. Like how close it is to the final version, will the showed feature get actually implemented in that version, whether it's a secret feature or not, etc.
  13. Kurt is officially a member of the test group, the dev team may allow him to record and upload footage from experimental versions. Would be cool, but probably won't happen :/
  14. Thanks everyone for the good feedback, I'm glad you guys liked them! I didn't know you can disable signatures, I'll put the link in the post!
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